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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Glad to see you in time

Keep it up.Garret says as

walk into the war room

He starts with his meeting but in the middle of it, Julia walks in. I am surprised but even more so I am surprised that no one bats an eye.

thought this was supposed to be a private meeting

I look back at Colt who starts 

giving me an explanation

She sometimes attends 

these meetings to also learn

like you. Her father had it 

cleared with Warrick.” 

I would stump my foot and 

throw a temper tantrum if


Pay attention,Garret 

whispers to me

I know Colt just told me but I ask Garret this time. Why is 

she here?” 

She is the daughter of one of the generals and wishers to learn the ways of war so 

she sometimes attends.” 

And you are going to let 


Yes. Why? What is the problem?” 

Nothing,I say as I look away and pout

But there is a big problem

All she does is stare at Colt

I know it is irrational to be 

angry over this because I know Colt has no feelings towards her but I can’t help 

  1. it. It is in a werewolf’s nature 

to want to protect what they deem theirs. The problem 

here is that I believe Colt is 

minebut so does she. I can 

see it. Mentally and 

emotionally she has claimed 


I get close to Colt and whisper. Colt, I am serious 

here, my wolf is on edge 

while she is around. You 

know I won’t be able to 

control myself if this girl agitates me more.” 

He nods. I know. I know 

how our kind works. Do 

your best but I will have

talk with her soon. Make it 

clear to her.” 

Okay. Thank you.” 

I do my best to keep myself distracted with the meeting 

and forget about her and the 

looks she keeps giving Colt

When it is finally over, Colt 

and I go to get something to eat and then head to my 

father. Every step that I take toward his office feels heavy. I do want to train my power 

but I do not want to train 

with him. I don’t like how he 

does things and I am also scared of how I am going to 

react today. I can’t control 

myself and I might just do 

something stupid

Good. You are here.” 

Warrick says when he sees 

  1. me. Most of the generals are here along with Victor and 

Garret too

It’s not like I have a choice 

but I don’t say what is in my thoughts

He silently paces around 

with a finger under his chin, thinking

We’ll alternate. Today we’ll do something different to motivate you.” 

I don’t know if I should be 

relieved or afraid

He looks at Garret. Kill her.” 

What?!Garret asks taken by 


Kill her!Warrick shouts

With panic, I look back at Colt. He looks distraught, not 

knowing what to do

He won’t,Colt mouths

I look back at Garret in time 

to see him take out a knife

No. Use your bare hands,Warrick says

Colt is right, this is probably a test. He won’t really kill 


Within seconds, my brother 

Garret is on me. I start 

swinging my hands trying to punch him

Use your power to stop him 

because I won’t,Warrick 


Garret punches me right on the jaw, making me see stars

Stop!I say as I try to straighten myself

Garret’s hands wrap around 

my n*ck and he starts 

squeezing with all of his 



I can’t even make out words 

now or speak at all and soon

I black out

I wake up with a gasp to find that I am back in my room. Poppy hovers over me and I quickly see Colt standing in the back also watching me


There you are,she says

I hold my n*ck and feel the pain of the bruises as my fingers touch my skin

HeIt is painful to speak

Shh. Don’t say anything


Rest?I say in a growly 

voice. Garret almost killed 


No. Alpha would never 

allow it. Stopped him just in 


Warrick is too much. He 

takes things too far.” 

I know he can be extreme” 

That’s an understatement

But his methods usually 

tend to have results. But

know it doesn’t mean it’s 

right.She says. Rest now. I’ll get you something to soothe your throat.” 

She gets up and leaves. The 

moment she closes the door 

behind her, Colt rushes to 

  1. me

Let me see you!he says 

gently putting a hand on my 


II think I am okay.” 

After checking me, he looks relieved. He closes his eyes and presses his head against 

mine II should have 

stopped it.” 

No. If you had intervened

you would have been 

punished. That man is 


I pull him in and press my lips against his. His kisses really do soothe my soul

He pulls back. I hate this. I hate that I can’t keep you 

safe. It shouldn’t be like this

should be able to keep you and make you feel safe.” 

I cup his face with my hands

You do make me feel safe.” 

But you are not. Not while being here.” 

Unfortunately we can’t change what happened. We are here now and-Poppy 

walks in. Colt immediately 

gets up. There was no way 

she didn’t see how close we 

were but she acted normal

Here you go.She hands me a cup of water and sits next to my bed again

Thanks.The water runs down my throat and it is very soothing


I nod and hand her the cup 


Casseopea, listen, it won’t be easy but you can do it. You 

can survive the Alpha. You 

have a strong will and even though he doesn’t show it, he 

admires that.She smiles

All he did was talk about you last night just so you know. He didn’t notice that he kept going on and on about you.” 

It was quite amusing to watch.She giggles

I just can’t see it. She speaks 

of him as if he were a normal 

good man. Maybe she has 

seen a side of him that he 

doesn’t show to others

I look at Colt because it 

reminds me of him. He 

doesn’t show his tender side 

to anyone else but me

I guess that there is a possibility that there could 

be more to Warrick than just a crazy, ruthless, evil old 


A knock interrupts us. Garret suddenly peeks in

Can I?he asks

Poppy and I both nod

He walks in but puts his hands in his pockets and 

stands near the door, far 

away from us

I really hope he is not here 

to try and finish the job

Are you okay?he asks

Yes,” I immediately respond

He nods. II wanted to 

apologize. This wasnot really my doing. I have no quarrel with you and I never really wanted to hurt you.” 

I nod. I get it. You were 

commanded to.” 

He also nods. Yeahsosorry.” 

I find it kind of sweet that he 

took the time to come here 

and apologize

I know he and Victor are not 

bad. They are not like our 

father but they have no 

choice but to follow orders

Just like everyone in this damn pack

Garret clears his throat, gives 

a nod, and walks out

Poppy turns to me with

smile. I know that this 

might not be the family you wanted, butwe are your family nonetheless. Whether 

you realize it or not, your brothers care and so do I and 

Lotus. You are part of our 

family now.She gives me

kiss on the headwhich catches me by surpriseand 

walks out of the room

I am left so confused.

mean, can I really call this my home? Lauren and James were always my home but not the pack. The pack was hardly that. This pack

howeveraccepts me 

butwithout Lauren and 

JamesI don’t think It would 

ever really be complete to me. Oh, how I wish I could 

see them right now. How

wish I could hear Lauren speak bluntly about her 

s**ual urges as weird as it 


Cass?Colt asks, coming 


Imiss Lauren and James,

say. My eyes water

He hugs me and stays with me for what seems like an 

hour until I finally calm 


I have to get back to guarding the door. If they don’t see me out there-” 

I know, I know,I say

I am here, Cass. I am with you always.He kisses me 

and walks out

I watch him leave feeling 

sad. I wish he could stay with me all night

I grab snacks and stay up watching TV, trying to distract myself. When I am full of crappy food and start feeling tired, I decide to go to bed before I just end up past out here

With a sigh, I get up from 

the couch and head to bed 

but suddenly hear a 

commotion outside of the 

house through my window.

look out and see that there 

are warriors running towards 

the woods. I am sure it has to be rogues. Even they are still stupid enough to try and get 


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