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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 12


Chapter 12 

Colt’s POV

I watch Cass leave the office

My stomach turns when she 

is near. I can’t believe this girl gives me butterflies when I see her. F**king 


That’s done but what are 

you up to? And why?My 

father asks taking me out of 

my thoughts

You know why, and also

want to see how well can the 

pack adapt to change.” 

Mh….and that girl? Are you 

sure?He asks

I nod. I want her close

Son, I don’t understand 

your need for this woman. You are doing all this just to 

have her close?” 


But you won’t tell me why she is so important to you.” 

I stay quiet. I have told him almost everything but this, this I keep to myself

Besides the damn butterflies 

she keeps giving me, she has 

something else that I am 

interested in too

Hmh. You could have your pick of the pack.he says

And I did pick. I want her.” 

Okay, but then what is the 

need for all of this? You can 

just take her if you want her. No need to play games or wait.” 

No. I want her to want me 

too. I want a genuine bond. Not one based on her being forced and hating me for it.” 

He shakes his head. You are 

to be Alpha, no shewolf in 

the pack would pass that opportunity. She won’t hate 


I almost laugh because of 

how much he doesn’t know 

her. Oh yes, she would. She 

is different than all the other 

women in the pack. She doesn’t like being told what to do.” 

That can be easily corrected.” he says

Why would I do that? I like 

that about her. She has a will 

of her own. A defiant little 

minx who will not just follow the herd like a sheep.” 

Alright, fine. I don’t really 

care if I am honest. All I care 

about is you taking over. An Alpha is born, a Luna can 

learn her duties.He then 

mutters. Thank the goddess you are back. Your brother 

was never cut out for this.” 

And I will succeed youif I get what I want.I say

He nods. You will get what 

you want. Your mother won’t like it though. Not that girl.” 

I couldn’t care less but I don’t 

say it

Mother has always had it in 

for Cass but it is our fault

Mine and my siblings. We targeted her over the years. She fought back and got in 

trouble because of this

I hope she can forgive me.

know that I wasn’t as bad as 

my brothers but I am not 

without fault. I realize the part I played in this but I will never hurt her again. It takes a man with an ego to fall 

hard into darkness to see the 

value of a good woman. And I see it, Cass. I see you

Dad puts a hand on my 

shoulder, startling me from 

my thoughts and I almost 


You are home, son. You are 

safe. You don’t have to live in 

fear anymore.” 

Fear? Maybe not fear but 

hatred is another thing.

hate HIM. I hate them all

Now that I am free, they will pay for these nine years of 


I stare out of the window as

think of her


That power she has will be 

detrimental to HIM. I want 

her, that is no lie. Even 

before I knew of her power

wanted her. The kindness 

she showed usI was blind to 

her beauty all those years ago. To be honest, if it wasn’t for what I went through 

these nine years, I would not be able to appreciate

beauty like hers. She is a rare 

kind of woman

The moment I left that 

torturing room, I knew

wanted her but now that I know about her power,

NEED her by my side. She 

will be the one who turns the 

tide. They will all pay

I’ll be back. Your mom 

needs me.Dad says looking 

at his phone and walking 


As Dad walks out, Kaecy 

pops his head into the office 

from the door

Hey, meet us in the game 

room in a few minutes.he 


For what?I ask

Just come.” 

I give him a nod. Alright.” 

As he leaves, I stand there looking out of the window

Nothing has changed here

It’s like everyone is stuck playing their parts. I need to change that. They need to be more aware of the enemy

Hey, what you up to?Dash walks into the office taking me out of my thoughts.

watch him sit on one of the 

chairs and rest his feet on the 

coffee table

You’re getting comfortable,‘ 

I mutter

Haven’t been this relaxed in 

years,he replies

I know what you mean 


Hey! Where is Cass?” 

I narrow my eyes at him. Why?” 

Just wanted to talk to her. Did you find her yesterday?” 

YeahI did.” 

Was she really angry?” 

She wasbut I made 

itbetter.I have to steer 

clear of the thoughts that 

want to surface

YOU made it better?” 


He squints his eyes. How?” 

You want sweet details of 

our lovemaking?” 

Oh shut the hell up. You are lying. Curls wouldn’t have.He says

I laugh. And you know her that well just by the time we spent down there together?” 

Yeah. I’m good at reading 

people. And that’s a good girl.” 

That makes me like her even 


I let my thoughts win and 

think about last night. How 

her b*dy felt and reacted to 

my touch. Mh” 

Dash shifts uncomfortably in 

his spot. What are you 

moaning about, f**ker?” 


He squints his eyes. What 

did you do?” 

Nothing.I say again

You know what? It doesn’t 

matter. It’s not like she can’t 

take care of herself. You f**k 

with her, you are the one that is risking it.” 

He looks up thinking. Do you really believe she is- 


Yeah. Let’s not talk about that here.I quickly say

Dad is not stupid. He knows there is more to the story. I don’t think he has anyone 

watching us but you never 

know. I rather be careful

It’s crazy though. When we weren’t looking-” 

I know. Now stop.” 

Fine, fineHe leans his 

head back but then bobs it 

back up again. Hey, that 

sister of yours is a b*tch.” 

YeahI know.” 

She treats people like they 

are the dirt under her shoe and she thinks she is a jewel that walks upon this earth.” 

Yeahshe took after my 


Ohdamn. That’s sad.” 

My whole family is sad. A sad excuse for an Alpha family.I mutter

Aint that a bit harsh?” 

No, but I’m not going to lie, I was part of the problem too. I used to be just like all 

of them. Entitled. Thought 

that I was better than others

If I can take anything good from what happened to 

meus, it is that it opened my eyes.” 

He nods. Yeah. I am not the 

same person I was before I got there either.” 

It changed us all.I whisper

Speaking of all, aren’t these two f**kers supposed to leave any minute now?” 

I nod. Yeah. We should go see them off.” 

We get up and head out to 

the front of the house

Quinn and Petter are getting 

ready to head home to their packs

There you two are. Come to be sappy and say your goodbyes?Quin asks

Dash gives him a soft punch 

on the shoulder. Don’t start 

with that shit man. Emotions 

are normal.” 

“You homo sapien,Quin 


Dash’s face crinkles 


Well yeah. I don’t want to be 

offensive to Petter here so

add the sapienpart.Quin explains

F**ker! I don’t pitch for the same team!Petter shouts

Dash, Quin, and I laugh

Little b*tchass,Petter 

mutters under his breath

Dash sighs. I’m going to 

miss you guys.” 

Yeah. We’ve been through

lot together.Peter says

Again, you guys are-We interrupt Quinn before he 

can finish the sentence

Shut up!We all say at the same time making him laugh

I put a hand on each of their 

shoulders. Take care. You 

guys are like my brothers.

lean in. And remember 

what I said.” 

Quin nods. Yeah. We won’t tell anyone. You know you 

can trust us.” 

I nod. I know they won’t say anything. This benefits us all

I watch them get in the car 

and leave


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