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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self (Angela and Joseph) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Her Princess Room 

Chapter 86 Her Princess Room 

Jonathan reviewed the photos and information, quickly scanning the individuals in the photos before setting them aside. His focus was primarily on Felix’s information

The information was concise, detailing Felix’s past and criminal records. Although there were no instances of murder or arson, there were numerous fights and brawls, and he had been incarcerated multiple times

Jonathan read through it swiftly, flipping through a few pages with his slender fingers, and his gaze finally settled on a few lines. It mentioned that Felix had once taken matters into his own hands and, on behalf of Horace, confronted a colleague who had a falling out with him at the company. He didn’t hold back, but in the end, Horace covered it up with money

Scratching his nose, Simon remarked, It seems likethere is no evidence of anyone else involved with Miss Angela.” 

Angela’s identity was truly unsettling, and the timing of her appearance was remarkably coincidental

Hmm….Jonathan pondered for a moment before speaking calmly, Handle those suspicious: individuals.” 

Simon simply replied, Understood.” He pursed his lips and silently criticized in his mind, Just your luck, Felix Chandler. You keep making wrong decisions and even try to get your paws on the bossgirlfriend

Time flew by, and a few days later, it was time for Angela to be discharged from the hospital. During her stay, she had been resting peacefully in the hospital, receiving excellent care and making a good recovery

Sebastian personally arrived to pick her up from the hospital, taking note of the doctor’s instructions to ensure nothing was overlooked. As they left the hospital, he insisted on carrying everything, leaving Angela to walk ahead emptyhanded, feeling slightly uncomfortable

Although she wasn’t accustomed to it, her heart felt warm. In her previous socalled family, she had never experienced such care and was even treated as a servant. She never expected

find a sense of home and warmth from people who weren’t related to her by blood

Especially when comparing it to the last time she was discharged, Fanny was surrounded by many people while Angela was completely forgotten and left at the hospital entrance


ax 12:38 

Chapter 86 Her Princess Room 

Sebastian sat in the driver’s seat, smiling as he said, This time, when we return, we will stay at Master Jonathan’s place. He specifically instructed someone to prepare a room for you, Angela, See if you like it later” 

For a second, Angela was taken aback. Are we going to be living together? Is this Jonathan’s idea

But Jonathan must have his intentions, so Angela obediently agreed, Okay, thank you, Sebastian” 

At the villa

Compared to the desolation she had witnessed upon her arrival, the courtyard now brimmed with life. Various potted plants and blooming roses adorned the yard, creating a springlike atmosphere that instantly lifted one’s spirits. A beautiful climbing rose was in full bloom

Sebastian smiled. Thanks to your suggestion, Angela, the yard looks much more beautiful. after planting the roses.” 

Angela couldn’t help but admire them for a moment. Is all of this created with money

Planting roses was no easy task, especially for so many of them. It must have been quite costly because they could be planted in winter for spring bloom

After crossing the courtyard and entering the villa, May led her to see her room

I wasn’t sure what you would like, Angela, so I prepared things that girls usually enjoy, such as dolls, trinkets, and princess dressesMay led her upstairs while muttering, feeling a bit. nervous about Angela’s opinion

Having worked as a caregiver before, May knew how to cook and take care of people. Unexpectedly, Jonathan doubled her salary and hired her to continue looking after Angela

It was like a dream come true, and May was determined to take excellent care of Angela and ensure her satisfaction

They halted in front of a room, and May opened the door for her. As the scene came into view, Angela was momentarily stunned. She hesitated before entering, taking in the furnishings inside the room at a slow pace

The room was spacious and immaculate, something she could never have imagined before. Every aspect of the room was adorned in a delicate pink color, with the wallpaper, wardrobe, desk, and bedding all perfectly coordinated. It was charming without being gaudy, and one could say it was a room fit for a true princess

The bedding was neatly arranged, and the silk fabric appeared incredibly soft and smooth. It 



Chapter 86 Her Princess Room 

was evident that sleeping on it would be very comfortable

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+5 Free Coins 

In the innermost part of the room was a dressing room, even larger than the storage room where she used to sleep. It was filled with tastefully designed dresses of various colors, along with matching hair accessories and shoes

Angela stared at all of this and suddenly recalled the day she was first brought to the Kins Family

She was still young at that time, timidly following the adults through the threshold of the Kins Family. It was easy for her to spot Fanny, who was surrounded by her parents and brothers

Fanny, who was fair and wore a stunning princess dress, ran over to greet her. She was holding a doll that few children in that era would possess, making her appear like a little princessnoble and reserved

On the other hand, Angela was just a child from the countryside, with dark and sallow skin, wearing homemade and rustic clothes. Her shoes even had a bit of dust on them, making her seem like a speck of dirt compared to Fanny

However, Fanny seemed very excited about her arrival, wearing a joyful expression on her face. She took Angela’s hand and led her into the house, enthusiastically showing Angela the layout of her home and her room

It was an extremely feminine room, with furniture and bedding that were spotless. There were also dozens of cute and delicate dolls, clearly a princess room that had been. meticulously cared for. All of this was something Angela had never seen before. To her, it felt like stepping into another world

My parents and brothers arranged all of this for me. Isn’t it beautiful?Fanny smiled innocently, blinking. Angela, if you like my room, I will tell Mom and Dad to give this room to you.” 

At that time, Angela was young and believed in Fanny’s friendliness and generosity. She nodded cautiously and quickly added, It’s okay, I can stay in another room” 


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