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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 454

Chapter 454 Monitoring Scarlet 

James looked over at Zacharias, who lay weakly on the hospital bed, his face drained of color and tension etched into his features. Come on, take a seat,Zacharias said, managing a weak. smile

He extended his frail arm from under the blanket and lightly tapped the edge of the bed twice

Even though there were chairs scattered around the room, Zacharias had a gut feeling that whatever James was about to say might not be easy to hear. So, he decided to show a bit of vulnerability beforehand

James let out a heavy sigh as he took in the latter’s pallid complexion and the strained smile plastered across his face. Some of his frustration melted away, and he settled himself onto the edge of the bed

We’re still on the hunt for a kidney for Fanny,James said slowly, his gaze locked onto Zachariasface

He had a hunch about what Zacharias might be thinking and saw this as a chance to probe a bit further

Zacharias cast his eyes downward. Thanks. Any updates on the kidney source?” 

In truth, he was not optimistic about Jamesand Joseph’s efforts to secure a kidney donor. It seemed akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Nevertheless, they were running out of options

Which sane person would willingly give up such a vital organ like a kidney? That was why most kidney donors were those who had signed donation agreements before their only to be donated posthumously


But even after excluding various circumstances, the number of usable kidneys was actually quite limited

And to top it off, before Fanny, how many people were already in line, waiting for a chance to get a kidney? They didn’t need to check; they knew it was not a small number

As Zacharias sighed softly, James remained silent, allowing the room to hang in a heavy stillness. After a while, the former looked up and asked, What should we do about Angela’s not answering your calls?” 

He instinctively changed the subject, not wanting James to dwell on the issue of where Fanny’s kidney would come from. He was determined to do everything he could for her illness


Chapter 434 Monitoring Scarlet 

Upon hearing Angela’s name. James shook his head. There’s nothing we can do. She’s probably in training now. I’ll try again at noon.” 

Zacharias acknowledged and then said. James, I think I can leave the hospital. Can you talk to Mom about it

He wanted to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible and then avoid Scarlet and take Fanny to another hospital for kidney transplant surgery

He had mentioned the idea of being discharged to Scarlet,but she flatly refused. Knowing her stance wouldn’t change, especially with his recent health issues, he decided not to push the matter further. Despite his ongoing struggles with his health, he made a concerted effort over 

past few days to appear more stable and hide any discomfort from Fang Honglan. While his condition hadn’t seen much improvement, at least he managed to present a better façade

Rather than addressing his inquiry directly, James threw him off guard with a sudden question. Are you considering donating a kidney to Fanny 

As he posed the question, he felt a sense of clarity. He couldn’t prevent him from acting, so he needed to find a way to monitor his intentions

Zacharias found himself at a loss for words and was unsure of how to respond to James unexpected query

Should I deny it? He didn’t really want to lie to James directly

So, he opted for a strained smile and said. James, aren’t you aware of the results from the compatibility test? It didn’t yield a match

While Joseph likely informed James of the test results, he likely withheld this information from the latter

Mhm, it’s good that you understand.” James nodded and gently patted the always frail Zacharias

He didn’t mind the affectionate gesture as Zacharias continued to plead. James. I can’t stand being cooped up in this hospital anymore. I want to get discharged and wander around Northland. Since I arrived in this town. I haven’t had the chance to explore.” 

James took a moment to absorb words

Zacharias persisted, Please, James, help me convince Mom.” 

James studied him for a moment, and just when Zacharias thought he would reject the idea outright. James replied, Hmm.” 

A brief flicker of surprise crossed Zachariassickly face, and it was swiftly replaced by 


Chapter 454 Monitoring Scarlet 

gratitude and reassurance. Thanks, James. I’ll make sure to be cautious once I’m discharged.” 

James sighed with a tinge of resignation. I’ll talk to Mom about it, but I can’t promise she’ll agree.” 

With Zachariashealth in such a fragile state, Scarlet might stubbornly insist on keeping him. in the hospital for treatment

However, considering that Zacharias might still be pondering the kidney donation, perhaps convincing Scarlet to agree and then addressing the matter headon would be more beneficial

He wasn’t indifferent to his Fanny. He just made the same choice as other members of the Kins Family

Jamesthoughts on the kidney donation surprisingly align with Zacharias! That is, compared to Fanny, Zacharias was more important

James, just lend me your support in persuading Mom. I’ll handle discussing the hospital discharge with her,” Zacharias urged eagerly

Even though James expressed doubt about his ability to sway Scarlet, Zacharias remained confident in his own persuasion skills

While Scarlet’s love for her sons was uniform, her treatment of James, the eldest son and heir to the Kins Family, differed slightly from the others

She would likely be more open to Jamesinfluence

With these thoughts in mind, Zacharias expressed gratitude to James once more before stifling a yawn

He feared that if James lingered in his ward, he might delve into other topics and forget about persuading Scarlet

If James left now, he should still remember to bring up the hospital discharge with Scarlet, shouldn’t he

James Kins saw through Zacharias Kinsintentions but didn’t expose them, simply getting up and saying, You look tired. Take a rest. I’ll step out for a bit.” 

When he exited the ward, he immediately noticed Scarlet waiting outside

In that moment, she anxiously gripped her phone, as if in the midst of a call, though she remained silent

Since stepping out, she had been grappling with the question of whether Fanny had truly 



gone to a friend’s house to hang out

The more she dwelled on it, the more her anxiety mounted, prompting her to dial Fanny’s number

Yet, as the call connected, she realized Fanny’s line had been busy the entire time, indicating 

no answer



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