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Salute To The General (Nathan Cross) novel Chapter 3769

Lucius' eyes sparkled with intrigue when he heard Max's words.

If Nathan's injuries were as critical as Max indicated, and if Max was truly prepared to work with them both overtly and covertly, their prospects of conquering the Divine Realm seemed promising.

Furthermore, once they initiated their plan, those Gods opposed to Nathan's rule would likely revolt. This would leave Nathan besieged from all sides, trapped in a desperate plight.

Yet, Lucius and his allies were not easily deceived.

Gazing at Max with a frosty sneer, Lucius challenged, "So, you propose an alliance with us, but how can we be sure of your trustworthiness? How will you demonstrate your commitment? Aren't you just Nathan's pawn, sent to ensnare us?"

Max replied dismissively, "Your intentions are no secret. Nathan was well aware of them too. Had Nathan not been weakened, had his fighting prowess been intact... do you think you'd still be sitting here so comfortably?"

He continued, "Had Nathan been at full strength, he would have already dealt with you, either by elimination or imprisonment. His reluctance to act against you is evidence enough of his diminished threat, a mere facade to frighten you. You've been so intimidated that you overestimate your own importance."

The Four Emperors were both stunned and enraged by Max's words.

Meanwhile, Max, having finished his cup of coffee, casually remarked, "The coffee's finished, and so is my time here."

He suggested, "Give our collaboration some more thought. I expect your decision before you leave the Divine Realm."

After uttering those words, Max stood and walked away.

Mentzer, Fermin, and Lola instinctively moved to stop him, but Lucius, with a subtle shake of his head, signaled for them to hold back, allowing Max to depart unimpeded.

Subsequently, Max draped his cloak around himself, quickly blending into the shadows.

Lucius observed Max's fading silhouette, his face etched with contemplation.

Breaking the silence, Lola queried, "What's your take on this? Can we rely on Max's word? Is there a chance for a successful alliance with him?"


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