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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

Garret stares at me as if I was 

something to examine

Is that even an option?I ask 


Na. He will never let you go so you need to be ready for anything he throws at you. Listen, you want to be on his good side? Just make him happy.He says. Don’t argue and do everything he tells you to do.” 

Make him happywhy?

ask him 

Becauseit will help you 

survive him.” 

Butwhy should I start 

now? I ask

Huh?He is obviously 

confused because I am not 

talking to him. I am talking 

to myself now

Why should I now start living to make someone else happy when all I have done all these years is rebel against 

my own oppressors 

damming the consequences? Why change now? I have 

only changed one horrible pack for another” 

Garret seems stunned at my 


I give Garret a peace sign with my fingers. Thanks for the advice,I say and walk away leaving him still 


I wanted to go for a run tonight with Colt but how am I supposed to when 

Serge won’t leave my side

I look around for Colt but

don’t see him anywhere. Not that I was going to talk to him. I don’t want to bring 

attention to us like that

I notice that people look at me, tempted to approach me 

but I don’t want to make 

conversations. I am not good at doing that

I turn around and scurry back to the house, making my way up the stairs and into my room where I close my door. I take in a deep breath feeling relieved that

am alone

I immediately take my clothes off and put on 

pajamas, making myself 

comfortable and then I turn 

on the TV. As the night keeps 

going, I am hoping the 

whole time that Warrick 

won’t have someone come 

get me but soon the noise of the festival outside quiets 

down, and then later on, it is 

over. I feel relieved

I brush my teeth, getting myself ready for bed. As I come out of the bathroom 

brushing my teeth, I can see the shadow of Serge from 

underneath the door. The 

guy has been standing there 

all this time and I feel bad 

that he has to do that all 


I finish brushing my teeth, then walk over to my TV and 

turn it off. I almost have

heart attack when from the 

shadows, Colt comes out. He 

immediately puts a hand on my mouth before I can gasp. He places a finger across his mouth telling me to keep quiet. He then slowly pulls 

me to the doors that lead to 

the balcony where he takes 

me out and closes the door 

behind us

He won’t hear us out here,” 

Serge whispers

What are we doing?I ask 


You wanted to go for a run

Didn’t you?” 

Oh, yeah but can we?” 

Yeah, as long as Serge thinks you are in the roomunless you want him to join us?” 

No. I am tired of being 

watched besides, I want to go 

with just you.” 

Oh? And why is that? Is it 

because you like me?” 

I squint my eyes at him. You already know that.” 

He softly laughs as he picks 

me up. Before I can ask what is he doing, he jumps from the balcony to the bottom 

floor and immediately puts me down

Act normal and don’t worry

If anyone asks, I am 

guarding you as I am 

instructed to do and we are 

just going for a run.” 

I nod and start following him. The guards that are set up at the edge of the forest 

look at us once and then 

don’t pay us any mind. We 

find a spot behind some 

trees and start taking our 

clothes off

Don’t you look over here!I tell him but I am only 

joking. He has seen me completely n*ked so I don’t feel any embarrassment anymoreunless he intently 


He starts laughing. Really? I have seen it all but I’ll respect 

those wishes if that is what 

you want.” 

I turn to him and stick out 

my tongue then I shift and take off running. Soon he is right next to me. I don’t 

know this territory like he 

does so I let him lead

During our run, I give control to my wolf who starts jumping on him as we run, playing. I am sure Colt’s wolf 

is also in control and he 

starts playfully fighting her off and trying to get away from her. It is cute to see 

them like this. To see how 

not just us but also our wolves get along. It almost melts all of my worries away

After a while, we end up on

cliff that overlooks the forest

The forest is so big that I can 

even see an end to it even 

from up here but in the 


distance, I can see sharp 

edges of boulders and rocks

Colt shifts and I do the same

Where are we?” 

We are still in Warricks 

territory but we are close to the edge. He points out to

tree that towers over the 

others in the far distance.

few feet away from that tree is the end of the territory. But do you see those rocks 

over there?” 

He points to the sharp rocks 

in the distance that almost 

make a wall and I nod

Those make it impossible for anyone to leave or get in through there. So there are 

not many guards around these parts.” 

Sowe have more privacy?” 

Yes,he says turning to me

So I can do this then?I pull 

him and k*ss him. I have no 

idea what has gotten into me lately that I am this bold but 

I like it. Maybe it is because 

we are in this situation 

together and I don’t want to 

waste any more time

He immediately relaxes and 


k*sses me back but I can feel 

him smiling as he k*sses me

I pull back to look at him

Yes,he whispers. We can do exactly that.” 

I smile but I look around

Are you sure though?” 

Yes. No one will come here 

unless they are actually looking for us.” 

Good,I say but I then start 

to panic when he pulls me down and sits me on his lap

Yeah, good. No one will hear you scream in pleasure 



Oh shut up and just k*ss 


I’ll do more than that.He 

whispers before pressing his lips on mine

He turns me around and sits 

me facing him with my legs 

around his waist and his 

rising member in between 

my legs. He caresses my back 

as he k*sses me. His hand 

goes up and down softly touching every inch of my skin, all the way to my ass. His tongue now dances 

inside my mouth and I try to 

match him. For some reason

this turns me on even more

I touch the rippling muscles 

on his shoulders and trace 

his arm. Then I slide my 

hands down his hard chest 

and abs

I have never touched a man 

like this before but I am 

loving it. I really love his b*dy

Slowly, he holds me tight and lies me on the ground 

while he starts to k*ss my 

n*ck and then comes back to 

my lips. Suddenly, his b*dy 

comes down on me and

instinctively wrap my legs around him which surprises 

me that it comes so 

naturally. I push away from his lips to tell him to mind what he is doingthough I 

am not sure I want him to— 

but he whispers first before I can say anything. I know. I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.And then he goes back to k*ss me. I have 

no fear. I trust him

Suddenly I feel something poking me. I know it is his 

member and it is hard as

rock. It reminds me of when 

I took him in my mouth.

still can’t believe I did that

He starts to slide across my intimate lips. Immediately 

the contact makes me moan

He takes his mouth from my lips to whisper. Yeah, just 

like that. Moan for me.His lips come back to mine and I 

moan again as I feel him stroke against my slit

It feels so good. It is so crazy how different it feels from 

his mouth like last time but 

it is still so good. This man is 

giving me new experiences 

and I love it

Now I hear him moan and 

this makes me so excited. He 

is the only man I have heard 

moan like this and I love it

He looks at me as he grunts. Hghis this okay for you?He asks as his hips roll making him look even more 


Yyes,I say with a whimper

It is okaybut it is not 

enough. It feels really good but I definitely want more

want more… 

Screw it, Colt. Take me

Take me completely.


His eyes widen in surprise. Really?” 

I slowly nod. YeahI want 


He completely stops moving and lifts to see my face. Are you sure, Cass. Is this what you really want?” 

Taking a deep breath, I nod again. Yes, Colt. I am sure.” 

I have never been so sure.

want him to be the one who 

takes me

His lips clash with mine in a tantalizing and sizzling k*ss 

and he continues to move 

his member on my slit. He 

starts to k*ss down my n*ck until his lips reach my erect 

breast and he starts to suck 

and lick, making me moan even louder


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