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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Finally, George Came

Before she could catch her breath, another blade descended towards her head

The clash of swords reverberated as the small dagger once more intercepted the lengthy blade. Isabelle delivered a swift kick to the man’s abdomen, harnessing the force to retreat several metres. Crumpling onto the gritty earth, she expelled blood with each cough

Several shadowy figures, reminiscent of nighttime harvesters, initiated another assault

Clutching the small blade firmly, she rallied the profound animosity within her to rise again, resolved to retaliate against her foes

With a single knee touching the ground, she resisted the grasp of demise

The shadowy figures swiftly converged

Abruptly, the atmosphere resonated with the thunderous roar of machine guns, hurling sand and pebbles in every direction

Several offroad cars emerged from the darkness, their passengers brandishing machine guns and unleashing volleys upon the shadowy figures. Understanding the shift in fortunes, the shadowy figures withdrew into the sandy expanse

Nevertheless, the danger was far from over

As Isabelle’s sight grew hazy, she discerned the figure emerging from the car. It was Josh again

Reminiscing about the encounter at Jim’s residence in Southeast Ardon, Josh had enigmatically cautioned her: Stay vigilant of those who stand beside you.‘ 

His words alluded to the fak 


This individual had been monitoring her every action

Pausing briefly to regain her composure, Isabelle slumped to the ground once again

Josh neared and hoisted the bruised Isabelle into the car, instructing his associates, Escort her elsewhere.” 

In an unexpected twist, a shadowy figure surfaced from beneath the sand

In an instant, he took down two of Josh’s men, then vanished into the sand, only to reemerge and dispatch two more of Josh’s men before they could retaliate. The desert was their main, granting them the ability to manoeuvre effortlessly like aquatic creatures in the water

Josh promptly closed the car door

Taking hold of a machine gun from his subordinates, he opened fire at the shadowy figure, as others directed their weapons underground and unleashed a storm of bullets

The offroad car raced off with the severely wounded Isabelle

Soon after their getaway, a dubious car followed closely behind


Chapter 428 Finally, George Camel 

These were the pursuers from the castle before


Stepping hard on the accelerator, the driver found his car surrounded and besieged from all directions

In a terrifying chase, the distance between them diminished swiftly

With a momentary lapse of attention, a car suddenly appeared on the left and collided with them. Despite the driver’s frantic efforts to swerve, they couldn’t evade the collision

A tremendous crash echoed as the offroad car tumbled several times, kicking up a cloud of dust, before falling silent

The convoy surrounded the overturned offroad car, inspecting the wreckage

But they only found the severely injured driver

Isabelle mysteriously vanished

Shortly thereafter, a streak of blood was spotted on the ground, tracing to a figure slipping away under the cloak of darkness

There she goes!” 

Chase her down!” 

The assassins hurried back to their cars and gave chase

The roar of engines intensified as a dozen desert cars pursued their prey like ravenous wolves, converging from all sides

Battling exhaustion, Isabelle crumbled to the ground, burdened by weariness

With a ringing in her ears, she strained to discern the approaching car, her grip failing to secure the small blade in her hand

Her eyes betrayed a hint of defiance

In a daze, she caught sight of something glinting overhead

In mere moments, a bomb plummeted from the sky, precisely blasting the car ahead into pieces

Isabelle felt a wave of scorching heat engulf her, narrowly avoiding being caught in the blast radius of the bomb. She found herself unable to move, overwhelmed by the ordeal

Above the night sky, a dozen helicopters emerged

Bombs rained down one after another, causing the ground cars to scatter in panic. In the blink of an eye, the cars were reduced to rubble

The targets were too conspicuous, prompting the assassins to abandon their cars

The helicopter blades whipped the ground into a frenzy of sand and dust. One helicopter touched down nearby, and a towering figure emerged from the turmoil, rushing toward her


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