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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

Previously, she hadn’t pursued the matter of the accident. The perpetrator had died on the spot, leaving no witnesses, and the report only indicated 

drunk drone 

She knew that if it had been a targeted attack, someone must have orchestrated it behind the scenes. To avoid alerting the culprit, she kept it secret from Jorge and Sylvia and asked Lucas to investigate discreetly

From the first day she tested Winona, she had known of her involvement. After piecing everything together, she realized the depth of Winona’s scheming 

Winona knew Mikayla often visited the mansion to arrange the wedding decorations around that time, It was likely she had deliberately staged that scene with Jaxon for Mikayla to see, causing her to leave alone, then arranged for the accident

However, she hadn’t counted on Carlos intervention, which had saved Mikayla

The goal had been for Mikayla in die with a broken heart after witnessing the intimacy between her and Jaxon

Winona would eventually understand the price of her actions.. 

“Are you threatening me?Winona clenched her fists tightly. She couldn’t believe that the once demure Mikayla was now brazenly using that incident as leverage, li was becoming a source of concern for her

Though Mikayla likely couldn’t uncover the entire truth, even a public scandal could be damaging 


The said my plece. The rest is up to you, Mikayla observed the shifts in Winona’s expression

You’ve won this time!Winona seethed, suppressing her fury as she threw her napkin onto the seat 

Don’t leave just yet. Mikayla stopped her

Annoyed. Winona paused and turned back with irritation. What now?” 

You forgot to settle your bill. We’re splitting it. Mikayla said casually. She wasn’t short on money but had no desire to spend it on Winona

She admitted that she was not so generous

Winona noticed the nearby service staff watching and felt a pang of humiliation. With a huff, she pulled out a few 20dollar bills and tossed them onto the table before storming off

Mikayla remained composed and finished her pudding. After sealing her portion of the bill she called Josiah to pick her up 

Anticipating a brief meeting g and knowing it was hard to get a cab at dinner time, she had instructed Josiah to dine nearby and wait for her

However, several calls went unanswered 

This was die first time this had happened 

Suddenly, her phone rang It was Juliet 

Mikayla, where are you right now? Are you available! Come over to Septem Nightclub Juliet’s voice crackled through the line as she moved to a quieter place. “Xavier is out, and Dad heard that Elris owns Septem Nightclubs, so he gave us money to rent the whole place. We’re going to have

Mikayla thought, Mr. Klein is truly being generous this time, not even putting Xavier under house arrest 

Hurry up! Xavier will be grounded again starting tomorrow until your wedding. He only gets this one night of freedom, Juliet added with a mischievous laugh

All right, I’ll be there in half an hour, Mikayla replied, Septem Nightclub wasn’t too far from where she was, but traffic at this time could be a problem 

And bring Carlos if you can,” Juliet said

He’s not in Xosa replied Mikayla 

Okay then! Just get here quick,” Julici urged

After hanging up, Mikayla tried calling Josiah again, but there was still no answer

12:15 PM c

Chapter 82 

Checking the time, she decided not to wait any longer and hailed a cab

As Mikayla stepped out of Victory Restaurant, she stood by the roadside and watched the cars passing by.. 

Suddenly, a flashy red Ferran pulled up in front of Mikayla. The window rolled down, revealing a familiar face

Thad one hand casually resting on the steering wheel. She 

Deidre sat 

inside, dressed in an embroidered casual out. Her hair was pinned up, and had flashed a smile and said, Need a lift? It’s hard to get a cab here

Mikayla hesitated for a moment before getting into the car

Inside, a soulful song played softly

Septem Nightclub, please. Thank you, Mikayla said, her feelings toward Deidre remained neutral from their previous encounters

Is your wedding with Carlos next Friday?Deiche asked, her face devoid of emotion as she gripped the steering wheel 

Mikayla glanced at Deidre and replied sofily, YesTheir wedding had not been publicly announced, so only close acquaintances knew the exact date. However, she wasn’t surprised that Deidre knew

So, he’s really going to marry you. Deidre’s voice carried a tinge of sadness that Mikayla couldn’t ignore. She didn’t know how to respond. Liking someone wasn’t wrong Perhaps this was just how love worked 

Leaning back in her seat, Mikayla watched the neon lights flash by and the trees retreat into the distance, the music blended with the passing scenery, and evoked a sense of melancholy

As Mikayla watched the scenery recede, she realized they were not heading to Septem Nightclub. Growing up in Xosa, she knew its streets intimately and was certain this was not the correct route

This isnShe began to say, Harm 

to say, turning in alarm, but a sharp pain in her thigh silenced her. Numbness swiftly followed

Deidre discarded the small syringe. With a cold, emply gaze, her hands steady on the steering wheel as she navigated the car expertly. She thought. If I destroy this woman, would you still marry her. Carlos 

Meanwhile, Septem Nightclub was buzzing with life

After Gordon’s monetary offer to Elvis was declined, he handed the task over to Juliet and Xavier, allowing them to rent our Septem Nightclub for the night 

It was an indirect way of repaying a favor to Elvis


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