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Resurrecting the Genius Within (Calypso Rain) novel Chapter 469

Chapter 469 That Guy Is Possessive 


  • Finished 

Unfortunately, when Blood Shadow, as No Name, was wreaking havoc across. Melfrey, George was swamped with affairs in his country and unable to leave

That year, he missed the Duel Tournament and wasn’t able to meet her to see her shine brightly in the arena

If only he had gone to Melfrey and communicated with her, would things have turned out differently

Regret gnawed at George

Later on, No Name blew up God’s Armament Alliance

By the time he arrived, she had already left Melfrey

The girl on the screen was sitting on the floor, lying on her stomach, at narrow tables, diligently drawing. She was so absorbed in her work that no one dared to disturb her. This scene instantly reminded George of her in the lab when she tested the deadly toxins in his father’s body. A total science maniac

Her ponytail was tied high, with a few strands falling perfectly

George observed the girl’s small face on the screen

Pretty, isn’t she?Isabelle sipped her water

Very pretty,George replied

Tearing his gaze away from his phone, he said, I never asked you, why did you blow up the God’s Armament Alliance?” 

Isabelle, holding her water cup, replied bluntly, I didn’t like it, so I blew it. up for 


You didn’t like it?George asked

George was puzzled, wondering what exactly she had against him

There had been no initial conflicts between the two factions when No Name just arrived at Melfrey

15:04 Wed, 10 Jul 

Chapter 469 That Guy Is Possessive 


The first time she met him as Isabelle Jenkins, they were polite yet cautious. Both had hidden their ulterior motives and even said they were deceiving each other. George cursed himself whenever he reminisced about those days

Despite their mutual deception, they had gotten along reasonably well

Too serious,” Isabelle said

Do you not like serious people?George ventured

Isabelle shot him a glance. You’re just pretending to be serious. Why are you so panicky?” 

Her reassurancewasn’t comforting at all

George grinned wryly. He let out a soft, indulgent chuckle. The buildings are now reinforced, stronger than before. Next time, you’ll need to use more explosives.” 

I never use small amounts when I blow things up,” Isabelle replied confidently

George nodded slightly, his smile growing wider. But… 

He dragged out his words with a foxy grin. The God’s Armament Alliance might be our shared property in the future. As long as you don’t mind, I’m fine with it.” 

Isabelle’s expression remained cool as she responded, I don’t mind.” 

George, careful not to upset her, held up the phone and asked, Is this the only photo? Are there more?” 

Isabelle, clearly not a fan of taking pictures, reluctantly replied, Continue swiping.” 

Under her permission, George began to swipe through the photo. The next photo showed Blood Shadow sitting on a sofa, tapping away at a laptop. Behind her, a massive window revealed a raging blue sea

He took a moment to study it before moving on to the next one. The new photo caused his expression to change slightly, the amusement in his eyes fading

In this photo, Blood Shadow stood at a liquor cabinet, dressed in a dark green silk robe that highlighted her pale skin. Her hair was casually tied up, and the robe’s belt hung loosely, exuding a sensual allure

Chapter 469 That Guy is Possessive 

However, her expression was cold

Did Yves take all these pictures?” 




Jealousy gnawed at George. He couldn’t help but show her the screen. This one too?” 

Isabelle glanced at the photo

Taking advantage of the moment, George said, Yves has a lot of hostility towards me. If he knew my feelings weren’t onesided, he’d probably kill me.” 

Isabelle’s expression remained indifferent. I haven’t finished what I said last time in Alcott.” 

Hmm?George prompted

Yves doesn’t have those kinds of feelings for me,she said

Impossible,” George snapped

It’s a fact,Isabelle insisted


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