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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 456

Chapter 456 Fanny Returns To Scarlet 

She didn’t allow him to ask for the specific location as soon as he heard that she was going to the suburbs of Northland for an exam

Fanny had checked beforehand, so it naturally rolled off her tongue

Upon hearing this, Kaydron couldn’t contain himself any longer

She continued to entice, She won’t be able to take many people with her for the exam, probably just three like last time. If you bring a few more people than last time or quietly take action against her, you can definitely grab her.” 

Fanny’s words were airy, and Kaydron listened with ease, even imagining along with her

Come to think of it, when he took people to intercept Angela before, perhaps it was just for profit. But now, just mentioning going after Angela, he still wanted to vent his frustration from the last failure

The last time was really embarrassing, and if there was another time, he would certainly want to redeem himself

And Fanny was right; he was quite familiar with the outskirts of Northland

The area she mentioned, he was no stranger to

Kaydron sat silently as Fanny tried to provoke him

You’re not just going to swallow the humiliation from last time, are you? If it were me, I’d definitely make Angela regret it.” 

Her words struck a nerve with him, and he slammed his hand on the table. No way! Not only am I going to teach her a lesson, but I’ll also make sure to catch her before her exam and make her suffer!” 

His words were firm, which greatly satisfied her

Meanwhile, another person scheming to sabotage Angela’s exam was Florence

Florence was leisurely listening to her subordinatesreports at home when suddenly, one of them mentioned Angela’s upcoming exam

Exam? What exam?She wondered why Angela’s exam would concern her

Her question puzzled her/subordinates for a moment, but they quickly explained, Miss, you ordered us to ensure Angela doesn’t make it to the next round.” 

Chapter 456 Fanny Returns To Scarlet 

Upon hearing this explanation, she realized why Angela’s exam was brought up. 

However, she genuinely couldn’t remember giving such an order

Florence, lounging lazily, absently toyed with her fingers. Well, we might as well press on with the plan,she remarked

Her thoughts were consumed by Jonathan, yet he seemed impervious to her advances. She had pinned her hopes on Fanny to coax Christopher to Northland. However, after Fanny’s negotiations all morning, all she got was a vague confirmation that Christopher would come to Northland, but the timing was uncertain

The temptation to venture to Riverdon herself and forcibly bring him back gnawed at her, but the vigilant elders of the Shelton Family kept a close watch. They weren’t about to let her or any of her people leave Northland during this precarious period

So, how are the arrangements shaping up?she inquired, masking her boredom with feigned 


I’ve got everything under control. No room for error,” the other person reassured her

Under control? You’re not planning any harm to Angela, are you?Florence interjected, her concern for Angela’s safety overriding her competitive streak

Fret not, there won’t be any harm done. I can assure you of that,came the solemn promise

Observing his confident demeanor, Florence didn’t bother to inquire further about the details, as all she desired was a successful outcome

After spending time with Kaydron, Fanny took a shot at cracking his phone’s password. But alas, her efforts were in vain

Upon leaving, Fanny planned to visit the hospital to investigate and persuade Zacharias

Heading back to Riverdon was her Plan B, but bringing Zacharias along was her best shot at a way forward

Florence’s subordinates were still hot on her trail, and without contacting Christopher or receiving a call from him, Fanny couldn’t reclaim her phone.. 

At the police station, Fanny opted for her own wheels, with Florence’s men following close behind

Later, when she visited Kaydron’s house, they continued to follow her

Now, Fanny abandoned the idea of taking an Uber and straightforwardly approached the two 



Chapter 456 Fanny Returns To Scarlet 

Hey guys, I need to get to Mercy Hospital. Can you give me a ride?” 

The two guys sized her up before one finally gestured toward the car, Hop in.” 

Fanny compiled and flashed them a smile as she settled into the backseat

Now that I’m here, any chance I could grab my phone for a bit?She thought since the two men had backed off a bit, she could test the waters

Unfortunately, they ignored her and merely stated that they would hand it over when Christopher called

Fanny decided not to press further and let the issue go

It wasn’t until they reached the hospital that she noticed Scarlet seemingly preoccupied with something

Mom,she called out

Scarlet, initially startled and assumed she was hearing things, quickly made her way over upon seeing Fanny

Fanny? Shouldn’t you be in class?she asked incredulously

Fanny realized she was not only under surveillance by Florence’s men but also playing truant, so she scrambled to explain. Mom, we have a holiday, Otherwise, I wouldn’t have. been at a friend’s place yesterday.” 

Scarlet didn’t pry any further and instead focused on the stack of paperwork before her

Fanny’s eyes drifted downward, and she noticed Scarlet’s concentration on processing Zachariasdischarge papers

Mom?Her voice held a hint of confusion. Shouldn’t Zac stay a bit longer? He hasn’t fully recovered yet.” 

At that moment, Scarlet paused abruptly, as if something had sparked her memory. She ignored Fanny’s inquiry and posed her own question instead

Ah, right. Fanny, why didn’t you pick up your phone earlier? Every time I called, it was occupied. Who were you chatting with?” 

She fired off two questions in a row, leaving Fanny momentarily flustered. Yet, she quickly pieced together the situation

Scarlet had attempted to reach her earlier today. However, Fanny had been desperately trying to get in touch with Christopher. After finally connecting with him, her phone had 


Chapter 456 Fanny Returns To Scarlet 

been confiscated by someone from Florence’s subordinates and b any other calls

her from answering 


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