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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 26


Chapter 26 

The man is tall and has dark hair with streaks of gray. He has dark eyes and wavy short 

hair. He wears a dark blue 

suit that fits him perfectly. A man who dresses well

In front of the manwho 

still cleans his handsis

b*dy. A dead and mutilated b*dy

I look up at the imposing figure in front of me

I am sure this is Alpha 


Alexiswhere have you 

been?The man says as he 

continues to clean his hands

Alpha WarrickColt bows his head before he starts 

explaining what happened to him but everything he says is 

a lie so far. I have been with 

him all this time and none of 

what he said he went 

through is true

Once Colt is done, Alpha 

Warrick looks at me. I feel 

like I have been nailed into 

place. I can’t move

Or so you say happened. Now, what have you brought 

for me?” 

Colt looks at me.

believethis is your 


Another lie

I found her in the Blood 

River Pack. Treated as a low 

Omega. No one knows who she really is.” 

And why do you believe this 

is my daughter?” 

Get a good look for yourself

Alpha,Colt replies

Victor rolls his eyes. How 

many times have we heard 

this? Someone supposedly 

always finds your long lost daughter.” 

And I have to entertain it 

just to make sure,Warrick 


Warrick stands in front of 

  1. me

Who is your mother, girl?” 

He asks

II don’t know.” 

Victor smirks

What is your name?he 

now asks

I don’t know if I am 


supposed to give him a fake 

name because Colt didn’t tell 

me that


Cass?He asks looking a bit intrigued. Tell mewhat 

makes Alexis here think that 

you are my daughter?” 

That is a really good damn 


Uhmprobably cause

don’t know who my parents 

are. II was found when

was littlenear a river” 

He looks intrigued as I tell 

him this.


I think I have had enough 

suspense. My daughter was 

born with a mark. Show it to 


Amark? A birthmark?” 

I have no birthmark so this 

sham is over. Shit

I look at Colt, hoping that he can help with this but he just stares at me like all these 

other men do

Warrick suddenly takes my hand and viciously pulls me 

close. He turns me and holds 

me from behind in a tight 

grip. Then his hand goes to 

my shirt and he pulls it up

completely taking it off and 

revealing my chest. I have

bra but it is still 

embarrassing. He looks 

down from behind me and 

suddenly lets me go, slowly 

striding around me and 

standing in front of me

Look at what she did to 

you.He mutters

Reacting now, I quickly cover myself with my hands

You bruteI mutter. Those 

words came out on their own 

and I regret it immediately. However, Warrick doesn’t 

seem bothered by them

Instead, he stares at my 

chestor rather what is 

under it. My burn mark.

never knew where I got it 

from. I have had it since

was found on the river

She mutilated youall to 

hide you from me.” 

His hand suddenly takes my chin and he gets close to look 

at me

Yesthere she is. I see her in 

you. There is no mistaking it.” 

Out of nowhere, he plants


big smile on his face. He lets 

me go and walks around me

This is Victor Chevalier

One of you brothers.” 

Are you serious?Victor mumbles looking surprised

Now tell meWarrick 

walks over to me with 

eagerness. Do you have it?” 

I am confused by this question and I don’t know 

how to answer it. I am 

actually confused by all of it. Why is he acting like this 

now? Does he really believe that I am his daughter

Havewhat?I am afraid to 

even ask this

The gifthe says. I look at Colt. I remember him saying something about a gift or a power but I am still at a loss

Warrick smiles and looks 

directly into my eyes

Suddenly he takes a knife from his back and holds it up 

to me. Kill Alexis.” 


Now with a serious 

expression, he moves close.

want to step back but I feel 

like that would be a bad idea 

and it doesn’t matter cause

am paralyzed. He looks into 

my eyes and I think I see his 

eyes dilate. KillAlexis,he 



I look at Colt but he looks 

calm. I hate it. I hate that he 

seems unbothered by all of 


He told me to do everything 

that Warrick told me to do 

but I can’t do this. I won’t

I look back at Warrick taking a deep breath. No,I say

Every single person in the 

room gasps



Still looking angry and serious, Warrick stares at me 

but then to my surprise, the corner of his mouth slides 

up and he puts on a big 


My daughter!” 

What the hell is going on? Does this man really believe 

I am his daughter? What the 


He looks at everyone with a big smile. A joyous day!” 

Maybe a celebration is in order, Alpha?Beck asks

Indeed, but firstWarrick suddenly disappears from my sight and then a man 

falls to his knees with blood 

on his chest. Warrick holds 

the man’s heart in his hand

I immediately cover my mouth trying to hold my gasp in. No one else seems surprised

Warrick lets the heart fall

then takes out

handkerchief and starts 

cleaning his hand while he 

now looks at me

He hurt you, sweetheart.He 


Hurt me

I look at the man on the 

floor and now I notice that it 

is the man who brought me in. The one who twisted my 


My eyes go back to Warrick

This man has no impulse control. This is a crazy and 

dangerous man. 

No one hurts a Chevalier 

butme or under my 

orders,he says

I take a deep breath and whisper. Chevalier?” 

Our family name. You are-” 

He stops and turns to me. Is CassCasseopea?” 

My eyes widen

How? How does he know 


Colt’s words come to mind

Casswhat I have to tell 

Warren now, it is completely true. So listen up 

carefullyyou need to act 

like you already know all of 

this and you are here 


That is what he said to me

Butthis can’t be true. I can’t 

be this monster’s daughter!

can’t be

Your real name is Azalea

Casseopea was your mother’s real name. I see she passed the necklace down to you.” 

He looks at the necklace 

around my n*ck

I am in shock. This is 

alltrue? I really am 


Casseopea Chevelier. That is 

your full name nowmh

never liked the name 

butyou can keep it. It 

reminds me of your mother.” 

Thisthis is real

And to think. The Blood 

River Pack had a princess in their grasp all along.He starts laughing. Such fools!” 

So this is real, father?Victor 

asks cutting through the laughter of all the men

Yes.He looks at everyone. This is Casseopea, my eldest daughter.He looks back at 

  1. me. And my successor.” 


ButFather!Victor starts to 

complain but Warrick speaks 

over him

She has the gift. You don’t and neither does your brother. Now quietly accept this before I make you do something you’ll regret.” 

Victor lowers his head. Yes, Alpha.” 

Warrick turns to me, his demeanor changing from 

cold to warm. He stares at 

me with pride. I will teach you to be great!” 

I am paralyzed. I don’t know 

what to think anymore

Warrick walks over to Colt 

and pats his shoulder. Well done my boy. Well done and 

welcome back.” 

Colt nods. Thank you, Alpha. I am only grateful 

that I can serve you further.” 

Warrick nods. You will.” 

Warrick turns to everyone

This is what loyalty looks like! Take a note, boys!” 

No one seems happy

especially Beck 

Poppy!Warrick calls out.

woman that I had not 

noticed before, walks around 


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