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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 300

Chapter 300 Why Should I Give You Money 

Chapter 300 Why Should I Give You Money 

George called Joseph once more, inquiring about Fanny’s address

Although Joseph was perplexed, he was casually dismissed by George

After obtaining the address, George hung up the phone

Where is she?Britney couldn’t wait to locate Fanny and immediately inquired

As soon as George provided Britney with the address he had just acquired, the doctor arrived

Britney proceeded directly to the address and knocked on the door without uttering a word, creating a loud noise

Fanny had been confined for a day. Upon her release, she first went to the hospital. Currently, she was not in high spirits, so she was catching up on sleep

Upon being awakened by the noise, her initial reaction was that someone had knocked on the wrong door, so she disregarded it

However, as the knocking persisted, she suddenly sat up in bed, curious about who was outside and slightly apprehensive

After a while, the knocking continued

She approached the door and inquired, Who is it?” 

Upon hearing Fanny’s voice, Britney recognized her and believed that George had not deceived her

Although Fanny did reside in this location, she hesitated to open the door

Yet, Britney refrained from speaking directly, fearing that doing so might deter Fanny from opening the door

Continuing to knock on the door, Britney even crouched down and deliberately avoided the door’s peephole

Looking through the peephole and seeing no one outside, Fanny assumed it was a child from another household knocking on the door. She intended to open the door and reprimand 



Chapter 300 why shou 

Unaware that Britney was already crouched outside the door, as soon as Fanny opened the door Binney burst in 

How dare you hide, Fanny! Are you avoiding your own mom as well?She stormed into the room, scolding Fanny 

Fanny was taken aback by Britney’s sudden entrance. How did you find me?She took a few steps back, evading the fierce Britney

Without hesitation, Britney seated herself on the sofa, loudly biting into a piece of fruit. Observing Fanny’s puzzled expression, she sarcastically retorted, I have my ways of locating you. Don’t you want to see me?‘ 

Aren’t you supposed to be in custody?Fanny didn’t stop Britney when she saw her casually eating. She couldn’t help but wonder how Britney had been released so quickly

She had been stabbed by Britney, resulting in the latter’s detention. At that moment, she believed it was worthwhile, as it meant she wouldn’t have to return to Lynch’s village and could potentially rejoin the Kins Family

Can’t you wish me well for once? Are you truly my daughter?” 

How can I wish you well? You stabbed me with a knife!” 

Naturally. Fanny couldn’t find it in her heart to wish good things for Britney. If she could, her 

-a deceased most fervent wish might have been for Britney to face the same fate as Mike person

How dare you bring up the fact that I stabbed you? If you hadn’t arranged for someone to kill your father, would I have accidentally stabbed you?Britney was so incensed that she slammed the table, glaring at Fanny

With involving the authorities and sending Fanny to jail, there wouldn’t have been much benefit for Britney. She genuinely desired to take legal action and rid herself of the troublesome Fanny

I didn’t do it! Don’t accuse me!When Fanny heard Britney mention Mike, she immediately felt guilty

Fearing that Britney would persist in bothering her, she inquired once more, If you stabbed me, you wouldn’t be out so soon; did you escape? If you did escape, you should return promptly! Don’t risk being apprehended again and facing an even lengthier confinement!” 

Britney spat out a fruit pit on the ground and proudly exclaimed, I was bailed out by someone. Didn’t expect that, did you?” 


Chapter 300 Why Should I Give You Money 

Upon hearing this. Fanny immediately inquired, Who? Who bailed you out? Was it Angela?” 

The first person she thought of was Angela, as she believed Angela was the only one who would oppose her and not want things to go smoothly for her

The more Fanny thought about it, the more she became convinced that Angela had likely bailed out Britney to cause trouble for her

It wasn’t her” 

Britney had also considered the possibility of Angela being the one who bailed her out, but when she encountered Angela the day before, Angela seemed surprised to see her outside

Then who else would bail you out?Fanny asked; puzzled

I came to visit you, not to have this discussion!Britney asserted bluntly, her impatience mounting as Fanny fixated on who bailed her out. I’m here to get some money from you, so 

urry up and hand them over.”“ 

Fanny was taken aback. You came to ask me for money? Why should I give you any?” 

However, Britney remained unabashed. Simply because you’re my daughter, and I’m your mother 

You’re not my mother. My actual mother has already provided you with money! She explicitly instructed you not to bother me again!Fanny shouted

The money she gave me before is 

  1. e. You better give me money now! Otherwise, I’ll expose the fact that you harmed your own father! I am your biological mother, and people will believe what I say!” 

I won’t give you any money! That case was closed long ago, and I have cleared my name. Why should I give you money?” 

Realizing threats were ineffective, Britney decided to act shamelessly

If you won’t provide me with money, who will? I can’t go back to the village because of you. I have to make a living elsewhere, so you must give me the money!” 

Upon hearing her audacious demands, Fanny’s anger flared, and she sternly instructed Britney to leave. I have no money. Leave now!” 


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