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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

Colt’s POV. 

I stand here, watching and waiting. I try my best not to 

stare at her but it is 

impossible. All I do is worry. I am the one who got her 

into this mess. She is here 

because of me. I was unable 

to protect her and now she is caught in Warrick’s claws

I will get you out, Cass. I promise you I will get you out of this even if I die 


All I care about is her being 

safe now

Hey there handsome 

stranger.Julia walks next to me and quickly leans in, k*ssing my cheek

It is too fast so I don’t have 

time to move away

Have I given you mixed signals, Julia?I bluntly ask her

No. I know, I know. But you also know that I don’t give up 

easily. I care about you very much.” 

More like obsession

She is a good girl and she helped me a lot when I first got moved up to the house. But I never tried anything 

with her and I am sure that

never purposely gave 


that kind of idea either so

am not about to entertain 

this kind of bullshit

Please, stop. Your father doesn’t like me very much and if he finds out that you 

have acrush on me-” 

A crush?she laughs

Sureit’s just a crushyou 

are adorable sometimes, you 

know that?” 

I finally turn to her and give her a good stare. She wears a tight red dress that 

showcases her breasts. Her 

hair is down and parted 

mostly to one side and her makeup is heavier than 


The stare I give her is meant to be intimidating but it does 

not work on her. Instead, she 

smiles and then twirls 

around. Do you like my new dress? Daddy bought it for 


She is like a spoiled child. It might not even be a stretch 

to say that she might be more spoiled than my own 

sister. She comes from

family of six brothers. She is the youngest and only daughter so makes just a bit of sense that she is this 

spoiled by her parents but 

this is a tad bit too much

I look away without giving her a response, searching for my Angel. Once I spot her with Warrick, I look away 

again to avert suspicions

She is looking beautiful tonight and she is not even 

trying. I love that about her

I glance at her again and 

notice that she looks so 

scared. I hate it. I hate that

can’t make her feel safe. She 

has been through so much already, This is the last thing 

she needs. I wanted to take 

care of her and make her feel loved and safe. I was going to make her my Luna

Everyone in the pack would have had to give her respect

She deserves that and so 

much more

What takes me back from 

my thoughts is feeling Julia’s 

hands wrap around my arm

Don’t.I pull away from her

Oh come on. We are not 

doing anything bad.” 

I can feel it. I look 

her and see her 

up from 

fatherRodrickstaring at 

  1. us

He is one of Warrick’s 

generals and one not to be trifled with. A man of Alpha 

blood. He is older than all the other generals, even 

older than Warrick but the 

man does not look frail in 

any way. Even at his age, he 

looks menacing, and the scars on his face and 

b*dyrivaling mine- make it even more so. A man who 

saw and survived the cruelty 

of Warrick’s own father. The 

way Warrick’s father is talked 

about is as if those were the 

dark ages of this pack. Not 

even Warrick himself was 


Why is everyone so 

intrigued by her?Julia asks

I look in the direction she 

stares and see Cass

Didn’t you hear?Beck 

walks up to us looking better 

than he did before. He was

bit drunk but our kind 

sobers up fast. The Princessis going to be the Alpha of this pack.His tone is almost mocking

I narrow my eyes at him not liking the way he says that

Julia rolls her eyes at him

Yeah, sure. Cause that is

common occurrence.She 

laughs. A female Alpha” 

Beck ignores her and gives 

me a cold gaze

The man who found and 

brought his daughter back. Were you really trying to 

come back is the question.” 

I’m here, aren’t I? Do you 

really think I would have 

been caught that easily if

didn’t want to be here?I feel 

so stupid for saying this because this is exactly what happened. And I don’t care 

what you think. Alpha 

Warrick believes me.” 

He might not see it, but I can see straight through your deception.” 

Are you saying that you are smarter than Alpha Warrick

That is a bold statement and 

maybe something Alpha 

Warrick himself should hear 

about.I turn to Julia. You heard him, right.” 

She quickly gives a nod. “Yes

And I am sure the Alpha 

won’t like it one bit.” 

You know, you should really 

pick carefully who you 

spend your time with little 

Julia. I don’t think your 

father approves much of this 

man.He turns around and 

starts walking away

Luckily for me, I don’t care what you think. I spend time with whoever I want.Julia replies to his comment but 

he ignores her, continuing to 

walk away

Julia’s attention comes back 

to me. I got you,she says 

with a smile

I inwardly sigh. Julia, you need to stop. I am not one to repeat myself and you know this.” 

She puts a hand on my shoulder. Alexis, I care 

about you very much and

will fight for this-” 

You really need to listen to him. He is not one for joking 

on these matters.Skye 


Julia looks back at her and 

suddenly her face seems to morph into pure anger

What do you want?Julia 

spits out

A word with my exmate.” 

You have no right to talk to him after what you did.” 

Oh shush girly. Go play with your dolls for a second 

and leave us grownups to 

have a conversation.” 

Julia is as old as Cass but she 

looks like she is much 

younger and acts much 

more immature

Julia grinds her teeth while 

Skye gives her a mocking 

smile. Skye is now one of Warrick’s brides and though she has no real power, to have a bride offended by someone could get you punished

Julia walks away and Skye 

settles next to me

What do you want?I ask 

her. I try not to have too 

much anger in my tone

What have you done? This is Casseopea from our pack, right?” 


She will reveal who we are

Colt. She is going to get us killed.” 

No, she is not. She knows of 

our situation. She won’t 

speak. She would never 

Oh, and you know her sooo 


I do,I say. I try not to be obvious but Skye turns to me 

and stares at me like she is 

trying to figure something 


Go on your merry way, don’t give this another 

thought. She won’t say 

anything. It’s much more 

suspicious that you are here talking to me when you haven’t spoken a single word 

to me in years.” 

She knows I am right

Biting her tongue, she turns 

around and leaves

Within seconds, Julia is next 

to me again

That witchShe mutters 

watching Skye

I spot Warrick moving

He holds Cass by the hand 

and leads her to the stage 

and my attention is now fully on them

Everyone acts like she is the 

last water bottle in the damn 

desert. What is so special about her? Just because she is the Alpha’s daughter?Julia mutters but I ignore her and 

continue to watch

Come, gather around,Warrick says up on the stage. Many of you have probably heard the rumors flying around. After years of 

searching, we finally found 

her. She is the reason for this 


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