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Revenge On My First Love novel Chapter 198

As her brother, he had done anything he could. But Cecilia insisted on causing trouble. What else could he do?

Cecelia didn't believe Flynn's words, yet then she saw Drake's response on the Internet.

In the video, he said to the camera in a solemn tone, "I know what you've been concerned about lately. I didn't want to stand up and talk about it, but someone wants to frame Sophia, so I must speak up."

"Yes, I slept with Sophia, but this is our private life. Does it have anything to do with others? Like you said, Sophia and I were not dating but slept together, which tarnished her reputation."

"I hereby tell you all solemnly, as long as Sophia says yes, I'll be responsible for her anytime."

"I have always loved her. As long as she nods as a sign, I am willing to do anything, even die for her. My wife can only be Sophia. She's the only one I want to marry."

"No, this is impossible!" Cecelia watched in disbelief.

She wanted to see Sophia becoming a joke, being laughed at by the world and being disdained by all men just like her. But why did Drake say such things publicly?

It was clear what Drake meant by saying those words

He was making a vow!

Because of his vow, new comments flooded the comment section and overwhelmed all the bad comments.

"Oh my, Drake is such responsible man! I like him so much!"

"If someone confessed his love to me in public, I would definitely say yes!"

"Drake is awesome! If I were Sophia, I would marry him at once! "

"Sophia and Drake, you must get married!"

"Drake is the perfect man in my mind!"

"I'm so envious of Sophia!"

Even Emma didn't expect her son to do such a thing.

Although she was quite shocked, she called Drake to praise him.

Drake was proud. "Mom, don't you think Sophia has no other choice than me now?"

Emma shook her head helplessly. "You, you are too cunning, but you did a good job. I believe Sophia will be touched by your words."

"I hope so!"

Sophia was stubborn. Drake sometimes couldn't figure out what she was thinking. He couldn't do anything with her.

Seeing such news, Helena and Chloe were thrilled.

They immediately chatted on the group chat.

Chloe typed: Oh my, I'll take Drake's side this time. Sophia, just accept Drake!

Helena: He is awesome!

Sophia was helpless: Chloe, Helena, are you still my friends?

Chloe: Just because we are your friends, we have to speak for Drake this time. You should know what it meant. Sophia, I don't think that you feel nothing when he said those words."

Sophia: I admit, I feel something. To be exact, I'm excited, but..."

Chloe: No buts. Like the netizens said, Sophia and Drake, you must get married!

Sophia was speechless.

Helena then repeatedly sent the message: Get married.

Chloe couldn't help laughing.


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