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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Pencil Case 

Chapter 54 Pencil Case 

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Angela felt a sense of relief when she found out that Fanny was exempt from one exam. It was similar to the feeling of completing the SATS

Now, she could prepare a delicious meal for Jonathan

After saying goodbye to Professor Noah, Angela returned to her classroom to gather her books and talk to her teacher

As she entered the classroom, she overheard a few people asking Jessica about her experience as an exchange student abroad

The Turner Family wanted their daughter to take advantage of this opportunity, especially since the school she was going to in the exchange program was considered an Ivy League school. Even if she paid the fees herself, she wouldn’t be able to gain admission

This meant that Angela and Jessica were about to go their separate ways

When Jessica saw Angela, she immediately approached her. AngelaI’m about to leave for abroad.” 

Angela playfully pinched Jessica’s face. Of course. If you do something foolish and stay back because of your emotions, I will scold you.” 

In her previous life, Angela had let her emotions control her to the point where she sent herself away

Emotions weren’t everything in life

Tears welled up in Jessica’s eyes. I still can’t bear to leave you.” 


If you can’t, just send more postcards so that I know you’re doing okay. Alright, make a for yourself abroad. Don’t forget about me when you come back!Angela said in a carefree manner. Also, I have good news. I passed the medical transfer exam. Professor Noah said that I don’t have to take the Brundelian exam.” 

Jessica’s eyes. lit up. She had been so distracted by the other students that she had forgotten today was the day Angela took the exam

Angela, that’s fantastic. Could Professor Noah have thought that you were exceptionally intelligent, which is why he let you pass?” 

What else could it be?Angela laughed. Let’s go. I’ll treat you to some milk tea later.” 



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Chapter 54 Pencil Case 

Let’s go! I should be the one treating you!” 

The two of them left arm in arm, leaving the students in the class, who were waiting to mock Angela for failing the exam, stunned. Did Professor Noah value Angela that much

Hadn’t he heard about her

It had to be. Otherwise, if he knew how terrible her character was, he would not have passed her 

It’s unfair that Angela is getting ahead of us.” 

Professor Noah must have been deceived by her. If he knew what kind of person she was, het would definitely kick her out. After all, a person’s character is a significant factor when they want to become a doctor.” 

Some students murmured, but ultimately, it was none of their business. They soon dispersed, and no one had the time to bother Angela

I think so too. Angela must have used her connections to influence Professor Noah. Otherwise, how could she be allowed to transfer here without even taking the Brundelian exam?Fanny’s desk mate complained

Fanny shook her head. If Angela passed, it must be because she is talented. I’m happy for her.” 

Just as she finished speaking, she noticed Samuel standing in the aisle next to her. She was about to happily call out to him, but when she saw what he was holding in his hand, she froze

Fanny, come. I need to talk to you,” Samuel said, then took a deep breath and walked out of the classroom

Her face turned pale. Nevertheless, she stood up and followed him

When they arrived at a secluded spot, Samuel turned around. Why did you take Angela’s pencil case?” 

SamuelI didn’t.” Fanny bit her lip, her eyes red, tears welling up

Usually, when he saw her like this, Samuel would soften, but it was different this time. He hardened his resolve and pressed on. You didn’t? Are you still going to lie when we’re alone? Do you want me to check the surveillance footage?” 

No!Fanny exclaimed softly, her tears falling. Samuel, I was angry that Angela intentionally 



Chapter 54 Pencil Case 


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caused trouble for me before I went onstage on the day of the competition. It affected my performance, so I didn’t want her to succeed either.” 

Upon hearing her confession, he didn’t feel relieved. Instead, he felt even more disappointed. Fanny, was it just because you didn’t perform well that day? I spoke to the judges, and they showed me the video of your competition. Jessica was almost hit by a banner on her head. Did that affect her performance? In the end, you simply didn’t prepare adequately for the competition

Moreover, you knew that Professor Noah would be invigilating the exam today, and he might not like Angela. She might not even be allowed to enter the exam room, yet you took her pen. Were you trying to sabotage her? Did you not want her to take the exam at all?” 

Fanny was on the verge 

of collapsing. Shaking her head desperately, she replied, “Samuel, I didn’t know that Professor Noah would be invigilating today. I didn’t think that far ahead. I’m sorry. I’ll apologize to Angela right away.” 

Seeing Fanny crying pitifully, Samuel softened. I can cover for you this time, but Angela will be transferred to the medical department. She’ll

far away from us. You should also stay 

away from her and not interfere in her affairs anymore. Understood?” 

When Fanny heard his commanding tone, she looked up with teary eyes and nodded. Then, she cautiously asked, Samuel, do you like Angela more than me now?” 

He instinctively frowned. How could I like her? I only have one sister, and that’s you.” 

Upon hearing this, Fanny finally smiled. Okay, Samuel.” 

Samuel’s frown relaxed, but something seemed to be weighing on his mind


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