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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 45

'Losing you means losing myself. This pain I don't think I can ever erase.'

"Dani" he screams waking up on his bed, he panted trying to control his breath sweat was glistening over his body. Feeling strong and see that he's all healed he tries to get up but a hand stops him.

"You have to rest Dante"

He growls when he saw Alexis near him. He wonders how she gets to be here in his pack the last thing he remembers she wasn't allowed to be here. He pushes her hand away and stood up.

"Don't tell me what to do now... My mate has been taken"

"and I'm not" she retorted at him and he laughs at her remark.

"For you, it was just a title nothing more to me and before you flatter yourself don't dream of something that was never there. I only have one woman in my life and she is my mate who is not here in this house. Yet I have to congratulate you Alexis you have no idea what you're walking in to" he grabs a shirt putting it on and walk down to his office.


Jem came from the back door Dante signal him to his office. He sat down his hand covers his distressed face "I've already deployed our ten secret warriors to track her down" Jem says as he sat opposite him.

He shook his head "thanks Jem... If I ever got my hands on that bastard" he cringed "who Dante?"

"Kiev, he was the one who took her to make sure to also track him down. I am not gonna let him live his life if I ever find him" Jem sighs heavily "we will find him soon and that's a promise Alpha."

"He took her on our way back, we" he couldn't finish as he was angry at himself wanting to get his hand on the so call prick Kiev who took her from him.

The door swings open Zoe storming her way inside. "Dante you should have been resting" she scolded him.

"Resting, my mate is missing and you're telling me to rest. Are you crazy"

"No Dante but you need to" he grips his hold on the armchair.

Missing 1

Missing 2


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