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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 No One Remembers Her 

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Angela found herself in a daze, hearing Christopher’s question but not answering with her eyes closed

Whether her answer was yes or no, it had nothing to do with Christopher

Christopher waited for a few seconds. When he didn’t hear a response, he snorted coldly and left with a stern face

At the entrance of the hospital, Fanny was dressed lightly, her face red from the cold. The cold wind made her delicate figure appear fragile and unsteady

When Christopher walked out of the hospital entrance, he frowned upon seeing Fanny in this state. He quickly approached her, taking off his coat and placing it on her

Why are you dressed so lightly? What are you doing here?he asked, his tone somewhat harsh

Wrapped in the warmth of the coat, Fanny felt her cold body start to warm up. I was waiting for you,she replied

It’s so cold here. Why didn’t you wait inside? Are you foolish?Christopher grabbed her hand, his hands icy cold. He unhappily held her hand and blew warm air onto it. Don’t do 

this next time.” 

You didn’t let me know you were coming here. Are beautiful eyes filled with sadness

you upset?Fanny asked timidly, her 

Christopher sighed and lifted Fanny into his arms, then led her toward the car

I’m not angry with you; I’m just angry that Uncle George acted impulsively. Why couldn’t he handle things properly? He didn’t have to resort to violence, especially when Angela was already injured.Christopher paused for a moment, his dark eyes flickering. You were all there at the time; why didn’t anyone intervene?” 

Fanny nestled in Christopher’s arms, her delicate hands wrapped around his waist. Upon hearing his words, her eyes immediately welled up with tears. I wanted to intervene, but I was scared at the time” 

It’s my fault. I’m too cowardly,Fanny choked, her expression filled with selfblame. My dad was furious and didn’t hold back. Even if I was scared, I should have stepped in to protect Angela.” 


Chapter 75 No One Remembers Her 

In 13:15 

Christopher thought of Angela’s appearance just moments ago, and a realization dawned upon him

However, Fanny’s selfreproachful and fragile demeanor also evoked sympathy from Christopher. He lifted Fanny’s soft, fair chin and wiped away the tears that clung to the comers of her eyes

Fanny looked even more sorrowful

Christopher spoke up. Forget it. Your dad was furious. If you had intervened, what would have happened if you got hurt?” 

It’s my fault. If it weren’t for me, Angela wouldn’t have woken up and immediately told my dad that she wanted to move out and sever all ties with us. Fanny threw herself back into Christopher’s embrace. If someone has to sacrifice, I’d rather it be me. I was always unnecessary

Fanny’s understanding and kindness touched Christopher’s heart. Any sympathy he had for Angela was suppressed

Angela can’t handle her relationship with her family on her own and has to forcefully insert herself into Fanny’s and my relationship. She even mentions severing ties with the Kins Family. No wonder Uncle George is so furious

Approaching the car, Christopher opened the door and urged Fanny to get in quickly

He circled around to the driver’s seat and said, Don’t worry about this matter anymore. Don’t take all the blame upon yourself. You’re so gentle by nature; what will you do once you graduate without me protecting you?” 

Fanny chuckled and sniffed, nodding gently with a soft, coquettish voice. Then you have to protect me all the time.” 

Of course. Soon, you will be my fiancée, and if I don’t protect you, who will?: Christopher smiled gently, assuring Fanny that Jonathan would help them and convince Old Mr. Sanders to agree to the marriage

Fanny blinked and then eagerly reached out her arm, embracing the man and shyly kissing the corner of his mouth

Christopher caught her and, filled with tenderness, reached out to stroke her nose. I’ll take 

back; you 

should rest for a while.” 


Fanny obediently agreed, her eyes filled with happiness


Chapter 75 No One Remembers Her 


64% 13:15 

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The main obstacle between her and Christopher was Kevin Sanders, who valued bloodlines. and only recognized Angela, the legitimate daughter, for the engagement. No matter how well she did or how outstanding she was, in Kevin’s eyes, only Angela could marry into the Sanders Family

However, due to Jonathan’s physical condition, Kevin almost unquestioningly listened to him

With Jonathan’s help this time, there would be no issue with her and Christopher’s 


Why does Jonathan suddenly agree to help

In the hospital room, after midnight, Angela developed a high fever, with beads of sweat covering her forehead

She clutched the bedsheet, whimpering in discomfort, struggling to breathe

Jonathan put down his heavy notebook and reached out to touch her forehead and face. She has a fever. Call the doctor.” 

The nearby nurse hurriedly agreed and ran out

Jonathan softly called her, Angela, the doctor will be here soon. How are you feeling?” 

Angela groggily opened her eyes, feeling sweaty and uncomfortable all over. She was feverish. Jonathanwhat are you doing here?” 

She glanced at the time and realized it was already past twelve

You have a fever. Do you want some water?” 

Angela nodded, her throat feeling dry and aflame as if it were on fire

Jonathan poured a glass of water and handed it to her. She drank more than half of it before setting it down. He then wrung out a towel from a basin and wiped the sweat off her

Soon, the doctor rushed in and conducted an examination

You were exposed to cold earlier and then had a fright in the evening. It’s normal to have a fever in the middle of the night. Just keep an eye on the fever, and once it subsides, everything will be fine. I’ll prescribe some feverreducing medication for her to take.” 


445 13:15 

Chapter 7 No Che Remembers Her 

After prescribing the medication, the nurse ted Angela a few fever reducing pills and instructed her to go back to deep 

Mr. Lawson, why don’t you go get some rest first? F’ll take care of Angela for the rest of the might” 

The nurse thought. They have a really good relationship. Mr. Lawson comes over after work and is try by Angela’s side all this time. Net Ms. Lawson is perfect in every way, handsome and charming, except for his leg condition. It is such a pity 

Jonathan rubbed his throbbing temples and glanced at the sleeping Angela. He nodded and said. Alright, I’ll be in the next room. Call me if you need anything 

The door to the ward was gently closed


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