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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 13


Chapter 13 

Uh! How the hell is this so 

much better? Dusting

DUSTING! How is this 


Mollywho has been leading me to the billiard roombecause apparently, the pack house has a billiard roomfinally stops in front of double doors. Everyone else got better and real jobs 

than this

You will start here. Dust 

everything especially things 

that are on the wall and 

shelves. Then continue to 

the other rooms in this 

hallway. Don’t break 

anything.she says

That’s it?” 

Yeah.She turns around and 


I look at the duster in my 


This is so stupid,I mutter. At least out in the gardens

my work mattered. It 

benefits the pack. Thisthis is stupid work

So you don’t like it?” 

squeeze my eyes close and sigh before turning around and facing Colt whose voice I recognize

I haven’t even started but 

no, I don’t think I like it.

tell him

He has his hands in his 

pocket while looking at me

Give it a chance. This will 

benefit many. Some people are stuck doing jobs they don’t like and I want to 

change that.He says which 

surprises me

Youwant to change 



He nods. This pack is 

divided and I think it’s the 

reason we can’t move 

forward. If we want to defeat 

the Dark Fang Pack one day, we need to change things 


People say that our pack and the Dark Fang pack are similar and that is why we 

are both feared.” 

No. In no way has my father been running this pack right but it does not compare. Our pack is feared because we 

have been fighting them for 

so long and have been able 

to match them in battle but 

the way we run or pack is completely different. Trust meHe stops talking and 

looks distant as if he is 

remembering things

Well if you want the pack to unite, you can start by how the Omegas are treated

Most of us don’t feel like we 

are part of the pack.I tell 


That gets him out of that 

sudden freeze

Exactly!He says. That’s 

why I want to integrate them 

with the Gammas and the 

Betas but it has to be one 

foot at a time. I don’t want to 

do things like my father has. I am by no means

reasonable or better man but 

I want the pack to feel like a pack should. I want them to follow me out of loyalty and 

not fear.” 

I stare at him at this moment 

with admiration. He wants to do things differently and I really hope he can

I nod. I get it now. So you need to start slowlybut-I stop, looking at the duster

and then mutter. I still don’t 

like this stupid job.” 

I don’t know why I forget 

that this man is the next to 

be Alpha and I keep talking as if I am familiar with him

Mh, I have another job that you might be more 

interested in.His eyes roam 

my b*dy. But it requires 

you to be on your knees.” 

My knees?I don’t know 

why I am so stupid that at first, it doesn’t register what he is insinuating. I might be a virgin but I am not an idiot. I know thingsmostly 

thanks to Laurenbut for 

some reason, I feel dumb 

when I am with him

I narrow my eyes at him when the thought invades 

my mind

He smiles, winks, and 

whispers. Just a fun thought.” 

I can’t say anything 

becausewellwhat the hell 

am I supposed to say to that

Yes, please? The thought of those words comes from my 

intrusive thoughts. I almost bite my l*ps in fear that I will 

say them

AH! What am I thinking?! Yesterday I was trying to convince myself to not like the guy but how couldn’t I

As I am fighting my mind, his arm goes past me and he opens the double doors that are behind me. He walks past me and his big b*dy covers 

the room from my view as 

he goes in until he moves to 

the side where there is

small liquor bar

There is a big billiard table in the middle of the room,

bar to the right side wall, and 

tables with chairs on the left 

side wall

I had never seen this room 

before. What really gets my attention though are the 

people in here. All three of Colt’s brothersincluding 

Ezraand also his sister

Ezrawho was bending down over the billiard table 

ready to hit one of the 

balls- now straightens up 

and stares at me with wide 


There he is. Time to 

celebrate.Kaecy says

Celebrate? Is that why you 

all called me here?Colt 

holds the glass that is now full of alcohol and sips on it

We needed our own 

reunion away from Mom 

and Dad. We wanted to 

celebrate that you are back 

and play like old times.” 

Kaecy says

Bryn now notices me as I walk in. What are you doing here?” 

I lift the duster up. Dusting.I purposely put on an 

unhappy face and glance at 

Colt who smiles at me

I immediately go to the wall 

where there are shelves with 

placks and trophies

This doesn’t even look like it 

needs dusting but I have to act like I am doing 

something. So I start dusting

I can’t believe it, man. To 

think that you are back.Kaecy pats Colt’s shoulder. I thoughtI had accepted that you were goneHe almost 

chokes on his words

Kaecy has always been one who followed and admired 

his older brother. He took it 

hard when they all thought 

Colt had died

But now you are back like 

old times!” 

Colt just stares at him while Kaecy continues to pat his 


I personally don’t think it’s 

like old times. I can see now that Colt has really changed. He is a different person

How did you find yourself back here? And why now?Ezra asks giving his attention to the pool table and the 

billiard balls

I thought you guys wanted to celebrate, not interrogate 


Of course!Kaecy says

This is to celebrate. He 

already had this 

conversation with Dad. I am 

sure he is tired of it.” 

YeahI guess.Ezra mutters

You don’t sound too excited 

to have me here.Colt says

Not at all. It is a miracle to 

have you back.Ezra replies

Well, my friends are excited to see you.Bryn says to Colt. You remember Stacy my 

best friend?” 

Colt nods

Well, she’s always been fond of you. She’s very excited that you are back.” 

Colt looks out of the window 

and looks really bored with 

this topic now. Almost looks 

like he is irritated

I mean now that you don’t have a mate, you will be choosing one, right?She 


Geez Bryn. The man just got back. Let him be with this whole mate thing.” 

Kacey says

Yeah, you sound as pushy as 


twinmutters. He has been 

quiet playing with Ezra at 

the billiard table

Besides, I am sure your 

friend has a mate 

somewhere.Ezra finally 


You know, wouldn’t it be 

best for us to choose who we 

want as our mates?Bryn 

starts to say. I mean, what if I get settled with one of 

those lowly Omegas? Do you know how embarrassing that 

would be? Uh! I rather die.” 

Your mate is goddessgiven.Colt suddenly say

Betraying a good mate is the 

most disgusting thing you 

could ever do no matter 

their status.” 

At first, I thought that he was talking about Ezra but when 

I look at him, he seems 

distant again. As if his mind 

is somewhere else but there 

is anger in his expression

He looks at Bryn. You are a 

child, Bryn. You have clearly not experienced anything 

about the real world.” 

The room grows silent. The 

air has shifted and it seems that winter has come early because this place seems cold 


I have not seen him like this

He has been different with 

  1. me. Not once has he been 

this cold towards me. This is 

a side to him that I had not 

seen but he seems much 

more mature than anyone in this room right now

No one says a thing and the 

silence is a killer. I decide 

not to do the rest of the 

room and act like I finished

quickly scurrying out of the 

freezing room

I make my way to the next 

room and continue my duties while still thinking 

about their conversation

I am glad Colt said what he said but he looked so pissed. Clearly, his sister’s comment had an impact on him and it had nothing to do with me 

and Ezra

Damnit! This is a creepy damn room

I stand on a small step later dusting a room with dead 

animal busts everywhere. Taxidermy. Deers, hogs

bulls! Why kill all these animals just to display them

I stare into the dead deer’s 

eyes which I am sure are fake 

eyes because I mean,

assume eyes can’t be 


Mhor maybe they died of 

natural causes? I know 


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