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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 

Ezra gets near to the window 

which Colt starts to close

Don’t go, Cass! Just wait

Let’s talk about this!” 

Go,the Alpha says to Colt 

as he tries to hold Ezra back

Go!Colt says to the driver

Dash sits in the front, next to 

the driver. Go! Now!” 

Cass!Ezra shouts

Accept the rejection, Ezra

Let’s be done with this!

shout before the car starts to 


There is desperation in his eyes but I feel no sympathy. Maybe a few years ago

would have, but not 


Colt closes the window and 

we start driving

Are you okay?Colt asks

Yeah. I’m fine,I say but

stay quiet

Dash turns around and looks 

at me. Curls, he’s a prick

That man didn’t care until 

someone else was interested in you. Otherwise, he would 

have continued doing the same thing.” 

I know he is right. I am trying my hardest not to feel 

bad for the guy. And I will 

choose not to

How long will it take us to get where we are going?” 

About an hour,Colt says

He rubs my back

How are those wounds?” 

Oh, I forgot about them

They are not hurting.” 

Let me see.” 

I turn around for him. He 

lifts my shirt and takes the 

gausses off

They are already almost 

gone,he says

Good,I mutter but he doesn’t take his hand away

Instead, he slowly moves his hand up my back. It is a gentle touch, warm and delicate. It feels good

I close my eyes, feeling the 

nice sensation

So many scarsHe 


I give a hesitant pause

Mh, I was awild child, according to your mother.” 

He takes in a deep breath as if he is readying himself for something. Did any of these 

where because of me?” He 


I don’t want to hurt him, but I am not going to lie. Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to, Colt.” 

He knows that that answer 

means yes. He closes his eyes 

and nods

He suddenly gets close and whispers in my ear. Well,

am going to love you until I can melt those scars away.” 

My head turns and I stare at him. The intensity in his eyes makes my chest 

squeeze with emotions that 

are unknown to me

His hand goes to my face 

and he caresses me gently

Your skin is perfect either way but I am going to love you until you forget you have these at all.He 

whispers with his callous but 

soft hand now possessively on my thigh

Goddamn! I can touch the 

tension! You are not alone 

here you know!Dash 


Feeling embarrassed,

quickly straighten up and properly sit

Colt grunts. You are starting to get on my nerves, Dash.” 

“It’s about time. I get on everyone’s nerves.He turns 

back around to look at Colt 

and mutters, I am surprised 

you lasted this long.” 

You were always annoying, Dash. I just ignored you.” 

Godamn. For nine years?” 

Dash says and then mutters

You have the patience of

saint then.” 

MhColt turns back to me 

giving me his attention 

again. His hand lands on my knee, pulling me close to him. His large frame leans 

into me. His other hand 

holds my chin and pulls me to him, locking his l*ps with mine. A fiery k*ss that 

screams desperation and longing

He pulls back enough for me 

to be aware of his hand 

which has traveled up my 

thigh. He takes in a breath 

sucking it in through his 


I’ve been wanting to k*ss you for days and you 

wouldn’t let me.He 

breathlessly whispers

You know why.I remind 

him also in a whisper

Yeah. But we are away from 

him now. I want you.His 

hand caresses my outer 

thigh, threatening to go up 


Yes but” 

One of his brows 

immediately lifts. But?” 

I’m here, dumbass! We are here!Dash shouts looking 


That was exactly what I was about to say. It’s like Colt 

forgot that we were not 


For goddess sake! I will stop 

this car, run out, and never 

come back!Dash says

I giggle

Colt takes a deep breath through his nostrils as if they 

were flaring and then moves back but keeps his hand on 

my shoulder, pulling me to 

lean on his chest

I love how he shows me how 

much he wants me but at the 

same time, it still scares me

little. I thought I was done feeling like this but I guess I am not. And also, now that 

we are away from all that drama with Ezra,

remember something he 

told me before

I slowly pull away from him. I cross my legs and look out the window as I clear my 


So, what were those things 


you had to tell me?I ask

Mh?He looks at me with confusion. What things?” 

You had told me that there 

were things that you needed 

to tell me. That was back in 

that weird animal room. Things about me? 


Immediately he realizes 

what I am talking about

Oh. Yes. But not yet.” 

Not yet? Why?” 

For one, we are not alone 


Oh, now you want to be 

mindful.Dash mocks as his 

head shoots back to us

Shut up.Colt’s face scrunches up and he narrows his eyes at Dash

Dash turns back around 

muttering under his breath

Okay, so then when?I ask

How about we get to the city 

and then we’ll figure that 


I sigh. Alright.” 

Throughout the rest of the 

ride, we all make small talk 

until finally, we arrive at the 


Wow. They are even taller 

than how they show on TV.I say looking at the tall buildings

Do you see the tallest one over there?Colt points to a building that stands taller than all the others. That’s where we are staying.” 

After a few minutes of traffic

we stop right in front of it

Colt gets out and holds

hand to me. I take it and he 

takes me inside. It is the 

fanciest place I have ever 

seen in my life

We are staying here?I whisper to Colt

He smiles. Yes.” 

A pack member, whom I recognize, walks over to us 

from the front desks where 

there are lines of people 

waiting to be tended to

Alpha, the rooms are all 

taken care of. Here are the 

keys.He says handing Colt

few white cards

Thank you.He looks at me

Come on.” 

He leads me to the left of the 

building where we go inside an elevator. I walk in but my b*dy is stiff

Are you okay?Colt asks while Dash starts laughing at 

  1. me

I’ve never rode one of 

these,I say

The thing starts moving and I feel like I am going to fall.

hold onto Colt with both 

hands while my knees start to bend as they feel weak

Colt holds me close, so I don’t fall while they now 

both laugh though I do not 

find it so amusing

When the elevator stops,

hurry on out

Here we are.Dash says

We have the whole floor.” 

The whole floor? All these 


Yes. Many of the rooms will be used by the pack members and the empty ones will remain empty. Colt is an Alpha and soon will be the Alpha of a pack. He has to be protected at all costs.” 

It’s likemafia bosses,I say

What does your pretty little 

head know about the mafia?” 

Dash asks, looking amused

Only what I have seen on 


They both laugh

Laugh it up all you want but 

I am sure it’s not 


Okay okay. Colt says. He looks at Dash. I’ll send you a text when we are ready to 

leave,Colt says to Dash

Dash turns around and 

waves. Alright, but let me nap a bit first.” 

Colt takes my hand and 

walks us to the end of the 

hall where he opens a door 

revealing a huge room

Geez,I whisper

It is an open living room with a glimmering 

chandelier in the middle

The floors are white marble 

and the walls are white too

The fancylooking sofas are 

a cream color and there is gold color stuff around the 

room to accentuate it. At the 

end of the room, the wall is

giant window that overlooks 

the city. There is a fancy 

Ohwow. But I thought the 

city was not part of our 


It’s not. The city is a free 

area. It is unclaimable 

territory. So many packs can 

own buildings next to each 


Even the Dark Fang Pack?


He gives me a serious look. Yes. Even them and they do own some buildings around here. But most packs come 

here for business only. So don’t worry.” 

I stand in front of the 

window looking out at the city. It is amazing how 

different it can look when 

you are looking at it from 


Is that why you are here 


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