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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 406

Resurrecting the Genius Within 

Chapter 406 Outburst 


Once again being used as a tool, George didn’t hesitate and obediently did as he was told. Clearing his throat, he sent Isabelle a voice message

Isabelle just finished 

ng the language system

Before she could test it, se received a call from the police

She then drove to the police station

A report was filed about a missing person. We traced the last known location of the missing person, Joshua, to your home. We need you to provide some information,the officer said to Isabelle

Where is he?Isabelle asked

The person who reported the case? He’ll be here soon.” 

Then let’s wait for him to get here,Isabelle said

Isabelle sat on the bench, waiting for Gideon to arrive

Ten minutes later, Gideon arrived and reeked of alcohol

As soon as he saw Isabelle, he pointed at her and told the officer, Officer, it’s her

My son hangs out with her all the time. She must have known where he was. He’s my only son, and I’ve worked hard to raise him. I’m counting on him to take care of me in my old age.” 

The officer looked at both of them and said, Come with me; we’ll talk over here.” 

Gideon followed the officer, continuing, Officer, she came to my house last time and kicked me for no reason. My back has hurt for days. And these injuries on my face? She did them. Can I get compensation from her?” 

This girl looked wealthy, and Gideon thought he might be able to extort some money. He greedily rubbed his hands together

The officer turned and looked at Gideon’s bruised face

Then, he looked at Isabelle behind him and asked, Did you hit him?” 

Isabelle, hands in her jacket pockets, nonchalantly replied, I did.” 

Gideon was delighted that Isabelle admitted it. He pointed at her triumphantly and exclaimed, Officer, did you hear that? She admitted it.” 

Clearly, this girl had an unusual relationship with that brat

The officer said, Come with me to give a statement.” 

Gideon eagerly followed. He thought about whether he should pretend to be in pain and stay in the hospital for ten days or so to demand hefty compensation


Chapter 408 Outburst 

Before he knew it, someone threw him into the adjoining office and locked the door behind

The office was empty Isabelle dragged a desk full of files in front of the door to block it. Then she coldbr locked at Gideon, writhing on the floor

The officer turned around to find them gone

Suddenly, he heard

ing screams from the nearby office. He rushed over to check

Finding the door locked, ne started banging on it

The officer roared, Open the door! Unlock the door now! Do you hear me

Whoever’s inside, unlock the door immediately

The screams continued, growing more desperate. As Gideon cried out for assistance, someone kicked him against the doorblocking desk, causing it to rattle

Hurry up and get the keys the officer shouted

Gideon’s screams echoed throughout the station

Isabelle stood over a barely conscious Gideon, dropping a broken chair leg on the floor. As officers yellä and threatened outside the door, she calmly took out her phone and called George

The keys were brought over, and the door was forced open

Don’t move. Put your hands up.” 

Severel guns were pointed at Isabelle. The officers were shocked to see the battered Gideon 

Two officers rushed to check on Gideon

lab the floor

He was completely unconscious, with broken limbs and likely severe internal injuries. At his age, his survival was doubtful

Even if he survived, he would be bedridden for life

The officers stared at Isabelle in shock. She was casually wiping blood off her shoes with a tissue and bad the audacity to prop her foot on a chair

It was hard to believe that such a young, delicatelooking girl could do something so brutal right inside a police station

It was the first time they’d met someone so lawless

Just as they were about to subdue Isabelle, the police chief hurried in and stopped them. Ms. Jenkins right?” 

Isabelle replied coolly, Send him to the hospital. His medical bills will be covered” 


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