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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 

Poppy walks in but Colt is 

already up and standing 

straight with his arms 

crossed. He is so fast that 

even I’m surprised but 

Poppy still looks at him with confusion and then her eyes flicker to me. I am lying on the sofa with my clothes all disheveled. I quickly sit up and pat my clothes down

Icame to bring you this.She holds a tray with bread 

and a bit of food

Oh! I thought Wa-…father 

said I wasn’t allowed to have 


I know but he doesn’t have 

to know and it is not much.” 

She looks at Colt. Why are you in here?” 

She was asking me for food.” 

He says

I immediately nod. And he said I couldn’t have any. He 

is so mean.” 

She smiles and hands me the 

trey. Oh honey, he’s not 

mean. He’s just doing his job

Alexis here is one of the 

good ones.She walks back 

to the door and when she is 

about to go out, she 

whispers. Be careful you 


I look at Colt and he looks 

back at me too. I can see his 


I am now panicking. II don’t want to butmaybe we should stop.” 

And how are we going to do that? Can we, Cass? Can we stop? Cause I can tell you that I have no will in me to make me stop wanting you.” 

He is right. I don’t think

can stop. I don’t want to

Besidesthe minute Garret 

found out, we were done

Warrick knows already.” He 


What?! But you said” 

I lied. I didn’t want you to 


But why didn’t he do or say anything?” 

Colt sits next to me and puts a hand on my cheek. He’s a smart man. He’ll probably use this later on. Or maybe he did say something and 

Warrick is waiting to use this 


I move his hand away and shake my head. Then we 

can’t, right? We shouldI

sigh unable to get my words 


He gives me a tender smile. What I am saying with this, Angel, is that there is no need for us to stop. Might as well enjoy it while we can


Will he do anything to us

How are you so calm about 


He shrugs his shoulders. I guess because I know that if 

anyone is going to get 

punished by thisit’s not going to be you.” 

What? That is still not okay.” 

Cassjust enjoy this 

moment we have right now.” 

I narrow my eyes. Are you telling me to shut up?” 

I would never tell you that.” 

Yeah? As if you didn’t just slap me and you said you’d never do that.” 

I am only messing with him

He gasps. That was all you. I would never put my hands 

on you like that.” 

I laugh finding his expresison funy

He smiles and pulls me to sit 

on his lap. He hugs me and 

then nuzzles my shoulder

This is the most comfortable 

I have ever felt with anyone. I like this feeling. The feeling of being wanted, of being 


I wasn’t expecting you to come into my life when you did.He says

I pull back just a bit and look 

at him, remembering that 

man I met back in the cells

He looks and feels so 

different now from that 


My hand traces his cheek 

and then follows the lines of 

his scars

Youyou changed, Colt. Didn’t you?” 

It’s crazy because it hasn’t been that long but I see it. He 

is different than the man

met back then

He looks at me and nods.

was so angry, Cass. I was so 

angry back then. I always 

thought that if I ever came 

back, if I ever stood in the presence of Warrick, I would kill him or die trying. I wanted revenge and never thought of anything else. But now, all I think about is you

All I think about is how

want you to be safe. And if enduing that man again is what keeps you safe, then

will do so.” 

I press my forehead to his. That is not fair for you. you deserve to be happy, Colt.” 

I am happy when I am with you.Before I can say 

anything cheeky, he 

continues. I am at peace 

when I am with you. I am myself. I don’t have to 

pretendto be strong, to 

have no emotions. You see 

  1. me. I think you always have.” 

I close my eyes as I feel him, I feel his presence. I wishI wish you would have been 

my mate.” 

Mh, I think we would have 

been amazing together.He 


Would you have accepted 

me back then when we were 

young? If I had been your 


Yes.He doesn’t hesitate but 

I feel skeptical about it

Are you sure about that? You 

didn’t know me back then as 

you do now. How can you be sure that you wouldn’t have 

acted like your brothers?” 

Cass, if you had been my goddessgiven mate, I would 

not have thought it twice.

would have loved the f**k 

out of you because you were 

meant for me. You would 

have meant to be mine.” 

I smile, liking that answer

We are not matesbut why 

does it feel like we are?” 

Becausethis is real, Cass

Because we are kindreds

Because we see into each 

other’s souls. Because we’ve 

both been scarred and 

broken yet now learn to love 

again. Because we choose 

each other.” 

He traces his hand through the scars on my shoulder

Two scarred Alphas learning to love.” 

Sothis is love, then?


He looks directly into my eyes. You can deny it all you 

wantbut this is love.His 

eyes go down suddenly now looking afraid. I don’t deserve you.” 

What? Why would you say 


Ithere are‘ 


What is it?” 

His expression changes to

remorseful one. Secrets

There are still secrets.” 

I can see how torn he is 

about this

It’s okay. You can tell me anything.” 

He looks up at me, into my eyes. You are going to hate 


You know what? No. I don’t 

think I could ever hate you.” 

His shoulders hump down 

and he looks sad

Colt, it’s okay. We have 

time. Tell me when you are ready.” 

Now he looks at me as if he 

was admiring me and then 

he k*sses me. I welcome his 

embrace. I cling to the back 

of his head, pushing him closer not that it is possible 

because there is no more 

space between us. I want 

him. I want him to make 

love to me. There is tension 

in the air. My b*dy burns for him and I know he wants me 

too. My hands start caressing 

his chest over his shirt but he pulls away for a few seconds 

to look at his watch and then 

he sighs

Serge will be here any 

minute, Cass. We can’t.” 

I close my eyes with a huff in disappointment

Can’t we go for a run like 

last time?” 

He smiles. You want me


Oh shut up. But yes, I do.” 

He smiles and his face lights up. I love to see genuine happiness on his face

Unfortionetly Angel, you 

are grounded. If someone spots us outside, there will be problems this time.” 

I give him a pouty face which makes him laugh

Stop being so cute. I’ll do 

you extra good next time if you are a good girl for me.” 

Somehow, that excites me

Not sure if it’s about the 

extra good part or if it’s because he told me to be a good girl but I am all for it


He gets up, gives me one last 

k*ss, and then walks out of 

the door to wait for Serge

I take in a deep breath, alone in my room again. I lie back 

on the sofa and start 

thinking about what he said

Loveis it, love… 

I smile

I think I am in love. I have 

never felt like this before about anyone. I never knew he could be so amazing but then again, out of all the brothers, he was the more 

reasonable one. I want to 

think that he was telling the 

truth. That he wouldn’t have 

done the same thing as Ezra. I mean, he could have had any girl he wanted and still is able to have any girl he 

wants but he chooses me

Two knocks on my door 

make me sit up

Colt slips his head in. Serge 

is here. He’ll be guarding you 


I want to run to him and k*ss 

him good night but I just 


He gives me a wink and closes the door. I fall asleep thinking about him

The next morning I am training again with Victor.

try to concentrate but all I look forward is to lunch

when Colt will change places 

with Serge

I think we should 

incorporate a bit of running 

in your training.” 


Because you’ve only thrown a few punches but you are already winded.” 

huff, blowing a hair from my face

You meanrunning in 

human form?” 


I make a fake crying face.

am sure that I am not going to enjoy it one bit but I also don’t want to complain 

about it. I know I need to 

listen and do what he tells 

me in order to learn to fight

After my training, I eagerly head to the dining room.

patiently eat and wait till finally Colt arrives


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