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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 480


Chapter 480 Reached The Right Person 

Hearing a chance to proceed, James eagerly raised his voice, infused with rich emotion, But someone intentionally loiters around Mr. Lawson, leading him to seemingly neglect you” 

He didn’t explicitly state that Jonathan was ignoring Florence; instead, he abruptly paused there

Of course, Florence wouldn’t ask how Jonathan felt about her; she just asked, You contacted me just to tell me a story?” 

She suspected James had an ulterior motive

Through Jamesearlier description, she recalled having indeed met him

At that time, she wasn’t impressed by James and became even more disdainful after learning he was associated with Angela

But now, his carefully chosen words seemed to be targeting Angela

She slowly prodded to see what James was up to

James, awaiting Florence’s query, seized the opportunity as soon as he heard her question, immediately explaining, Of course not, Miss Shelton. I suddenly thought of a way that could be of help to you!” 

Mentioning that he could help Florence, his emotions surged

Florence, listening to Jamestone, felt as if she were recalling the sight of his calculating face, smeared with a sycophantic smile

She slightly furrowed her brows, chuckled coldly, and then, sarcastically asked, How can you help me?” 

James, detecting disdain and scorn in her tone and acutely sensing her irritation, felt a twitch in his eyelid, regretting his approach

Considering his prior conjectures about Florence’s temperament, James decided to risk his tentative plan, hurriedly saying, Actually, you don’t need my help; rather, I have a favor to ask of you… 

Although initially unaware of Florence’s disposition, James managed to grasp it through their brief conversation, learning/how to converse in a manner that pleased her

Sure enough, upon hearing that James sought her assistance, Florence’s laughter came through, sounding far more genuine than the cold chuckle when James offered help



Chapter 480 Reached The Right Person 

James heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a cold sweat on his forehead

Touching it, he realized his brow was covered in sweat

The renown of Miss Florence Shelton was indeed intimidating

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After Florence had laughed enough, she asked, What favor do you want to ask of me?” 

Her tone was cheerful, and her demeanor was as condescending as if she were about to bestow alms on a street beggar

James dared not withhold any information, especially as he was genuinely concerned about Joseph’s situation

However, given Florence’s attitude, he felt he might have approached the right person

Miss Shelton, it’s like this: my younger brother was detained due to a misunderstanding, and I don’t know who is exerting pressure, so I can’t bail him out directly. That’s why I’ve come to ask for your help,James explained

Florence clicked her tongue lightly. I thought it was something major.” 

Hearing her response, James felt a surge of hope. Miss Shelton, if you help me, I will certainly repay you.” 

He carefully catered to Florence’s temperament, appearing ready to do anything for her, betting that she wouldn’t take his words seriously or give him much thought

As expected, she chuckled disdainfully. What help can you offer me?” 

IJames pretended to be conflicted and upset

However, Florence cut him off, decisively stating, I’ll have someone look into your brother’s issue, considering the effort you’ve made to reach me.” 

James was thrilled with this dismissal, quickly expressing gratitude, Thank you, Miss 


Even though he hadn’t finished thanking her before Florence briskly hung up, a look of joy and relief spread across his face

His performance might have been somewhat humiliating, but it proved beneficial

Believing that Florence’s people would quickly find out who was applying the pressure, James rejoiced in his successful act

Meanwhile, Florence, after hanging up, casually ordered her subordinates to investigate the 


10:01 Tue, 23 Apr GM 

Chapter 480 Reached The Right Person 

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Soon, she was presented with a heap of findings

A subordinate respectfully laid all the gathered information on the table. Miss, we have compiled everything we found here.” 

Florence, impatiently scanning the documents without intending to delve into them, commanded, Just tell me.” 

She only wanted to know who was pressuring the police to prevent Joseph’s release and was surprised by the volume of information collected

Preferring a summary, she urged her subordinate to get to the point

Miss, the situation is somewhat complex, which is why we found so much information,the subordinate explained

Cut the nonsense. Tell me who it is.” 

Although she was interested in the narrative, her curiosity about the outcome prevailed

Miss, it’s the Tuckson Family,” he said, pulling out the documents related to the Tuckson Family

The connection to the Tuckson Family was surprising even to her subordinates when they uncovered it

However, further investigation revealed it wasn’t unfounded; while it might seem unrelated on the surface, deeper links existed

Hmm? Which Tuckson Family?Florence asked in confusion

Having returned to Northland for almost a month, she hadn’t paid much attention to the city’s familial clans, especially not one like the Tuckson Family, which couldn’t compare to the Shelton Family


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