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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 412

Resurrecting the Genis 

Chapter 412 George’s Contact 

Your new car

Poor Tony was puzzled


Tony exclaimed, I’m asking for my stuff back, you thief! If you don’t return it, don’t blame me for being ruder 

Isabelle was about to enter the elevator. Tony reached out to grab her shoulder, but she dodged as if she had eyes in the back of her head

With a swift side step, Isabelle evaded his hand and delivered a kick. She didn’t use her full strength, but it was enough to make Tony’s eyes bulge out as he clutched his stomach, slowly kneeling to the ground

Isabelle stood in the elevator and demanded, You can return my car, or I’ll take one of your buddy’s hands 

Tony writhed in pain on the floor. He grumbled, With such a vicious temper, you’ll never find a boyfriend

Tony stormed out of the hotel, intending to steal his car back. After searching the area, he couldn’t find it 

Frustrated, he was about to return to the hotel to confront Isabelle

He was receiving a phone call at the time

When he saw the caller ID, Tony’s lazy, rebellious attitude instantly vanished

He answered the call

The person on the other line mentioned his boss’s name and a request for explosives

Tony almost immediately stood at attention. Lowering his voice, he respectfully said, Ms. Jenkins, right?” 

The temperature dropped quickly, and by evening, it was quite cold

Near the boxing arena, there was a small tavern. Tony sat by the window, waiting for someone. Outside, he saw Isabelle arrive in her new car

Tony touched the injury on his face

He muttered, She must be quite connected with the boxing arena.” 

However, he had urgent business to attend to and had no time to reclaim his car. To his surprise, Isabelle walked straight into the tavern and approached him

Their eyes met

Isabelle thought, so this is my guy

Although Tony had sounded serious on the phone, Isabelle recognised his voice but wasn’t completely 


Chapter 412 George’s Contact 

On the other hand

This thought boom

Isabelle in a new light

y wondered if Isabelle had taken a liking to him

confidence, making him feel particularly charming, and he began to look at 

However, he had business to handle

Tony said to the girl sitting across from him, I don’t have time to discuss the car or medical expenses now, but we can arrange another time.” 

Isabelle replied, Where’s my stuff?” 

Tony was confused. What do you mean?” 

Isabelle said, My last name is Jenkins.” 

Tony’s demeanour changed instantly, Sitting up straight, he stared at Isabelle in disbelief

He started to grow panicked

Tony asked in perfect Cheshian, Are you Ms. Jenkins?” 

Isabelle responded, You speak Cheshian?” 

Tony nodded stupidly, Yes, I do.” 

Isabelle repeated, Where’s my stuff?” 

Still in a daze, Tony quickly pushed a black suitcase at his feet towards Isabelle. His mind still trying to process everything

Isabelle opened the suitcase slightly and peeked inside

Tony stammered, You’re so young… 

Isabelle stared at him

I mean, I thought you’d be a mature woman.” 

Isabelle was unsure what to say

I mean, I didn’t expect you to be a young girl.” 

Isabelle asked, Do you handle George’s business here?” 

Tony hesitated briefly but decided to tell the truth, No, I don’t handle the business. I handle the people.” 

Isabelle eyed him and asked, Handle the people?” 

Tony quickly snapped out of it

He clarified, The guy who stole your car isn’t one of ours. The car team is just a cover for my real work.” 

He continued, Tomorrow, no, tonight, I’ll return your car in perfect condition.” 



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