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Right Person, Wrong Time novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Take Her Home

After Nicole had slightly returned to her senses due to the wind, the first thing she saw was that she was in the arms of a man, and that man was touching her head with one hand.

Her mind turned blank. Before she had time to think about it, she got up abruptly and threw a slap at him, blurting, “You monster!”

Colton was a little taken aback by the slap. Although Nicole wasn’t that strong, the crisp slap could be heard loud and clear in the quiet car.

At that moment, Colton’s expression was as dark as a storm.

It was only a moment later that Nicole came back to her senses. Looking at Colton’s dark expression on his red face, she blanked out with her hand still raised in the air. Earlier, she seemed to have lost her mind… and she even hit him.

A gust of cold wind blew in from outside. Nicole bit her lip and raised her eyes to glance at Colton carefully. She pursed her lips and explained in a low voice, “I wasn’t looking clearly, so I thought you were a hooligan…”

The more she spoke, the more guilty she became. She faintly remembered that she seemed to have been rubbing herself all over him earlier.

Colton’s expression darkened, his thin lips pursed tightly. He could feel a slight pain on his cheek, and the culprit was the woman next to him.

He suppressed his voice and mustered a smile, asking, “Miss Anderson, you leaned on me by yourself first. How did I become a hooligan?”

Though Colton’s tone was lighthearted, Nicole’s face turned flushed when she heard his words. She crossed her hands together and twiddled her fingers in embarrassment. So it’s true that I snuggled up to him earlier. Not only that, but I was the one in the wrong, and yet, I ended up hitting him instead.

She licked her dry lips, afraid to look over at him. In the end, she could only turn around and look out the window.

Her body continued to radiate heat, and even as the chilly winter wind blew onto her, she didn’t feel awake. Nicole closed her eyes and drove her nails into her palm. The slightly tingling sensation brought her back to her senses a little.

However, she soon felt that she was about to lose consciousness again. She bit her lip and contemplated before turning to look at Colton, saying sternly, “President Gardner, why don’t you let me get off here?”


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