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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 10

Rachel's POV

7 Days Later

Freedom suited me.

I smiled all the time now and I took extra care with my appearance because I wanted to, not for any other reason. If someone complimented me, I thanked them and I knew they were being honest because for the first time in my life I was only myself.

Before I had mated Tyler Wright, I had been Patrick Flores's daughter. People who complimented me in my youth either did it out of pity because they knew my father and his nasty habits or they knew my mother had died young leaving me to practically raise my younger brother alone.

After I had mated Tyler Wright, I had been hidden away except to the closest of family. If any compliments came from those people, they were only in an attempt to gain favor with Tyler.

Had I ever been free before rejecting my mate?

I honestly didn't know.

My life felt completely new. The whole world felt wide open to me.

I spent my days composing music again out of joy rather than desperation and my nights I worked as the piano accompaniment to the singer at Blue Diamond.

Being employed suited me. Being single suited me. Being alone suited me.

My face hurt from smiling though I was driving Bella insane with my humming as I danced around her place straightening, tidying, and fighting boredom.

I went for a walk for the fresh air as much as to give Bella a break. I needed to pick up a few things from the market anyway. Who knew shopping could be fun?

Taking a handbasket at the local bodega, I wandered the aisles with the intention to browse more than buy. I knew what I needed without a list and that by itself was almost magical.

As the mistress of Tyler Wright's mansion, I had been expected to keep lists of running needs for the household: cleaning supplies, cooking supplies, groceries, groundskeeping materials, and on and on.

I had lived the last three years of my life making lists.

I was reveling in my freedom when a young woman slammed into me, knocking my basket to the floor. I knelt immediately to pick up the items spilled.

"Watch out! Stupid bitch," the girl snapped and I realized I recognized her---she was Charlotte Wright, Tyler's stepsister.

A week ago I would have apologized. I would have dropped my head and focused on my feet to avoid pissing her off.

"What did you say to me?" I asked, grabbing her arm before she could walk away.

"I said you should watch out because you're a stupid bitch."

Charlotte smirked at me until she realized I wasn't letting go of her arm.

I was stronger than her.

I realized it at the same time she did.

Rayne stirred in my mind, coming awake with a hunger for action. My wolf had not been happy about leaving our mate. She loved when I let her come forward to stretch outside my mind though and I was free to let her now I didn't have to worry about Tyler's reactions.

My eyes shifted to Rayne's golden gaze and my voice dropped a few octaves as Rayne spoke through me, "The next time you call me a bitch I'll tear out your tongue. Apologize or I'll send you away with a far less pretty face."

Charlotte whispered at me, "I'm sorry. Okay? I am sorry. Ma'am. Mistress."

I let go of her arm as I pushed Rayne back down, taking control of my body once more. Charlotte probably would have stammered apologies for minutes more if I let her. Who knew she was all bark and no bite?

"Ma'am is fine. After all, your brother has a mistress, but she certainly isn't me. You're forgiven. Have a nice day, Charlotte."

Charlotte left her items before she sprinted to the front of the store. I didn't watch her leave because I realized I wasn't interested in her or even mildly worried about how she reacted to me.

I was a free woman and Rayne was a free wolf; we deserved to be treated with respect.

Looking around at the shelves, I noticed I was in the feminine hygiene aisle. I held back a snicker as I wondered if Charlotte was feeling hormonal. I noticed my brand of tampons with a twinge of surprise.

I hadn't needed any as my cycle hadn't started. I was a little late. My period was rarely irregular, but I had rejected my mate and my wolf had gone into hibernation for a while afterwards. Was it possible my body was reacting to the rejection in its own way?


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