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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 44

'They say to enjoy every moment of your life while you can because you'll never know when and where we will be gone.'

Dante stops by Cameron's place he knew that Daniella won't go anywhere as this was the only place she calls home. He Kills off the engine and went out storming towards his house.

He knocks on the door, which opens up a minute revealing an angry Cameron.

"What are you doing here Alpha?" he crossed his arms.

"Where is she, Cam?"

"I don't know who you're looking for"

"don't you lie to me" he snarls at him.

"Daniella" he calls her "Daniella if you don't come outside this instance I swear I'll force my way in" he shouted again.

He saw her coming up behind Cam. Her eyes buffy and red as she has been crying all day. He suddenly felt her pain with guilt rushing through his body.

"What do you want Dante?" she wipes off her tears, he moves to her his hand cupping her face as tears drop from his eyes. Seeing her hurt has also hurt him realizing what he has done to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Dani. I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how, I'm so sorry" she tries to push his hands away.

"I don't want to hear it, Dante, please just go and leave me alone" she begs him but he refuses to do so.

"Dani just please don't do this to us, we just got back together please" he begs

"then why avoid me like a plague huh Dante why?"

"I'm sorry," he says.

"You lie to me when you say I'm your first choice" she punches him in the chest with her fist not causing any harm to him. "You lie to me when you say you have feelings for me," she hit him again "you lie" he stops her fist

"no Dani I never lie" he pulls her closer "I never lie to you when I say those things in fact I love you and that's the truth" he kisses her holding her closer to him.

At first, she struggled to push him away but for a while, she responded to his kisses. He misses her scent, her touch, her kisses, her smile, and her whole presence when he was with her.

They pull away to take a breather "I can't Dante, I think I made a"


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