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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 452

Chapter 452 Proposition 

Isabelle’s words offered reassurance, Relax, Dark Shadow’s fixated on me.” 

Leaning in. George confided, That’s exactly why I can’t let my guard down.” 

Isabelle countered, I’ve got plenty of experience.” 

With ten missions under her belt, eight of which involved highstakes. assassinations, she was wellversed in evading pursuers. Too many times had she evaded capture, laying low for days or weeks until the heat dissipated. The thrill of being a nationally hunted fugitive never failed to excite her

She adhered to the mantra that the most perilous places were often the safest. After each mission, she led her hunters on a wild chase, feeding them false trails. before circling back to the scene of the crime

She’d then kick back and indulge in a drink while the pursuers were putting on a show of chase and arrest 

But this time felt different. She couldn’t simply retreat to Dark Shadow’s sanctuary, could she

George studied her intently, probing, Where did you pick up all this expertise?” 

Isabelle’s playful demeanour surfaced as she challenged, Wanna take a guess?” 

He could never Prior to their encounter, she had been a ghost in his world. With her skills, she should have been a legend, a name whispered throughout Cheshian

Yet, her origins remained shrouded, her upbringing and the snippets revealed by Sam and Dylan about her formative years in Norward City offering scant clues

After the concert concluded, they joined the throngs spilling into the rain- drenched streets

The cold, wet drizzle prompted George to drape his coat over Isabelle, adjusting her scarf to shield her face. Opening the umbrella, he naturally enveloped her in its protective arc as they ventured into the downpour

Hailing a cab proved futile, but their hotel wasn’t far



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showing it off in a more magnificent light than ever. George couldn’t help but ponder how much more enjoyable the evening would be without the looming specter of Dark Shadow

As they rounded a corner, the crowd thinned, and Isabelle’s abrupt halt jolted George to attention. With an icy edge to her voice, she challenged the unseen, Show yourself.” 

Instantly on alert, George braced for whatever may come

A young man, sheltered beneath a black umbrella, emerged from a nearby alley, his Ardon features accentuated by the rain

Caught in the icy glare of the newcomer, George’s instincts screamed danger. Without a second thought, he positioned himself protectively in front of Isabelle

The palpable aura of menace exuded by the stranger left no doubt in George’s mind: he was no ordinary assassin, but a renowned figure within the ranks of Dark Shadow

Rather than skulking in the shadows, he boldly confronted them, a sign of his familiarity with Isabelle

Isabelle’s inquiry, delivered with neither coldness nor indifference, cut through the tension, Why the pursuit?” 

Moon Shadow remained tightlipped

Undeterred, Isabelle pressed on, her tone laced with drama, Hunted by Dark Shadow?” 

In the castle, Moon Shadow had aided her, yet Isabelle couldn’t dismiss the possibility of his actions being driven by selfpreservation

He was backed up. If Isabelle died, Dark Shadow would be left without any enemies. To bolster their strength, they would press on with the evil experiments. It wouldn’t take too long for his clone to be lying in the incubation chamber 

At the same time, he would fail in a missionjust like Storm Shadow and Blood Shadow before him

With a solemn declaration, Moon Shadow stated, Dark Shadow has bigger 

concerns at present.” 


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All eyes were on Isabelle

She cut to the chase, What’s your angle?” 

Moon Shadow paused, his response measured, Collaboration.” 

Isabelle grasped the underlying truth; She wasn’t cold or heartless, but knowing Moon Shadow for such a long time, she knew she had no friends or anything close to that within Dark Shadow, barring Storm Shadow

Moon Shadow probed further, Seeking vengeance for Blood Shadow?” 

George interjected, caught off guard, Shouldn’t that be Storm Shadow?” 

Isabelle’s silence spoke volumes

Moon Shadow pressed on, Is your aim the demise of Joker?” 

Isabelle’s reply was swift and resolute, Absolutely.” 

How sure are you?Moon Shadow queried

Despite Isabelle’s formidable prowess and their prior clashes, she faced not merely a lone adversary in Joker, but the entirety of Dark Shadow

Coolly, Isabelle asserted, Neither can live while the other survives.” 

Their ongoing feud with Dark Shadow would only culminate in the downfall of one party


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