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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 9

Rachel's POV

"Magda! Please meet me in the kitchen," I called as I entered the house.

I was going to make sure the housekeeper knew how to make the hangover cure as well as I could so this never happened again. Tyler was not going to turn me into a maid because he couldn't force me to continue being his mate.

I lined up all the fresh ingredients on the counter with my mortar and pestle. I would grind everything by hand. I would delay seeing Tyler as long as I could using the hangover tea as my excuse along the way.

I'd been smart enough to stop by a fresh market on the way over in order to ensure I had all the fresh ingredients to hand. The last thing I needed was to get to the house only to have to turn around to run to the store.

Magda asked questions quietly as I crushed the leaves and ground the fresh herbs. She handed me a strainer ball which I packed with the ingredients before closing tightly.

"Now we need to make sure the water is just under boiling. If it is still at a rolling boil, it will be too hot and will scorch the ingredients so the cure won't work as well."

I poured the water over the strainer ball and set a timer on my phone for five minutes.

"Five minutes to steep seems to be perfect for Master Tyler. It can be longer if the ingredients aren't fresh. When winter comes, you'll want to let it sit longer."

Magda made notes in a pad she carried with her. She claimed writing things down by hand was easier for her than trying to use a device; I didn't press the issue because of her grandmotherly demeanor.

"You really should start using a smartphone, Magda. There are apps for everything these days."

I hated to think I was adding more to her workload, but I had to leave Tyler. I'd barely survived the last three years with him. I wouldn't even be a shadow of myself after any more years passed.

"You worry too much, Madam Rachel."

"No," I murmured, "I don't worry nearly enough. I'll take this up to Tyler. Feel free to get on with your chores, Magda."

I had stalled long enough making the remedy.

Squaring my shoulders, I settled everything onto a bed tray and walked it to Tyler personally. It was as if I had gone back in time; every action was the same I had made before.

I firmed my jaw as I realized I didn't have to step back into the role he wanted me in.

I would deliver his tea, but I wouldn't pretend I was doing it out of anything other than obligation.

"Your tea, Sir."

I placed the tray over his lap and stepped back, offering him a short nod before I made to leave.

"That's it?"

I paused and asked, "Excuse me, Sir?"

"A single cup of tea and you're leaving? You know I might need more."

His tone was cold enough to freeze the scalding hot tea I had brewed for him.

"I know I was asked to come here to make a hangover cure. I made it. I went so far as to teach your maid how to make it. If you need more, you can call Magda or your mistress. I don't care either way."

I realized I was telling the truth as the words left my mouth: I really did not care if Tyler Wright called his maid or his mistress to comfort him.

I had made my choice when I had rejected my alpha mate.

"You're a very understanding mate if you don't care if I call another woman."

"I rejected you, remember? Who you call is no longer my business."

"I haven't accepted your rejection," Tyler insisted, taking a sip of his tea, "That means everything I do remains 'your business' until I reject you, too."

No one had ever warned me it would be hard to reject my mate.

Most wolves were overjoyed to find their other half. I doubted any wolf would want to reject their mate without very serious reasons.

Grinding my teeth together, I gritted out, "So hurry up and reject me, why don't you? You have to want to end this as much as I do!"

"I want you to get in this bed right now and see to my needs! Why don't you?"

"Seriously?" I was stunned by his outburst.

Tyler never yelled at me when he had a headache. I must be angering him very much for him to shout.

"No," I stated firmly, taking my phone out, "I'm going to call up Jenny. I'm sure she'll come here to brew you more tea or get into your bed to see to any needs you have, Sir!"


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