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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 461

Chapter 461 They Were Not Together 

spite of two cars trailing behind, the lead car maintained its speed unaffected

Soon after, Jonathan’s pair of vehicles pulled up outside the company building

Florence instructed the driver to park nearby, while James positioned his car adjacent to Florence’s

Unbeknownst to him, James had been tailing Florence’s car, mistaking it for Jonathan’s

Therefore, when he parked, he assumed the occupants exiting the vehicle were Jonathan’s associates

His aim was to find Angela, intending to explain his motives directly to whoever emerged

However, upon seeing the person exiting the car, he was momentarily taken aback. Miss Florence Shelton?” 

James had been briefed about Florence by Hugh beforehand, and he had also gained insights into the achievements of the Shelton Family from a friend before his arrival in Northland. He knew Florence, recognized as the lady of the Shelton Family, had assumed the role of heir to the family

Thus, even though they hadn’t formally met, he had glimpsed her photograph in the newspaper provided by his friend

As someone acknowledged her presence, Florence casually turned her head, seemingly. indifferent to James

Despite being informed by her companions in the car that they were being trailed, Florence remained unperturbed

She was confident that no one would dare to challenge her in Northland for the time being

In a moment of inadvertence, James spoke up, only to swiftly realize his mistake. Initially contemplating avoiding Florence, he discovered her superior skill in ignoring others

Because at that moment, she was already making her way toward Jonathan and his companions

Without hesitation, he followed suit

He needed to meet Angela today, as he needed to identify who was pressuring the police station and hindering his efforts to secure Joseph’s release on bail

Chapter 461They Were Not Together 

While Florence paid no attention to the discreet tail following her, those around her were 

len. One individual promptly stepped forward and blocked Jamespath

Who are you? Why are you following Miss Shelton?the individual questioned

Observing James in formal attire but alone in the car with no other occupants, the individual became less guarded

Upon recognizing Florence, James felt a twinge of apprehension and instinctively opted to candidly reveal his intentions

With a positive demeanor, he explained his purpose to the individual. In response, the person simply stated, You wait back here for now.” 

James didn’t dare to protest. Observing his compliance, the individual swiftly turned and 

caught up with Florence and the others. Subsequently, he briefed the leader on James intentions

Is he seeking Jonathan too?Florence casually inquired after being informed

With two cars, Jonathan’s group hurriedly entered the company building as if escaping a flood or a wild animal

Florence’s car wasn’t parked nearby, and she was detained outside the building after a brief pursuit

She hadn’t anticipated losing them and was now feeling frustrated

Furthermore, she couldn’t help but speculate whether Jonathan’s apparent lack of awareness of their presence was a result of her team’s exceptional tracking skills, or if Jonathan was deliberately feigning ignorance to lose them

Despite her team’s earlier exchange of pleasantries with the receptionist, they were met with the same composed demeanor in response. Nevertheless, they remained waiting in the downstairs reception lobby

Upon inquiry, her subordinate promptly responded, Well, sounds like it. He mentioned that he was here to see Angela.” 

Angela?Florence repeated the name with a disapproving tone, recalling the incident where Angela had turned her away at the door, solidifying her negative opinion of her

Moreover, Angela was her rival

Even though Florence hadn’t yet plotted any harm against Angela, it was also implausible for her to treat Angela overly kindly

Blister 401 They Were Not Together 

Did he mention anything else?Florence asked casually while awaiting further details from Jonathan’s group

No, Miss Shelton. But don’t worry, I told him to wait behind us,reassured her subordinate

Florence impatiently clapped her hands. Bring him here,she demanded

In Florence’s opinion, even though they weren’t together, that man might still be useful

She thought to herself, he’s here for Angela and she is willing to meet him, then there might be a chance for me to meet Jonathan. And since he recognizes me and obediently follows my team’s orders, he surely wouldn’t refuse my request

Upon receiving Florence’s instructions, her subordinate hurried to fetch James

When James was called, his expression was somewhat complex

Miss Shelton, is there something you need from me?he asked

Florence lazily glanced at him before inquiring, Why are you seeking Angela? Will she agree to meet you?” 

She didn’t want to waste time on small talk, as her time was valuable

I need to discuss something with her.” James replied, his face slightly tense

He hadn’t expected to encounter Florence right after hearing about her from Hugh. What a coincidence


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