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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Isabelle: Do I Need Your Money

The Harris guy

Upon hearing this, Timothy’s heart trembled and he almost dropped his phone

What’s the connection between Isabelle and the Harris family? Why did she dare to address George that way

When he learned that the other party was Preston from the Starspring Group, Timothy was indeed a bir troubled. If possible, he would not want to offend anyone

Now, Starspring Group was nothing to him

Also, they’ve beaten my brother. It would be best if he’s fine. If he’s not. I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’m just giving you a heads up so everyone can be prepared.” As she said the last sentence, she glanced at the mother and son on the ground

Isabelle then hung up the phone and returned it to Claude

After that, she said to the woman, Call everyone you can so that you won’t say that I’m bullying you.” 

Don’t celebrate too early. No matter who’s behind you, I swear I’ll kill you even if I have to bankrupt my family today. The woman, relying on her family’s wealth and power, was used to being domineering and had no fear 

Isabelle replied, We’ll see.” 

Preston, the chairman of the Starspring Group, arrived faster than expected. Shortly after, he rushed in with two bodyguards and an assistant

The woman was heartbroken over her son’s crying. However, when she saw her husband, she stood up furiously and shrieked, Your son and wife were almost beaten to death. Where the hell were you

Have someone kill this little brat and this cripple!the woman, her face distorted with rage, pointed at Isabelle and shouted at her husband

Unexpectedly, her husband slapped her in the next second

This slap not only stunned the woman but also confused everyone present

The woman stood in disbelief. After that, she ran over to try to attack Preston like a madwoman. However, he pointed at her nose and warned her, Behave yourself!” 

The woman immediately froze, too scared to move

How’s my son?Preston, ignoring his wife, anxiously asked the doctor who was attending to his son

The doctor said, The preliminary diagnosis is a comminuted fracture. We need to take him to the hospital for an Xray to determine the extent of the bone fragmentation.” 

Upon hearing this, Preston slapped his wife again and said through gritted teeth, I warned you not to act recklessly using my name. There will always be someone who’s more powerful than us and you’ve finally ruined us today, you fool!” 


Isabelle to Need Your Money

How serious could a fight between students be? At most, it would result in superficial injuries. However, not only was his son disabled now, but he and his company might also be doomed

Looking at his son who was in so much pain that he wished he were dead, Preston controlled his emotions and walked towards Isabelle. Miss Jenkins, I apologise on behalf of my son and my wife. I’m sorry for not educating then well. I hope you can be forgiving and spare my family. I would be eternally grateful 

Isabelle glanced at the hand Preston extended in front of her but did not react

So. Preston withdrew his hand and looked at Ethan

He searched for Ethan as soon as he entered the room. When he saw that Ethan was injured, he was extremely nervous. However, after seeing that Ethan’s injuries were not too serious, he breathed a sigh of 


How do you want me to compensate you? You can just tell me and I won’t complain.” 

Isabelle asked, Do you think I lack money?” 

Preston was speechless for a moment. If kneeling could make Isabelle forgive them, he would kneel without hesitation

After some thought, he spoke again, I will arrange for my son to transfer schools and leave Norward City. He will never appear in front of you and your brother again. In addition, I will make him clarify to the whole school that he started this and will never ruin your brother’s reputation. Besides, you can just tell me what you need me to do

Isabelle glanced at the arrogant woman who was now covering her face like an ostrich. An apology wouldn’t be too much, right?” 

Preston immediately had his bodyguards prop up the nearly unconscious boy from the ground. Ignoring the boy’s screams of pain, he forced the boy to apologise to Ethan

I’m sorry, Ethan. I’m so sorry.” The boy was in so much pain that tears kept flowing down his face. He truly wished he were dead

Preston then dragged his wife over and forced her to apologise to Isabelle and her brother

Is this enough?Preston asked

What do you think?Isabelle asked Ethän

Ethan looked blankly at the boy’s family and then at his sister. He opened his mouth but did not say anything

I’ll just let this go for Timothy’s sake.” 

After Isabelle said this, Preston felt as if he had received a royal pardon. He thanked her profusely and quickly ushered his family out, not daring to linger for even a second, fearing that Isabelle might change her mind

At this moment, he recalled the phone call he received from Timothy on the road. Timothy had warned him, She has the support from the Harris family in Taragon City. If you offend her, you might as well be 



Chapter 14 teabelle Do 1 Need Your Money

Before this, Preston had been boasting that he would make sure the person who hurt his son not be able to leave Norward City. Therefore, he even brought thugs with him

As the Longs left, the principal’s office suddenly felt spacious

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, Isabelle’s gaze swept toward a few boys standing by the wall. They were already scared out of their wits

Ethan, noticing his sister’s gaze, finally regained some of his thinking ability. Let it go,” he said

The boys, slow to react, were petrified when they saw Isabelle looking at them. Their legs were shaking so much that they could not even muster an apology or plea for mercy

Then, Claude stepped in at the right moment, Each of you will write a 3000word selfcriticism and read it out in front of the whole school tomorrow. Plus, you will also receive a demerit. If this happens again, you will all be expelled


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