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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 112

It was clear Mikayla wanted nothing more to do with Deidre.

Observing Mikayla's departure, Deidre snapped sharply, "Do you honestly think Natasha, Carlos' sister, is a saint? She's a snake!"

Back at her office, Mikayla struggled to focus on her work. Deidre's words and the shocking photographs from the newspaper continued haunting her thoughts.

She pushed herself to concentrate, but her productivity lagged. As the workday ended, her tasks remained incomplete, so she gathered her materials and headed home to finish them.

Once Mikayla settled into Carlos' car, a hush again fell over the atmosphere.

Eventually, Carlos broke the silence.

"Did Deidre come to see you today?" he asked.

Surprised that Carlos was aware, she chose to be honest with him.

"Yes, she came by in the afternoon," Mikayla stated.

"Are you afraid of me?" Carlos inquired as his grip on the steering wheel tightened, unnoticed by Mikayla.

Mikayla paused before she responded, "I'll try to adjust to your lifestyle over time."

Growing up, she was shielded from the harsh world of brutality and murder. At most, she only knew the troublemaker Xavier and his occasional schoolyard scuffle. The only other significant event was that car accident.

While she may not comprehend Carlos' world entirely, she consciously chose to stand by him and was resolved to face everything that came. Each person had their own journey, and Carlos likely had his reasons for his forceful approach to matters.

"Thank you, Mika," Carlos replied, his demeanor finally easing as a faint smile graced his lips.

Fear gripped him at the mere thought of Mikayla leaving him after hearing Deidre's words.

Mikayla also noticed a pattern in Carlos' behavior. Before anything, he would treat her to a meal first, worried that she might be hungry.

Last night, as Mikayla stepped onto the electronic scale, she discovered she had gained 11 pounds.

She was genuinely impressed by Carlos and credited him with the weight she had put on.

She was well aware that she needed to repay the kindness she had been showered at some point.

However, this was a subject for future discussion.

After pulling up in front of a clinic, Carlos stepped out of the car and opened the door for Mikayla.

The clinic sign appeared weathered, and the building itself was massive. Despite the late hour, a crowd lingered outside, waiting in line.

Carlos swiftly escorted Mikayla past the waiting crowd and directly to Lorenzo's office.

When Lorenzo spotted them, he requested Carlos to take Mikayla to the adjacent room and wait. Lorenzo assured them that he would join them shortly, right after attending to the present patient.

Carlos nodded and expertly ushered Mikayla into the adjoining room.

To be exact, the room seemed designated for patients requiring overnight stays or IV therapy.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll check when he's available," Carlos said, smoothing out the bedding for Mikayla to sit on.

"No need. Mr. Saggio will come over once he's done. Let's take a moment to sit down," she proposed. She wasn't in a rush and figured waiting a little longer wouldn't hurt.

The room only had the hospital bed available for seating.

Chapter 112 1

Chapter 112 2


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