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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 392


Resurrecting the Genius Within 

Chapter 392 Mr George Is Heartbroken 


Cuatro pushed the robot back into the room. It then locked the door with practiced ease before hurrying back to watch the drama unfold

George’s face was expressionless as he questioned, What do you take me for?” 

Isabelle replied, For marriage. Mr. Harris is certainly a great choice, but I never intended to get married. I understand that you’re older, but please understand me as well. We haven’t known each other that long, and your rush is making me uncomfortable

If you’re willing, you can wait another five or six years. By then, maybe I’ll have a clearer idea about 


These words were callous

George stared at her, stunned

Isabelle continued. I act on my whims and hate being constrained. If you can’t handle that, we can go back to being friends.” 

George finally lost some of his composure, and he said, “I never intended to confine you.” 

Isabelle looked at him with a bit of sympathy in her eyes, but she remained firm

Love is not a necessity for me; it’s merely a diversion. Someone of your stature should be clearer on this than me.” 

George asked. Then what do all these days mean to you?” 

If you’re forcing me to define our relationship today or to commit to you for life, all I can say is that I’m sorry. I have many things of my own to do,Isabelle said

George looked at her in silence for a long time 

I’ve made myself clear. Mr. Harris, you should leave and reconsider our relationship calmly,” Isabelle concluded

George’s face tightened, struggling to accept her words. He glanced at Joshua, then turned and left without another word

Dylan stood there, completely dumbfounded

Can someone tell me what just happened

Did Mr. George get played by his feelings

And for what? For a penniless, powerless kid who isn’t even half as goodlooking as Mr. George

Where did this kid even come from

Did it really all come down to age

Dylan, still in shock, hurried to follow George to the car



Chapter 392 Mr George Is Heartbroken

The car left the neighbourhood

Dylan was still in a state of disbelief

If it had been Yves or Jim, or even Danny, it might have made sense, but who is this Joshua

What is Ms. Jenkins thinking

Dylan’s mind was filled with Isabelle’s harsh words



He used to joke that men were only there to distract her from coding, but he never wanted his boss to suffer harm

Dylan didn’t dare make a sound, sneaking glances at the rearview mirror

Seeing George’s blank expression, Dylan found it even more terrifying than a fit of rage

Mr. George, maybe Ms. Jenkins is just worried about dragging you into her troubles, like last time,” Dylan 


After all, her enemy is the Dark Shadow.” 

There was no response from the backseat

Dylan swallowed and continued, Ms. Jenkins is still young. Marriage is indeed too soon for her. Girlsemotions change quickly; one day they think one way, the next day another. It’s normal.” 

And girls have those few days every month when they’re in a bad mood,Dylan continued

He said this to comfort both George and himself

Isabelle’s image of an idol was on the verge of crumbling in his mind

George remained silent

Dylan felt worse than if he had been heartbroken

He had hoped to witness the blossoming romance between Ms. Jenkins and his boss, but now it appeared to be about to end

Meanwhile, Isabelle was driving Joshua to see a psychologist

Joshua noticed her calm demeanour, and he worriedly asked, Will this cause trouble for you?” 

Isabelle didn’t respond immediately

After passing a traffic light, she finally said, We’re all adults here. Aside from that, it’s not like he’s ever really suffered. Trying to control who I can be friends withshe trailed off

Seeing she was in no mood to talk, Joshua remained silent

He was deep in his own thoughts


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