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Right Person, Wrong Time novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Daniella Committed Suicide

With a smile, Nicole said, “Things must have also been hard on you these days, Director Schmidt. Well then, I shall take back the documents I gave you before.”

Clearly, the expression on Joanna’s face stiffened. However, she quickly responded and picked up the things that had been arranged on the table.

“Well, not entirely. It was given to me because you were entangled in a scandal and couldn’t get out of the matter. Now that everything has been resolved, it’s natural for me to return them to you.”

As Nicole took the things, she smiled. She flipped through them and found that Joanna had poured in a lot of effort. “Fair enough. Then, I would like to thank you, Director Schmidt. Now that the plagiarism scandal has been clarified, the next thing we need to do is to hustle hard. Please bear with me and show me tolerance if there’s any area that I may require your cooperation.”

“Don’t mention it. It’s my honor to be able to work with you, Miss Lisa.” Joanna pursed her lips and faked a stiff smile.

Nicole had no intention to continue passing the bucks with Joanna. After getting the documents, she turned around and left.

After Joanna watched Nicole leave, the smile on her face instantly disappeared. She stood there for a long time without budging.

Hatred glimpsed in her eyes. I thought that Queenie could really drag Nicole down this time. She boasted about her ability, yet this was the result? Such a useless piece of sh*t!

Continuing to stand on the spot for a long time, Joanna closed her eyes slightly. She kept telling herself to calm down. Nicole is only going to stay in the Gardner Corporation for a few months and will leave after the cooperative tie between F&M Apparel and the Gardner Corporation is over. I can’t afford to take risks within these few months. After Nicole leaves, I’m still the only director for Gardner Apparel!

At the thought of that, Joanna felt that the anger in her heart eventually dissipated a lot. That’s right. I’ll let Nicole be complacent for a few more days.

Anyhow, my status will definitely rise when Gardner Clothing reaches the top nationwide. So, there’s no harm for me.

Later, at noon, Nicole came back from her lunch. Just as she sat down, she suddenly received a call from Whitney.


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