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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 3

3.Chapter 3 Cancel The Engagement

Mikayla’s injuries were minor. After a half-day of rest at the hospital and feeling less pain in her ankle, she had Juliet take care of the discharge papers. By the time they wrapped up, night had already blanketed Xosa.

The city was always buzzing after dark, its streets a vibrant tapestry of neon lights that earned it the nickname “Sleepless City.” It was one of the biggest and wealthiest cities in Xucror, with a booming economy that enticed people to plant roots and stay.

Juliet cursed nonstop while driving Mikayla home. “That pretentious woman must have thrown herself at him. No one in this whole town can hold a candle to you—in looks or family wealth.”

Salvatore Group led the top four conglomerates in Xosa, followed by Lindstrom Group and Ludwig Group with Klein Group placing the fourth. Mikayla’s father now helmed the Salvatore empire, adding to her sterling status. Coupled with her stunning beauty and excellent education, Mikayla was the city’s most eligible lady.

“Juliet, make sure you keep this to yourself once you’re back,” Mikayla said, staring into the night city, lost in a sea of thoughts.

“Don’t worry, I won’t. But what’s your plan now?” asked Juliet, navigating the car smoothly through the streets. “The Lindstrom family won’t take this lying down, not with your old man’s influence in play.”

Mikayla’s reflection danced in the window as the city lights streaked by.

“Don’t forget, Winona is also a Salvatore,” she pointed out. Winona’s dad—her uncle—had long had his eyes on the family fortune.

“The apple sure doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Juliet pursed her lips and asked, “Does the handsome man know how to reach you?”

For a long while, only the car hummed along to the beat of some light tunes playing softly on the radio. Juliet peered at Mikayla through the rear-view mirror, noticing that she’d drifted to sleep, and gently adjusted the air conditioner.

Ten minutes later, they pulled up to a stately mansion, oozing old-world elegance—a classic red-brick façade, crowned with slate roof tiles and framed by ivy creeping up the walls. It was the kind of place that had been in the Salvatore family for generations, and while it had seen some touch-ups over the years, its original character remained intact.

Just then, Mikayla’s eyes popped open. She bid Juliet farewell and stepped into the Salvatore manor. The servants lined up, giving Mikayla a nod and a warm, “Welcome home, Ms. Salvatore.”

Inside, in the cozy aura of the living room, Mikayla handed her coat to a waiting servant. Her parents were on the sofa, engrossed in a TV show, her dad delicately peeling fruit for her mom, as he did daily, regardless of his schedule. It was a mundane, tender ritual that she’d grown up watching. Once, Mikayla imagined a life with Jaxon mirroring the love her parents shared.


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