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Reckless Marriage Unyielding Love novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 

Boss, the car is still on Springfield Roadone of the men announced excitedly, his voice breaking the tense silence

Elvis leaned forward and had his eyes fix 

fixed on the screen where the red Ferrari sped along Springfield Road

Check all the routes from Springfield Road and find a way to intercept it,he commanded coldly

As a sports car, the Ferrari’s high speed made the task even more challenging

Suddenly, Juliet’s phone rang

It was from Sylvia. She must be concerned since Mikayla hadn’t returned and wasn’t answering calls. That must be why she called Juliet

Stepping out, Juliet answered cautiously, assuring Sylvia that Mikayla was with her and her phone had gone out of battery. She told Sylvia that Mikayla would stay the night with her, easing her worries

As she ended the call and turned back, she saw Elvis emerging from the room, massaging his temples as he sat on the couch 

He dialed a number, his voice breaking the silence after two rings. Carlos, there’s a problem” 

In the wild, just after completing a mission, Carlos stood clad in formal attire, his steps halting at the sound of Elvir voice. With difficulty, he 

uttered, Is this about Mikova?” 

Carlos had been temporarily dispatched, and Elvis knew the gravity of the former’s task. Under such circumstances, there could be no other reason 

for the call 

“Mikayla has been taken by Deidre,” Elvis said

Upon hearing Elvis words, Carlos promptly ended the call. In the vast 

evast wilderness, his voice resonated with depth. Kashton” 

Yes!Kashion swiftly maneuvered through the foliage, offering a respectful salute upon reaching Carlosside

Take care of the rest!Carloscommand brooked no disobedience. Undoing the top two buttons of his formal attire, he strode down the hill, his striking countenance exuding an undeniable aura of determination

Perplexed by the intensity emanating from Carlos, Kashton, though initially curious, refrained from questioning. Instead, he simply acknowledged it before attending to his assigned duties

In a daze, Mikayla gradually regained consciousness. Uncertain of the duration of her slumber, she blinked open her bright eyes to a pitchblack expanse, illuminated only by faint beams of light filtering in from outside, revealing what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. In the next instant, she realized with stark clarity that her hands and feet were bound tightly with thick ropes

Within the vastne 

first time 

vastness of the warehouse, the chilling embrace of the cold air sent shivers down her spine, instilling a sense of panic within her for the 

Questions swirled in Mikayla’s mind. She wondered what Deidre intended to do by binding her

However, before she could dwell on the thought any longer, Deidre strode in, followed closely by several shadylooking men, all sporting an air of 

ill intent 

Struggling to prop herself up, Mikayla immediately recognized the middleaged man standing beside Deidre

He was the man who had been intimately acquainted with Deidre on the night they all went out for a barbecue with Juliet. The man casually held a cigarette between his lips, observing the scene before him with a demeanor akin to a spectator at a spectacle

You woke up rather quickly.Deidre sneered, casting a contemptuous glance at Mikayla, her voice laced with mockery

Despite the disheveled hair and the faint smudges on her otherwise exquisite features, Mikayla’s inherent charm and dignified demeanor remained undiminished, her blue eyes shimmering with a hint of starlight.. 

Deidre’s hatred intensified as she met Mikayla’s gaze

Mikayla noted Deidre’s change, though she maintained a facade of calmness despite the inner turmoil. Deidre, what do you intend to do?she inquired, her voice steady

What do I intend to do?Deidre’s lips curled into a cold smile as she scrutinized Mikayla, seemingly searching for something but finding only disappointment

12:15 PM 

Chapter 84 

Despite Deidre’s menacing approach. Mikayla remained composed, meeting her gaze with a steely resolve

Mikayla, why is it that Carlos chose you! What makes you superior to me? In terms of family background, the Taillon family of Druobridge far surpasses the Salvatore family? Is it merely because you’re prettier than me? Deidre’s eyes narrowed slightly, a bitter smile playing on her lips. Tve been by his side for seven years! Do you know what seven years means to a woman?” 

Facing Deidre’s questioning, Mikayla met her gaze headon. Seven years is indeed precious to a woman. But what does it have to do with me! Carloschoice of spouse is his prerogative, and it’s not something you or I can influence” 

But with you in the picture, I’ll never stand a chance!Deidre’s eyes gleamed with malice as she spoke. I wonder, if I were to destroy you, would Carlos still want you!” 

A glance at the man standing behind Deidre, and Mikayla immediately understood her implication 

Even without me, there will always be other women to replace me as Carlosfiancéer Mikayla fought to maintain her composure, though panic began to seep in, waming her that she needed to find a way to save herself

Then I’ll deal with them one by one!Deidre’s voice grew eerie, her gaze never leaving Mikayla as she scanned her surroundings. She sneered, Tve already had this place cleaned. There’s nothing sharp here to aid her 

As panic threatened to engulf her, Mikayla warned. If you harm me, Carlos will never let you off. He won’t tolerate anyone who dares to harm his 


Deidre chuckled darkly, casting a disdainful glance at Mikayla, who remained oblivious. Mikayla, you are truly naive! Have you ever considered what truly transpired between Carlos and me in the seven years we were together?” 


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