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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 

Cass, listenColt stands behind me and whispers

We stand in front of the door 

to my father’s office readying ourselves to go in

I can’t react in there

Whatever I am told to do,

have to do it.” 

I know, Colt. I understand.” 

II just don’t want you to hate me if I have to do 


I look back at him and smile 

I could never hate you.” 

He lifts an eyebrow up. Are you sure about that? Didn’t you hate me already before 

all of this?” 

I didn’t hate you. I disliked you. There is a difference.” 

I knock at the door and 

suddenly feel my butt cheek being squeezed

I gasp and look back to find a chuckling Colt

Enter!I hear my father say

composing myself, I open 

the door and walk in. His 

office is big and spacious. So it’s no surprise to find a few people in here and it still doesn’t feel cramped. Victor 

and Garret are also here 

along with the Beta, Archie

Alright, my daughter. Let’s see what you can do. Come here.Warrick holds a pack member by his shoulder and puts him in front of me.

man in his thirties. He looks 

a bit frail, more like a human 

which tells me he is not

healthy werewolf. Maybe it is 

because he is mistreated

Command him,Warrick 


The man looks at me with 

fear. Taking a deep breath,

stare at him and think of 

him putting his hand on his head. Something simple. But nothing happens and I am not surprised. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be this easy because if it was, then

would have been able to do 

this a long time ago and I probably would have 

realized that I had powers

lot sooner

I sigh with disappointment


encouragement is needed 

here? Victor, your knife.” 

My eyes widen

Victor immediately walks up 

to me and takes out his 


What are you doing?

quickly ask taking a step 


It’s silver?Warrick asks and 

Victor nods

Warrick gives him a nod

Victor takes the knife and 

presses it against the weak man’s neck. It immediately 

burns his skin and the man 

screams and shakes but he 

doesn’t dare to move away

Stop! What are you doing?!I try to take the knife away from Victor but he quickly 

moves it away

Warrick holds my wrist and 

moves me back to stand in front of the man. Every 

time you fail to command him, he will be punished. Now, again. Concentrate.” 

I look at all of them. They all stare at me waiting for me to 

follow orders

I take in a deep breath and 

try again but this time

really do give it my all.

stare at the man and 

somehow try to force the thought into his head. The 

man stares at me as he 

shakes but nothing happens. If he would just move at all then I could lie and say that 

that was it. But he doesn’t do anything but stand there shaking

I look down, giving up, and shake my head. the man 

screams in pain as the knife 

touches his skin

Again,Warrick says

This goes on for about half 

an hour until Warrick finally gets irritated

Are you sure you have done 

this before!?He shouts at 

  1. me

Yes!I say. I explained to 

him when it happened and 

that’s when he starts to look 


Maybeyou need even 

more encouragement.He nods to himself. Yes.” 

He suddenly grabs the knife from Victor and swipes it 

across the brittle man’s neck

I gasp watching the man fall lifeless on the ground

Nonchalantly, Warrick wipes 

the knife clean as he looks 


I am speechless with my hand on my mouth holding 

the scream that wants to 

come out but the anger 

inside of me starts to grow

Youall are monsters!


Warrick finally looks at me

And you are toosoft. You will learn my craft,he says handing Victor his knife 



I don’t want to be like you,


Victor’s eyes widen as I say 

this and the others look 

surprised and a bit afraid

Warrick walks close to me. But you will be, I’ll make sure of that.He puts a hand behind my head, tangling his fingers in my hair, and then pulls me close. And if you keep talking back to me like this, I will cut your tongue out.” 

This is why anger is so 

dangerous to me. When

lead with it, I do not think 

about the consequences

“Do it. I will still find a way to 

say what is on my mind.


Ahthere it is,” he says 

which confuses me


I was starting to doubt that you were my daughter at all but I now see myself in you.” 

He pushes me back and I almost fall to the ground but 

I don’t hit the floor because 

Colt catches me before I do

He straightens me up and moves away from me

Warrick walks back to his 

desk. Keep her in her room today. No meals. I’ll go easy on you this once but mark 

my wordsI will treat you like a dog if I have to. You will learn my ways.” 

Before I can answer him 

backand I was going to answer him backColt takes 

me by the arm and pulls me 


Yes, Alpha,he says and 

leads me outside where he 

quickly lets me go. Are you 


No. YesI don’t know.” 

He sprints up the stairs and I have to keep up because he is going so fast

Coltwait up.” 

He doesn’t answer until we 

reach my room and he 

opens the door. Go in.” 

He looks away into the hall

ignoring me

Feeling deflated, I go inside 

and he closes the door 

behind me. I am throwing 

such a pity party for myself 

that I don’t notice that he is 

in here with me until he hugs me from behind. I feel like a toy in his arms as his 

b*dy completely covers me. My b*dy suddenly relaxes feeling like I am almost melting. His mouth is on my ear and I hear him breathe

It relaxes me even more

All I can think of is that poor 

man. How terrified he was 

and how he looked at me

How can anyone be so 


Stay with me,I whisper

He sighs. It’s too early, Angel. I have to be seen outside of your room.” 

I nod but I am disappointed

He turns me around and 

softly k*sses me. It is a gentle k*ss as if I would break at any 

moment.You are not alone.” 

He whispers and then k*sses my forehead

I watch him turn and leave, closing the door behind him

Because of him, I don’t feel 

alone. If he wasn’t with me

I’d be crying in a corner the 

whole time

I take in a deep breath and 

head to the sofa where

spend the rest of my day watching TV

I am not brought dinner but I think my father has a few 

screws loose. He forgot that I have junk food in my little fridge and that is what I eat

So I am not starving by the end of the night. 

As I am putting chips in my mouth, I start thinking

Everyone in the office 

seemed a little surprised when he basically just gave 

me a slap on the hand and 

left me off easily. I don’t think they are used to him going easy on anyone but why did he? Why not really punish me like he does 

everyone else? He barely 

even knows me

I ponder this the whole night until suddenly, Colt comes 

  1. in. He closes the door behind 

him and sits next to me

Almost everyone is asleep by now and I have two hours 

before Serge comes for shift change. Come here.He pulls me to his chest and holds 

  1. me

This makes me smile.

immediately hug him and 

get comfortable

How are you feeling now?” 

He asks in a soft voice

A bit better I guess.” 

What can I do to make you 

feel better?he asks

This. Just this is enough

Hold me.” 

He squeezes me tighter. Cass, I will get us out of 


I know.” 

I mean it. I heard of a few 

people who are planning to 

run,he says

Run? So we are going with 


No. They will fail. But they 

can be a distraction while we do our own escape.” 

I can see how this can work 

but suddenly, the poor men’s eyes flash in my head. All these people that are here suffering under my father’s rule. I feel selfish for leaving them like this even though I don’t owe anyone here 


II don’t want to leave” 


I sit up and look at him. Ithese peoplethey are suffering. I don’t want to just leave them and I don’t want to use others to escape. They 

will die.” 

Thenwhat do you want


II want to make things 

better. I want to free them 


How?He asks

I am surprised that he 

doesn’t shut my idea down

That he doesn’t just try to 

convince me to leave

Cass, how can you do that?” 

What can I do? I can’t even 

use my power

Colt puts a hand under my chin and stares into my eyes. I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do butI don’t want to 

lose you

This place can 

break you and II don’t want 


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