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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 502

Chapter 502 Wishing Her for a Miserable End 

Chapter 502 Wishing Her for a Miserable End 

I just find it intriguing,Jane sighed, her gaze fixed 


Harley nodded in agreement, casting a critical eye over Fanny before remarking, It’s no wonder Miss Shelton wanted us to pick you up.” 

Intrigued, Fanny asked, What do you mean?” 

You’ll understand soon,Harley replied curtly, signaling for Fanny to exit the car

It dawned on her that they had pulled up outside a lavish club

Fanny didn’t press further. After getting off the car, she followed Jane and Harley to meet Florence

Upon seeing her, she was engrossed in listening to a man’s report. Her expression was grim and the atmosphere felt tense

Miss Shelton, we’ve brought Fanny,Jane hesitantly spoke up after the other man finished

Florence, appearing to have just noticed their presence, inquired, Is everything taken care of?” 

Jane swiftly reassured her, It’s all set. We used the bags you provided, and by now, the other side should have noticed.” 

At the mention of the bags, Fanny felt a pang of recognition. She remembered Florence instructing her to have her bodyguards bring her some bags and to handle them with gloves to obtain Kaydron’s fingerprints. She simply followed the instructions to wait for Kaydron to fall asleep. Then, after wearing gloves, she pressed each bag onto his fingers as instructed

After handing the bags over to the bodyguards, there were no further developments

Now, as Jane spoke, Fanny’s unease grew. What had they done with those bags? Despite wearing gloves, could her fingerprints have been left behind

Noticing Fanny’s discomfort, Florence glanced casually at her before acknowledging Jane’s report. Well done.” 

Oh, by the way, Miss Shelton,Jane interjected with a smile, Fanny received a call from Kaydron in the car, and he threatened to meet her at the police station.” 

Is that so?Florence turned her attention to Fanny

Fanny nodded quickly. Yes. He threatened me this morning, but I didn’t go.”‘ 


09:55 Sat, 4 May Mrd. 


Chapter 502 Wishing Her for a Miserable End 

+5 Free Coins 

Unsure of Florence’s stance on Kaydron and still puzzled about the purpose of obtaining fingerprints on the bags, Fanny could only offer a vague response


Well, it’s a good thing you didn’t go. I called you here to make sure you everything before we proceed,” Florence said, signaling to the man beside her

Understanding her cue, the man approached Fanny and said, Miss Fanny, please come with 


Nervously, Fanny followed the man out of the room and into another

As soon as the door closed, the man laid out several photos on the coffee table

Fanny was taken aback, her body going cold as she examined the photos closely

On the coffee table, there they were, all those embarrassing photos from her phone that had somehow resurfaced. They weren’t just printed out; they were shamelessly displayed right in front of her. But she had deleted them all last night. So, where on earth did these photos come from

In a panic, Fanny rushed to the table, gathering the photos and holding them tightly

Miss Fanny, please don’t panic. As long as you cooperate, no one else will see these photos,” the man reassured her

Clutching the photos tightly, Fanny urgently inquired, What do you need me to do?She was desperate to dispose of the embarrassing evidence

First, sit down and listen,the man instructed with a smile. Fanny quickly arranged the photos in front of her and settled onto the couch, ready to receive his instructions

Kaydron is now suspected of drug possession,the man began. Miss Shelton wants you to meet him, but your task is to persuade him to accuse Angela.” 

At the mention of drugs, Fanny felt a wave of dizziness as she finally grasped the purpose behind those bags

Kaydron might not heed my words,she interjected, feeling the weight of potential consequences. She doubted Kaydron would cooperate, especially considering her own involvement with the drugs

He’ll listen,the man assured her. Didn’t you mention your ability to connect with the Collier Family?” 

Fanny tensed. How do you know about that?” 

She had used the pretext of being able to establish a relationship with the Collier Family and 



Chapter 502 Wishing Her for a Miserable End 

+5 Free Coins 

tricked Kaydron into helping her. Only Kaydron and she knew about this. How did Florence’s people know about it

The man’s smile remained cryptic. Think about it. Aren’t these photos a part of the puzzle?” 

A shiver ran down Fanny’s spine as she processed his implications. How can I convince him to accuse Angela? Won’t it be too obvious?” 

Just ask if Angela supplied the drugs,the man suggested casually. If he’s clever, he’ll understand.” 

Florence hadn’t pinned her hopes on Kaydron successfully accusing Angela, but since that gambit failed, she saw no harm in unsettling Angela a bit. As the man’s words sank in, Fanny realized Florence hadn’t solely relied on Kaydron to 

te Angela, easing some of the pressure in Fanny’s chest

If Kaydron turns against me, will Miss Shelton intervene?Fanny hesitated, recalling her involvement in obtaining the fingerprints on those bags, a source of unease for her

The man assured her, If you assist Miss Shelton, she will offer you Pon.” 


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