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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 11

Rachel POV

"Come quickly. I'm sorry, but we need to get you in there as fast as possible."

Adam had never touched me before. I focused on the feeling of his hand wrapped tightly around my upper arm as he pulled me out of the cab.

He had a grip on me strong enough to bruise. I wouldn't have been able to get away from him even if I'd wanted to run off.

I was glad I'd prepaid for my rideshare because I didn't even have a chance to say 'thank you' to the driver.

"What's happening?"

I felt panic rising as Adam towed me into Moonrise Entertainment by my arm. He was a man on a mission; I had no idea why he was in such a hurry.

Adam shook his head, "Your father has been here for over an hour now. He stopped being reasonable---a while ago."

I heard Patrick's voice before I saw him.

"I am your father-in-law! You've been fucking my daughter for three years! You owe me!"

I felt sick to my stomach as embarrassment swept over me: my father was making me sound like a whore.

"Why are you all just standing around? Don't you know who I am? I can have you all fired!"

Adam didn't respond to my efforts to tug against his hold; I stood close to Patrick before I was ready.

"You!" Patrick yelled, spittle hitting me in the face as he shook his finger at me, "I take care of you all your life and this is the thanks I get? Your rich Alpha thinks he doesn't owe your poor old omega father anything. Tell him to give me my damn money!"

The only comfort I had was knowing Tyler wasn't in the lobby.

Our partially severed mate bond let me sense him enough to know he wasn't close. Knowing Tyler? He was probably still in his office on the top floor, expecting all his subordinates to clean up the mess for him.

My whole body felt hot. I knew I was blushing all over from humiliation and I hated myself for reacting and Patrick for putting me in this situation.

Why was my father so terrible? What had my mother ever seen in him? I wished I could talk to her even if it was only one more time.

"It's his money, Patrick! Not yours! Not mine! I already told you I don't owe you anything. I didn't think I needed to tell you Tyler doesn't owe you anything either, but clearly you need it spelled out for you."

Fire exploded across my cheek. I fell backward only to be caught by Adam before I could hit the floor.

"Omega scum," Adam growled, his wolf sounding far too close to the surface.

I knew I should be at least a little scared of a werewolf close to losing control right behind me, but I wasn't afraid.

Adam wouldn't hurt me no matter how roughly he'd grabbed my arm before.

Adam was trying to protect me---since my father had slapped me across the face hard enough to rattle my brain. I could taste blood in my mouth from where my teeth had cut into my cheek.

Guards closed in around Patrick and restrained him by his arms. I was surprised by how fast they responded. Why hadn't they just done this already?

Adam ordered, "Take him out to the street and let him go. If he's smart, he'll get out of here while House Wright is still being generous."

I straightened up, smoothing my hands down my dress as I tried to get myself back under control.

"Why are you letting him go?"

Patrick stopped fighting the guards to look at me with his mouth gaping open like a fish. He started to sputter curses at me and I turned my back on him to focus on Adam.

"If he were anyone else, if he weren't my father, what would have happened to him for this kind of---thing?"

"He'd already be in police custody," Adam answered.

"Then call the police. This man has no right to be here. He should probably thank you for the safety of a prison cell. I imagine there are debtors looking for payment from him. They won't be able to reach you in jail, Patrick. That's payment enough I think."

"You dare! I swear you will live to regret this! You can't do this to me, you little slut! I'm your father! I'll always be your father!"

#Chapter 11 Rejection. Tomorrow morning 1

#Chapter 11 Rejection. Tomorrow morning 2


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