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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 452

Chapter 452 I Don’t Have A Brother 

James raised an eyebrow. So, Angela has been holding a grudge against Fanny all this time?” 

As memories of past clashes between Fanny and Angela resurfaced, he couldn’t help but acknowledge the possibility. Still, he hesitated to believe Angela was the mastermind behind it all

Scarlet nodded gravely upon realizing that James, residing far away in Riverdon, might have not been fully informed about Angela’s previous misdeeds that led to conflicts between Fanny and Yaxley. Hence, she wasted no time in bringing it to his attention

With a furrowed brow, James acknowledged her words. Mom, I’m aware of that. Joseph filled me in.” 

The mention of Joseph prompted him to ponder, I wonder what insights Joseph might have offered if I were present

The thought of Joseph still being detained weighed heavily on his mind as he sighed and turned to her. Mom, have you considered the possibility that Fanny might have offended someone else?” 

Scarlet swiftly defended Fanny’s character, stating, Fanny is so wellbehaved and sensible. It’s hard to imagine her offending anyone. Only someone like Angela would target her without reason

Observing Jamessomber expression and lack of response, she continued her criticism of Angela. Angela doesn’t even have the courage to answer your calls. Clearly, she’s feeling guilty about something!” 

James remained silent as his thoughts were consumed by the dilemma at hand. Mom, even if Angela is involved, we can’t afford to antagonize her now, After all, aren’t you still relying on her to help rescue Joseph and Zacharias?” 

Scarlet looked extremely pale, but deep down, she felt that Joseph and Zacharias were indeed slightly more important than Fanny, so she could only sigh and shake her head

James attempted to comfort her. I doubt Angela’s behind this. If it were her, Mom, you wouldn’t need to worry about Fanny so much.” 

For some reason, he just couldn’t believe Angela was capable of being cruel or ruthless

Scarlet fell into silence, and her expression was grim

The mother and son sat quietly on the couch and the atmosphere was silent as well


Chapter 452 I Don’t Have A Brother 

After a while, Scarlet picked up her phone again and said anxiously, I’ll give Fanny another calle 

James didn’t stop her. He felt that if she could get through, Fanny shouldn’t be in any life- threatening danger

On the other side, Fanny, who was left at the villa by Florence, saw her phone fully charged and was about to call James back when she spotted the incoming call from Scarlet

Her hand trembled as she took the phone, but she answered it as quickly as she could

When Fanny picked up, Scarlet’s voice rang with a mix of worry and surprise

Fanny, where have you been? Your phone was off for ages.” 

Fanny sensed Scarlet had been searching for her anxiously for a while. Mom, I’m at a friend’s house. She invited me over, and I forgot to give you a headsup. My phone died, but it’s charged now.” 

Scarlet found Fanny’s explanation a bit stretched, but she was relieved they were finally talking, and the latter’s explanation eased her initially tense heart

Thank God, Fanny isn’t restrained by Angela

Okay, that’s a relief. So, when are you coming home, Fanny?” 

Fanny wasn’t sure herself when she could return

After hesitating for a while, she finally asked, Can I stay at my friend’s for a few days, Mom? Please?” 

Scarlet didn’t sound thrilled, but she agreed and reminded Fanny to take care of herself

Just before hanging up, Scarlet dropped Jamesname

The call was then passed to him

After a brief exchange, he curiously inquired if Fanny knew anything about Joseph spreading rumors about Angela

Naturally, Fanny denied any knowledge, and the call ended shortly afterward

Once the line went dead, she felt a rush of confusion sweep over her

Why did James suddenly bring up Joseph’s gossip about Angela? Does he suspect my involvement


Chapter 152I Don’t Have A Brother 

With a quick shake of her head, she dismissed the thought

Her only link to the matter was Telvis, whom she had introduced to Joseph

It all started on her first day back at Northland Medical University after Christopher departed from Northland

And it was Joseph’s concern for her that led him to drive her to school that day

When they casually crossed paths with Telvis, they were discussing how heartless Angela was for completely disregarding Zachariasillness

That person seems to be in training with Angela,she mentioned, gesturing toward Telvis

Joseph, already upset with Angela’s cold treatment, scrutinized Telvis after hearing her words, and this made Fanny secretly hope he would do something about it

However, she didn’t expect him to just hand Telvis a flimsy note. Though everything written on the note was true, it still gave Angela an opportunity

She outright denied Zacharias, her own brother

Thinking about how Joseph didn’t cause any trouble for Angela but ended up embarrassed instead, Fanny felt he was more trouble than he was worth

But even though she had a lot of opinions about him in her heart, she didn’t dare to reveal them in front of him

The next morning

Angela learned from Jonathan that James had stopped by. Still halfasleep, she mumbled, When?” 

Jonathan smirked, and a trace of amusement danced in his eyes



dozed off

Angela’s checks flushed immediately. She recalled how worn out she was last night after Jonathan’s relentless teasing

Upon contemplating his unchecked desires, she felt a mix of embarrassment and wistfulness. Back in Riverdon, Sebastian and May would probably have been hoping for her to have a chubby little boy by now

As she reminisced, her blush deepened

Yet, despite everything, memories of Riverdon made her feel a pang of longing. Even though 


Chapter 452 I Don’t Have A Brother 

there wasn’t all sunshine and roses in her past life, it was still home, where she felt more at case


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