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Resurrection novel Chapter 27

What was happening

I haven't suffered this kind of pain before

"By..e Xa..vier....I a..m ...t..ired....of ...th.is ....pain....I wa..nt to b..e relie..ved ...no..w....  pl..ease...let. .me ....go......"

No!!!no!!!! Don't!!!

"I....ha..ve and.. will alwa........l..o..v..e .......you"

With this she gulped the entire liquid

The empty bottle landed on the carpet followed by her body.

Within seconds all the aura and pains ended

Deadly Silence followed

I managed to move towards her on my shaky legs.

As I reached her and held her face in my hands my  body froze

Her blue eyes were turning silver......her face was turning cold as ice and her blue veins were turning silver....

"Antidote!!!! Get me the antidote dammit!!!hurry!!

I screamed

I checked her pulse and my hear stopped for a second

... it was gone

"Ezra..no...Ezra...please wake up....you can't do this!!! Get the hell up Ezraaaa!!!Get up!!!"

I was shaking her

Rubbing her hands to warm them

Kissing her lips to revive her

But all in vain

The doctor appeared with the antidote and injected it

One after the other....

But my hear knew it was too late...

She was gone...

Teardrops landed on her face one after the other

No longer sparks ignited when I touched her

She was gone.......

I.... Kill...ed her.....

I looked down again at her

I pulled her up and the shoulder of her worn out loose too fell down

Her  chest had some kind of a tattoo on it

I had spent multiple nights with her but we never mated

It was her wish to mate after our marriage

Her tattoo was visible to me for the first time

But it was not a normal tattoo

My fingers automatically touched it and as I traced it my mind remembered it

The feel of touch was just like it was 20 years back

S....she......  was ....the....one...

Teardrops landed on her thunder mark

Blue eyes.....

Black hair.....

Wolf never seen....

She was my angel.......

Oh god what have I done!!

My cries turned into pleads

Please!!! God!! Please save her!!!

I...promise....I never hu..rt... her....

Please punish me..not her....

Again my fingers touched the thunder mark

I was lost in her thoughts.... oblivious of my surroundings...

Her eyes

Her smile

Her last words.....

"I love you....Ezra.....I love you sooooooo much..."

I said crying but I was to late now



"Alpha....the antidote is not working...her heart has stopped....she...is..........no more...."

Next I know I pushed the doctor so hard that he went flying towards the rows of tables and chairs

Chapter 27 1

Chapter 27 2


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