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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 

You are crazy! What kind of Luna are you?!I shout at her 

but she makes no attempt to 


After a long walk into the 

woods, we come across an area mounted with shrubs

natural debris, and fallen 

trees. Under these clutters 

that the guards move aside there is a trap door. When 

they open it, they carry me 

down to what looks like

bunker. It is clearly 


They entrapped me to a wall 

shackled in chains

I realize that I am scared to 

die because, for the first 

time, I have something that

truly want in my life. I want 

Colt. I want what he offers 

  1. me. A life with a mate who 

truly cares about me

I look at her, determined to 

buy some time. What are you going to do? You kill me and Colt will never forgive you, Erza either! I am still his 

mate and he will feel it in his 


You are the cancer to this 

pack. If I allow you to go on, your influence will grow too powerful. And I don’t want you anywhere near my children. They will be upset, yes but eventually they will forget. I rather they hate me than to deal with you.” 

You are clearly not fit to be Luna anymore, mother.Colt suddenly appears from the 

shadows behind her

Colt!I shout with relief

How?! How did you find this place? Not even your father 

knows about it and so fast!” 

He walks past her in my direction and starts to 

meddle with my retrains

Motherfor the last three 

years, I have been part of an elite tracking team for the Dark Fang pack. You could 

not have been easier to track 

even if you had left clues on purpose for us.” 

I can see behind him Dash 

with his arms crossed

leaning on a wall, and a disapproving expression on 

his face

Colt releases my hands and 

rubs my wrists. Are you 


I shake my head. Nothing

couldn’t handle. You didn’t 

give them a chance to do morethank you.” 

He smiles tenderly, then leans forward and k*sses my head. I cling to him feeling the safety he emanates, never wanting to let go

A frown suddenly tugs the corner of his l*ps and his 

head slowly turns back to 

look at his mother

Coltlisten to me! She will 

bring this pack down! She 

has you and your brother pinned against each other!” 

MotherHis voice is void 

of emotion and it scares even 

  1. me. I love youbut my wolf will hurt you if you touch her again.” 

Her face pales and her eyes widen. Youyou would hurt 


My wolf has taken to her. It will be instinct and you are asking for it. I warn you just 

this once. Don’t make me do 

something I don’t want to 


How canhow can you talk 

to me like this?” 

Look at what you are doing

How is this okay in your 

mind?he asks

Alice, what are you 

thinking?! What is this 

place?!The Alpha suddenly 

rushes in

I need to protect my children!she screams

From this girl? What can this girl do? This is all drama 

that will simmer down once 

Ezra realizes the 

consequences of his actions.” 

Colt walks us past them

Excuse me Dad but I am 

going to take her home.” 

The Alpha nods as he 

continues to try to talk some 

sense to the Luna

We leave them and climb up the hatch. Immediately Colt 

picks me up and starts 

walking back to the pack 


What is it with you always 

carrying me?I ask. I can walk perfectly fine.” 

You are light. I like how you 

feel in my arms when I carry 


I don’t know why I am 

complaining. I like How he 

feels when he carries me too

Since you won’t let me be 

inside of you or even touch 

you, I’ll take what I can get.” 

I gasp. Shut up!” 

He laughs

You act as if you still don’t 


Of course, I try. I want you so bad.” 

He makes me blush. I hug him and hide my face but 

that’s when I realize that 

Dash is behind him with


Uh! He probably heard all of 


I smile at him. Thank you

Dash,I say watching him as 

he follows us

Yeah, you can thank me by dismissing me. I don’t want to have to listen to you two 

talking all the way up to your room like this.” 

Thanks, Dash. You can go.‘ 

Colt says

He finally smiles and 

immediately walks away

When we walk inside, we are 

met with Kaecy who frantically shakes his head

Go! Please. He is looking 

forHe can’t finish. Ezra 

rushes through the hall in our direction

Is she okay?!he asks

Yes.Colt answers in a cold 


Let me see her!” 

Kaecy gets in front of him

No,Colt replies

You can’t just take her! You can’t keep her away from 


I am fine, Ezra,I say

You are MY mate!he says

He is starting to sound like

broken record and still, I feel 

nothing when he says these things

Colt walks up the stairs ignoring him and leaving Kaecy to deal with him

When we make it to his 

room, I sigh in relief as he 

lies me on the bed

Can we just go to sleep and let this day end?I ask, feeling tired of it all

He takes his shirt off and 

drops himself next to me

Yes.He pulls me in a hug and settles us comfortably 

on the bed. Let’s rest.” 

I really do hope this all gets 

easier. This is too much 

stress for me and I hate it


I am suddenly woken up by 


Mh. No.” 

I hear him laugh. No what?” 

No wake me” 

He laughs again. You mean don’t wake you?” 

I nod with my eyes closed

Get up, Angel. We are leaving.” 

My eyes open and my head 

props up. Leaving? To 


To the city.” 

But I thought we still had 

one more day?” 

With everything that has 

happened, I think it is best to 

leave early.” 

I actually agree with him

I nod. I get up and stretch as I watch him get up and head to the bathroom but he stops before closing the door

Shower?he asks

No! Not this time mister.

immediately say

I can’t. It was too hard to 

resist him yesterday so I am 

not risking it this time

He grunts but closes the 


I get up and turn on the light. That’s when I notice 

my backpack in the corner 

of the room

I smile. Lauren must have 

packed it for me

I quickly change before Colt 

finishes his shower. Then 

check my stuff and make sure that everything I need is 

in there and it is. Lauren 

knows me very well

When Colt finishes his 

shower, he comes out with 

just a towel on his waist. The 

f**ker looks at me with

smirk and suddenly drops 

the towel. I feel a flush 

creeping up my cheeks as 

my eyes go round

He strides to the closet in all 

his n*ked glory. The 

mountains of muscles on his 

back, arms, and legs bulge as 

he walks

When he enters the closet

that is when I feel like I can 

finally breathe. I was 

definitely holding my breath

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. This man is so goodlooking scars and all

He is perfect. He is much 

bigger than all his brothers. Kacey and Ezra are tall but 

have a smaller build. Colt is 

much more buil on his 

shoulders and deltoids as 

well as his rib area. I am 

finding out that I am liking 

when he hugs me because I almost disappear in his arms

He comes out dressed in

halfsuit. He doesn’t wear the 

blazer but holds it hung over 

his shoulder. He looks 

deliciously handsome

Are you ready?As he asks 

this, a knock comes at the 


Colt opens it and Dash walks 

  1. in

F**king bastard. You didn’t tell me I was going to be 

your personal butler.Dash mutters as he stands in front 

of Colt

Hey, you are welcome to leave the pack and do 

whatever you want,” Colt 


And what the f**k am

going to do?” 

Well, until I am Alpha, you won’t be Beta just yet. So you 

just have to hang in there.” 

Dash rolls his eyes and then looks at me. He grins. Hey

Curls! You, I don’t mind 

catering to.He says as he reaches for my bag

He looks at Colt again. Your brother has been actinup all f**king night. Thank the goddess I am going with you 

because otherwise, I’d kill him myself.” 

Dash walks out muttering 

curses under his breath. Colt 

turns to me and takes my 


Let’s get out of here 


I nod. I want to stop at 

Lauren’s first to say 


Okay.He says now walking 

down the stairs

To my displeasure, the Luna is standing at the bottom of 

the stairs

There you are. Wanted to 

see you off,she says as if yesterday didn’t happen

Colt stands motionless 

staring at her. She walks up the stairs and hugs him and 


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