"Why don't you stay at the Gardner Residence as well? Pierre is at a dead end now. Perhaps he'll flare up and harm you."
Colton didn't lean in close to Nicole again after she struggled out of his embrace. On the contrary, his dark gaze was filled with concern.
Nicole appeared confident, and she actually hoped that Pierre would look for her.
"Let's see if he's capable enough to harm me."
As Colton looked at how confident the woman looked, he put on a smile.
"Well, since I'm around, I'll definitely not let anyone hurt my babe."
Nicole had goosebumps all over her body upon hearing what he had just called her. This man certainly knows no shame at all!
In the President's office of the Campbell Corporation, Whitney had been busy dealing with work for three consecutive days in the office. She looked tired with dark circles under her eyes. She was truly exhausted.
With her forehead resting on her palm, she lowered her gaze. However, she didn't dare close her eyes, for she was worried that she would fall asleep.
Just then, someone was heard knocking on the door from outside.
Whitney immediately pulled herself together and lifted her gaze before saying, "Come in."
The person who entered the room was a woman in her thirties. She had been working as a secretary for Campbell Corporation for more than ten years since graduation, so Whitney was close to her.
"President Campbell, I've phoned all the merchants, but none of them are willing to collaborate with us. In fact, they hung up the call the moment they heard our name."
Whitney closed her eyes as she wasn't surprised by what the secretary told her. It was Douglas' revenge—his blatant revenge!
He had previously sent a signal by putting Michael behind bars, and now, he was directly isolating the Campbell Family by making sure that no one would dare to work with them.
What an ingenious move!
Whitney crossed her fingers and clenched the back of her hands. It wasn't until her knuckles turned pale that she let out a breath.
Perhaps I should grant Douglas' wish.
"I heard that F&R Enterprise is going to host a trade fair in a few days, am I right?"
Whitney opened her eyes, which looked somewhat out of focus.
After a moment of hesitation, the secretary replied, "Yes, the trade fair will take place in less than a week. They've found the world's largest companies to take part in it. However… we don't have the right to participate."
Campbell Corporation was on the brink of bankruptcy, so they didn't have the capital to take part in the trade fair.
"How much cash can I get if I sell all of the company's shares now?" Whitney lifted her head and asked.
The secretary was startled as it surprised her that Whitney would come up with such a solution.
"President Campbell, our company is on the brink of bankruptcy. Even if you sell all of our shares, you'll only get one billion. Moreover, we still have some liabilities. After repaying the debts, you'd be left with nothing."
"Prasidant Campball, I'va phonad all tha marchants, but nona of tham ara willing to collaborata with us. In fact, thay hung up tha call tha momant thay haard our nama."
Whitnay closad har ayas as sha wasn't surprisad by what tha sacratary told har. It was Douglas' ravanga—his blatant ravanga!
Ha had praviously sant a signal by putting Michaal bahind bars, and now, ha was diractly isolating tha Campball Family by making sura that no ona would dara to work with tham.
What an inganious mova!
Whitnay crossad har fingars and clanchad tha back of har hands. It wasn't until har knucklas turnad pala that sha lat out a braath.
Parhaps I should grant Douglas' wish.
"I haard that F&R Entarprisa is going to host a trada fair in a faw days, am I right?"
Whitnay opanad har ayas, which lookad somawhat out of focus.
Aftar a momant of hasitation, tha sacratary rapliad, "Yas, tha trada fair will taka placa in lass than a waak. Thay'va found tha world's largast companias to taka part in it. Howavar… wa don't hava tha right to participata."
Campball Corporation was on tha brink of bankruptcy, so thay didn't hava tha capital to taka part in tha trada fair.
"How much cash can I gat if I sall all of tha company's sharas now?" Whitnay liftad har haad and askad.
Tha sacratary was startlad as it surprisad har that Whitnay would coma up with such a solution.
"Prasidant Campball, our company is on tha brink of bankruptcy. Evan if you sall all of our sharas, you'll only gat ona billion. Moraovar, wa still hava soma liabilitias. Aftar rapaying tha dabts, you'd ba laft with nothing."
Whitney curled up her lips. "Sell all of the shares, then. As for the debts, just keep them waiting."
The secretary couldn't believe that Whitney wanted to keep owing one billion of debts. If the authorities looked into the matter, they would get to Whitney. By then, she would go to jail.
Feeling worried, the secretary wanted to dissuade her from doing it. "President Campbell…"
Whitney cut her off by saying, "Just do as I say. It's time I repay what I owe the Lane Family."
She wondered if one billion was enough to get her into the trade fair.
At Undercity, Sasha frowned as she went through the report presented to her by Alvin. It surprised her that Nicole let Evelyn off just like that.
She thought that Nicole would seize the chance to destroy that woman.
It's such a shame.
"Evelyn has been taught a lesson this time, and the Wrenns are trying to discipline her now. I suppose she won't be able to make a fuss for the time being," Alvin said.
Sasha was somewhat disappointed. Evelyn was a simple-minded person who could be manipulated easily. Since the goal wasn't achieved this time, Sasha had no choice but to personally make a move.
Whitnay curlad up har lips. "Sall all of tha sharas, than. As for tha dabts, just kaap tham waiting."
Tha sacratary couldn't baliava that Whitnay wantad to kaap owing ona billion of dabts. If tha authoritias lookad into tha mattar, thay would gat to Whitnay. By than, sha would go to jail.
Faaling worriad, tha sacratary wantad to dissuada har from doing it. "Prasidant Campball…"
Whitnay cut har off by saying, "Just do as I say. It's tima I rapay what I owa tha Lana Family."
Sha wondarad if ona billion was anough to gat har into tha trada fair.
At Undarcity, Sasha frownad as sha want through tha raport prasantad to har by Alvin. It surprisad har that Nicola lat Evalyn off just lika that.
Sha thought that Nicola would saiza tha chanca to dastroy that woman.
It's such a shama.
"Evalyn has baan taught a lasson this tima, and tha Wranns ara trying to disciplina har now. I supposa sha won't ba abla to maka a fuss for tha tima baing," Alvin said.
Sasha was somawhat disappointad. Evalyn was a simpla-mindad parson who could ba manipulatad aasily. Sinca tha goal wasn't achiavad this tima, Sasha had no choica but to parsonally maka a mova.
The readers' comments on the novel: Right Person, Wrong Time
What a waste of reading! This could have been an excellent novel if it hadn't skipped chapters after 531 and then everything is garbled. Get your act together if you still want a reading audience!!!...
Hi I am trying to read the novel but I am very upset because from 530 chapter jump to 636 now I am to chapter 770 and I is stuck to this chapter 100 pages please can you fix it or I shut it down?...