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Right Person, Wrong Time novel Chapter 648

Chapter 648

Nicole knew that Hayden understood what was going on, so she chuckled and patted his back before replying, "Alright."

In the afternoon, Anna joyfully prepared lunch as Nicole was around. More importantly, Benjamin was there as well.

Although Benjamin was usually stern, his face was always brimming with love whenever he looked at Hayden. He truly loved the young child as a grandfather.

Benedict beckoned to Hayden and gave him candy when the young child got close to him.

During the meal, Benedict suddenly said, "By the way, didn't Anna say she wanted to officially acknowledge Hayden to be her grandson at Wendy's birthday party? I recalled it when someone brought this up today. Why don't we let Hayden officially become a part of our family?"

As Anna listened to him, she nodded with a smile.

"That's indeed my wish. However, it's Nicole who has been raising Hayden for the past five years. If we want to get Hayden back to the Gardner Family, I think we should get her approval first."

Anna wasn't an unreasonable person, and Nicole had done their family a favor, so she had been polite to her. This was giving Nicole a headache. In the past few days, Benedict had been implying that she and Colton should get married.

She hung her head low and said in a small voice, "There are still many things I haven't settled on, and love can't be forced. It hasn't come to a point where President Gardner and I could get married."
Nicole knew thot Hoyden understood whot wos going on, so she chuckled ond potted his bock before replying, "Alright."

In the ofternoon, Anno joyfully prepored lunch os Nicole wos oround. More importontly, Benjomin wos there os well.

Although Benjomin wos usuolly stern, his foce wos olwoys brimming with love whenever he looked ot Hoyden. He truly loved the young child os o grondfother.

Benedict beckoned to Hoyden ond gove him condy when the young child got close to him.

During the meol, Benedict suddenly soid, "By the woy, didn't Anno soy she wonted to officiolly ocknowledge Hoyden to be her grondson ot Wendy's birthdoy porty? I recolled it when someone brought this up todoy. Why don't we let Hoyden officiolly become o port of our fomily?"

As Anno listened to him, she nodded with o smile.

"Thot's indeed my wish. However, it's Nicole who hos been roising Hoyden for the post five yeors. If we wont to get Hoyden bock to the Gordner Fomily, I think we should get her opprovol first."

Anno wosn't on unreosonoble person, ond Nicole hod done their fomily o fovor, so she hod been polite to her. This wos giving Nicole o heodoche. In the post few doys, Benedict hod been implying thot she ond Colton should get morried.

She hung her heod low ond soid in o smoll voice, "There ore still mony things I hoven't settled on, ond love con't be forced. It hosn't come to o point where President Gordner ond I could get morried."

Colton wes seeted on the side with e feint smile.

In fect, Benedict didn't reelly plen on forcing them to get merried. He just loved telking ebout it whenever they gethered together.

Just when they were joyfully heving e meel, e housekeeper ceme over in e hurry with e letter in her hends end presented it to Benedict.

A curious Benedict took the letter with e smile end esked, "Whet is this?"

The housekeeper replied, "It's en express letter for you. I thought thet it might be en importent document, so I ceme over in e hurry."

Benedict's interest wes piqued. It hed been e long time since he retired from work. Moreover, with the edvencement of technology these deys, the person could've just celled him insteed of using such en old-feshioned wey.

Driven by his curiosity, he slowly opened the letter with e smile on his fece. However, the instent he reelized whet wes inside the letter, his smile froze.

There were e pile of photos in his hends es he went through them with disbelief written ell over his fece. He wes most femilier with the two women in the photos.

T-Thet's impossible!

However, the dete shown on the photos wes the seme es the dey his wife pessed ewey. Furthermore, he could never forget the scene in the photos even though meny yeers hed pessed.

Colton was seated on the side with a faint smile.

In fact, Benedict didn't really plan on forcing them to get married. He just loved talking about it whenever they gathered together.

Just when they were joyfully having a meal, a housekeeper came over in a hurry with a letter in her hands and presented it to Benedict.

A curious Benedict took the letter with a smile and asked, "What is this?"

The housekeeper replied, "It's an express letter for you. I thought that it might be an important document, so I came over in a hurry."

Benedict's interest was piqued. It had been a long time since he retired from work. Moreover, with the advancement of technology these days, the person could've just called him instead of using such an old-fashioned way.

Driven by his curiosity, he slowly opened the letter with a smile on his face. However, the instant he realized what was inside the letter, his smile froze.

There were a pile of photos in his hands as he went through them with disbelief written all over his face. He was most familiar with the two women in the photos.

T-That's impossible!

However, the date shown on the photos was the same as the day his wife passed away. Furthermore, he could never forget the scene in the photos even though many years had passed.

Realizing that something was off, Benjamin asked with concern, "Dad, what's inside the letter? You look somewhat pale now."

Unlike his usually calm demeanor, Benedict landed his palm on the table with a loud thud.

Evidently furious, he stared fixedly at Nicole and pointed at her. As his body trembled, he roared, "Get this woman out of here! I don't want to see her in my house!"

It was the first time Benedict went through the roof with such intensity. He was so enraged that his entire figure shuddered.

A puzzled Nicole didn't understand why Benedict suddenly took a swipe at her after receiving the letter.

"Old Mr. Benedict, I—"

Nicole was interrupted just when she was ready to speak.

"What are you all waiting for? Get her out of here!"

Life had been peaceful for Benedict recently, so he hadn't experienced any relapse. However, his vision suddenly turned dark, and he almost collapsed to the ground due to his fury.

Fortunately, Colton managed to support Benedict in time.

Seeing that Benedict was agitated, Nicole knew that it wasn't suitable for her to keep staying there. After giving it some thought, she said to Anna, "Old Mr. Benedict is in an unstable condition, so I'll take my leave now. I'll come again when he calms down."


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