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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

I sit in the cold in the 

darkness of night looking up at the sky. My head rests on the pole. I can’t lie down 

because the chains are not 

long enough so I sit, resting with the pole as a pillow

I didn’t count how many 

whips I got but it was a good 


It’s been a few hours since 

I’ve been here. And just like I said to myself, the pain goes away. It hurts but it is 


I hear the whimpers of the 

poor souls who have been 

tortured here and are 

prisoners. That breaks my 


Suddenly, a blanket is 

thrown over me

Your punishment is over,” 

Poppy says as a guard 

unlocks my shackles. Be 

careful with her. Don’t hurt 

her,she says to the guards

I look up and notice that it is not random guards at all. It is 

Garret, and Victor who 

stands behind him but he 

can’t seem to look me in the 

eyes. They each grab one of 

my arms and carefully carry 

me back to the house

They take me to my room and as they open the door, Lotus walks out of my 


In the tub. I have a warm 

bath running for her,she 

tells them

They do as she says and 

leave the room

I rest my head on my knees

closing my eyes. The warm 

water does make things 


There there. It’s over now.” 

Lotus gently pours water on 

my body washing away the blood and the dirt. Let’s get you cleaned up so you can 


AlexisI don’t know his real 

name but, he is alive. He is also being treated for his wounds.Poppy says

I am angry and I really want to say that I don’t care but I do. I am glad he is alive. But I am still so angry at him

The other manthe one 

that is your mate, he is also alive. He is in the infirmary 

also being treated.” 

Ezrawhy is he always making things worse

After they clean me up, they lie me in bed facing down and tend to my wounds. I’ll heal within a few days.

would have been almost 

completely healed by tomorrow if it had been

normal whip that was used 

on me but this one had silver 

so it will take a bit more time 

and it will definitely leave 


I am thankful when I am 

finally left alone to sleep. It 

seems like morning comes 

too fast. I did not wake up 

once during the night. I was 

so tired

Luckily, most of the day I am not disturbed

The next day mid afternoon

I am taken to Warrick’s 

office. I am feeling much 

better and my wounds are 

halfway closed

When I walk into Warrick’s 

office I am surprised to see not just him but Ezra too

And he looks different than 

the last time I saw him. He 

still has a bit of swollenness 

on his face but almost looks 

completely healed and he is 

well dressed in a suit

Ohit’s you,I say not hiding my disdain for him

That’s how you treat your 

mate?Warrick asks

He’s not my mate. I rejected him a long time ago. Why am I here?” 

I show no fear and I certainly 

am about to speak my mind 

on anything he has to say. I am no longer afraid of this 


You are here because

demanded it.” 

Well, I am here. Now what!I am snappy and he notices

He narrows his eyes at me 

but then looks at Ezra who

have been ignoring all this 

time and who just stares at 

  1. me

Ezra here has willingly asked to join me. He is willing to give all the information of his pack away 

in order to stay here with you. Go ahead, speak, boy.” 

Ezra takes in a deep breath. Cass, I was wrong. I need 

you. I need you more than anything. Please forgive me.” 

Forgive you? Why? Just 

because you say you are 

sorry? And then you are 

willing to betray your family 

like this?” 

I know I f**ked up. I was stupid. I regret it. I regret it all,he says

Now thinkingI haven’t had any pain of betrayal since being back in his pack

Please, just give me a chance to talk. To make things 


I honestly feel no genuine 

remorse from you. You are just angry because your 

brother f**ked me.” 

I swear these words coming out of my mouth almost 

don’t feel like they are mine

He growls at me. His fist 

closes and his body shakes in 


Bingo,I say with 


Behind him, Warrick is completely enjoying the 

show. He is smiling but 

doesn’t right out laugh

So you did it on purpose

He is using you! He is the one that brought you here! He seduced you and lied. He doesn’t really want you!Ezra speaks

I know what I know. Actions 

speak louder than words and 

I know where Colt stands 

when it comes to me.” 

He loves me, I know this

felt his love. So this man 

can’t convince me otherwise

Believe what you want, Ezra. I don’t really give a shit. I reject you ten times 

over. You can go choke on

dick for all I care.” 

Ezra looks shocked and

almost want to laugh. I like 

this version of me. The one 

that doesn’t give a shit

He is your mate. Do you not 

feel the bond?Warrick 

finally talks

Oh, I feel it I just refuse it. I will not let this feeling rule me. All my life I thought that the mate bond was a gift but 

it is not. It is a way to force 

you to want someone even if that someone is a complete narcissistic, abusive ashole. I refuse to put those pink 

shades on that blind me 

from seeing all that is wrong in someone because of

mate bond. I will be the one 

to choose who I want to be 

with and that person is not you, Ezra.” 

Ezra is pissed

I came all this way for you. I was willing to go into the enemy territory to get to you.As he says this, I cross my arms and stare at my nails showing him how little 

I care

I am sorry. I am sorry for what I did to you but I will 

follow you wherever you go

I want you. You are my 

mate.He pleads

You know, that’s called obsession. It’s not healthy.

say. And you really thought that I would just forgive you just like that? That I would just accept you just because you are my mate?” 

PleaseCass. I give up everything for you.” 

I stare at him. He looks 

sopathetic to me. What he is doing is nothing to be 

proud of. He is betraying his family



Enough,Warrick says. I’m 

bored with this. Try again later. Our arrangement still 

stands whether she accepts 

you or not. Now leave us but remember, you are still

prisoner here until I say it 


Ezra hesitates but he walks 

out and as he does, he stares 

at me without even blinking but I look away, ignoring 


As the door closes behind 

me, Warrick goes around his 

desk and sits on the edge of it looking like he has 

something to say

What now?I ask him with 


That mouth of yours is becoming daring. Watch the 

way you talk to me.” 

Why? What will you 

you do

Punish me again?” 


TO ME, GIRL!he shouts

OR WHAT?!I shout back at 


He rushes me and pins me 

against the wall. Or I’ll just 

have to make do with two 

sons instead!” 

Do it! Kill me! DO IT!


He stares at me with sudden 

wonder and shock. His face 

backs away as he examines my face

I waswrongyou are not like your mother.He lets me go, backing away. Now

know why we are so at odds

You are like me.” 

No! I am not like you!” 

Yes, you are. That WILL and 

stubbornness are your 

mothers but that anger 

inside of you and that 

defiant side is all me.” 

He seems almost proud but

loathe the idea

I am not like you. I will 

never be like you. You 

arecruel and a horrible 


I wasn’t always like this

Circumstances turned me 

this way. Maybe someday, you will see things 

differently, my way.” 

He swats his hand at me as 

he goes back to his desk. Go. I am tired of you.” 


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