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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 474

Chapter 474 An Easy Scapegoat 

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After Kaydron left, the casino manager promptly exited through the back door of the casino with his associates

In the car, the manager dialed a number

It’s all set,he said with a hint of flattery in his voice

After hearing something from the other end, the manager kept agreeing, Sure, sure.” 

Once the call ended, the driver who had worked for Kaydron asked the manager, Is this also instructed by that person from above?” 

Not exactly. It’s a good chance to pin the blame on Mr. Reed. Someone in the middle took initiative, and you don’t need to worry about it. Follow the original plan tomorrow, kidnap the target, and after the examination time is up, hand her over to Mr. Reed.” 

Understood,” the driver immediately complied, not probing further

I it 

They all were aware that the person above was connected to the Shelton Family, and it wasn’t their place to question or discuss such matters

If someone overheard, it could lead to serious trouble

Meanwhile, Kaydron was oblivious to the fact that he was being targeted, not to mention a huge trap being prepared just for him. It was his unfortunate timing that made him an easy scapegoat for the Shelton Family’s plan against Angela

As for Fanny, she woke up early, restless about planning her successful return to Riverdon

With no mood to attend school, she decided to take a leave, just like before

Considering Florence had assigned people to follow her, she lost all desire to step outside

Furthermore, James had said they would discuss returning to Riverdon today, but he and Scarlet left early in the morning without any sign of discussion. She was even clueless about their whereabouts

Feeling uneasy, she decided to gauge Zachariasopinion on returning to Riverdon

After taking a deep breath, she knocked on Zachariasdoor

After a while, Zachariasweak voice came from inside, Come in.” 

She entered to see Zacharias looking frail and pale, as if he had just managed to wash and 


10:17 Sat, 20 Apr 



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Chapter 474 An Easy Scapegoat 

tidy up. His gaunt figure seemed like it could collapse at any moment

The draft from the door caused Zacharias to sway, looking as if he was about to fall

She quickly rushed over, helping him to sit in the wheelchair by the bathroom door

Zacharias, are you feeling unwell anywhere?she asked with concern

He weakly shook his head. No.His voice was hoarse and feeble

As Fanny pushed the wheelchair out, she casually inquired, Zacharias, do you know what James and Mom went out for?” 

Zacharias was momentarily taken aback before asking, Mom and James went out?” 

He had been thinking about how to secretly visit the hospital without James and Scarlet knowing, unaware that they had already left. And with Fanny still at home, he realized today was the perfect opportunity to take her to another hospital

Fanny pouted. So, you don’t know either.” 

Noticing Zacharias lost in thought, Fanny pondered how to ask him about returning to Riverdon or if he was willing to go back with her. Despite thinking it over, she couldn’t find the right words

While she was troubled, Zacharias suddenly spoke up, suggesting they visit the hospital together

Confused by the sudden shift in topic, Fanny asked, Zacharias, are you feeling unwell or need a hospital checkup?” 

Feeling a bit unwell, accompany me, please,he replied

Fanny couldn’t say no, though she internally complained about Zachariasdemands. Remembering their kidney compatibility, she mustered some patience and agreed to accompany him to the hospital

Soon enough, Fanny set off with Zacharias

However, Zacharias insisted on going to a different hospital

Aren’t we going to Mercy Hospital, Zacharias? It’s not far, and you were treated there before, so they should be more familiar with your condition,Fanny questioned

Finding Zachariasbehavior a bit strange, Fanny raised an eyebrow

Zacharias sighed and explained, We’re going to a private hospital run by a friend of mine


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Chapter 474 An Easy Scapegoat 

He says it’s good.” 

Though still finding it strange, Fanny didn’t question further

In the cab. Zacharias suddenly inquired about her health, leading her to suspect her exaggerated sickness act from the night before was too convincing

She assured him she was fine

He nodded and suggested, Fanny, why don’t you also get a checkup today?” 

At that moment, Fanny realized why everything felt odd

Was he considering donating his kidney to me

This thought secretly thrilled her, but she modestly agreed

Her diagnosis of kidney failure was a recent event, and because it was in the early stages, there were no significant changes to her health. Yet, the condition hung over her like the sword of Damocles, always threatening to fall

Aware that her match with Zacharias was likely successful, she couldn’t stop thinking about how to get his kidney transplanted into her

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Now that Zacharias had initiated the process, Fanny was thrilled, though she knew she had to conceal her excitement


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