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Resurrection novel Chapter 20

Xavier being here gave me a sense of hope that I will not die till he is here

But knowing that he is out of state and Daniel can do anything with me scares me.

Next I know I was dragged towards the chains and my hands were tightly tied suspending my body in air

My limbs cried in pain and it felt like they will break from their sockets.

I was struggling with one pain when another sharp pain hit my back making tears escape my eyes.


It contined and I lost track of number

My back was long numb but still I could feel wet blood dripping down.


I managed to ask and all of a sudden the stinging pain stopped

I opened my eyes a bit to see him directly staring at me

His eyes were cold and I could see his desire to kill me

"....When the only family you have is killed and you can't do a bloody thing but cry and cry and cry then My dear princess this thirst for your enemies blood arises..."

"...but...I..d..i..dn't.... do... any..thing ..to ..yo.ur family"

"Here you are mistaked my dearest"

He held my chin in his hands and forced me to look into his etes

"Your mother killed my parents...she murdered them in front of everyone and no one said a word against her....you know why....because she The  true mate to the king...she was Aleka Gray and my mother was just a bestfriend to the king....she was just Jane who died with the tag of a betrayer..."

"I....was called as a murderer's son my whole life ...my fathers was called the evil red eyes wolf....and I was shunned  by the entire warewolf society..."

"But don't worry I 'll take full account of each and every tear I cried and each and every time I was reprimanded.....i'll colour your skin in as many marks as my heart is tainted with.....each and every whip will make  you realise what I went through.."

With this another whip contacted my front tearing the ragged clothes I was wearing.

Blood oozed down from them colouring my white clothes red

After 30 minutes finally they stopped as a guard entered and whispered in Daniel's ear

"Sir..this is 4 th degree of torture....you are not allowed to do this ..if the Alpha finds out he will not approve..this.."

My mind was hazy but I could still understand what the guard spoke

Xaviers name was enough to stop him and I was thankfull for it.

There was too much pain...right now I was still numb but I know few hrs later each mark will burn as hell

I can't take this pain any longer

Please Xavier how long will I be punished

Please make it stop

But there was no Xavier here

He was far miles away unaware of the extent of pain I am in.

It was only me and my desire to live

The chains were unbounded and my half conscious body landed on the ground.

I could see my black hair wet in blood

In front of me I saw Daniel's black combat shoes


Slowly the shoes got hazy and black sports started filling my view untill everything turned black and my body bacame limp.


Xavier's pov

"The court is adjourned to the first saturday of next month...till then both the parties are required to arrive at a mutual negotiation or else I will be forced to transfer 100 acres of this land as per my own evaluations..."

The supreme judge said and like this 4 hours long meeting was again postponed for the next 30 days.

These court meeting are always very boring

This case was regarding the distribution of the area of Thunder pack territory we recently acquired.

As I made my way towards my black Bentley a female blocked my view

"Good evening...your highness..."

She said trying to sound seductive but she failed miserably

I continued to walk ignoring her

She ran behind me not understanding my lack of interest

"Your highness....please...wait...I know someone you are looking for!!"

I stopped suddenly making her hit her head at my back and hiss in pain

I turned around and saw her rubbing her forehead

"You are looking for a girl with blue eyes and black hair ..right?"

"Yes ,I am..if you know someone kindly tell me or else I will be leaving.."

"Hey handsome..just wait on a minute...actually ...My eyes are actuallu blue ..I am wearing contacts right now...."


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