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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

Serge, why would they have 

him in a room in the house

Wouldn’t it make more sense 

to take him to a cell?” 

My guess would be to keep him close to you. To use him 

against you.Serge responds

That makes sense

As I search through the hall, suddenly Julia stomps in my 


This is all your fault!she 

shouts at me


Alexis is being punished because of you! He might be killed!She starts crying but has visible anger

Colt will not be killed. I will raise hell if that happens!” 

You did this to him! Why couldn’t you just leave him alone?!” 

She is not listening to me

I hate you and I swear if something happens to him, I will make you pay!” 

Enough Julia!Serge shouts 

from behind me. You can’t 

speak to her like this.” 

Julia grinds her teeth.

don’t care who she is. I love 

him. This is all her fault and 

Alexis should not have to pay 

for it.” 


It bothers me but I look past 

  1. it


She looks at me with 


His name is Colt, not Alexis

And I intend to do 

everything in my power to 

make sure that he is safe.

will not let my father kill 


She doesn’t say anything else 

but just stares at me

I turn around and continue 

my search

Love him? She loves him

Wellso do I. I love this man 


As I turn a corner, I see the two guards standing in front of a door that leads to

room just like Garret said

I walk up to the guards and 

they suddenly stand in my 


I either pass or you are going to have to stop me.I tilt my head. What will 

happen if they put their 

hands on me, Serge?” 

Serge suddenly growls at 

them and they immediately 

back away

I do feel like a brat at this 

moment. Using everything I have to my advantage

We have instructions not to 

let anyone in.The guards 


Then don’t tell anyone. I am going in either way.” 

I walk past them, ignoring them, and open the door

The room is dark but I am 

still able to see

Colt lies on the bed with his 

hands cuffed on the side of 

the bedpost. For a werewolf

this would be easy to get out 

of but he does look hurt and 


He looks up and when he 

sees me, he immediately 

tries to sit up but he can’t


I sit on the bed with him on 

his side

Did someone tend to your 

wounds?I ask him

He slowly nods

Unlike Ezra, Colt’s face 

wasn’t touched but he has 

deep cuts on his b*dy that are already starting to heal. But because I am sure they 

were made with silver 

weapons, it will take a bit longer than usual. He doesn’t 

seem to be hurting though 

and I am glad about that.

don’t want to see him 


Let me explain.he says

Don’t talk. You’ve said 


No. I haven’t. I haven’t said 


He lifts himself up as best he 

can, resting his back on the headboard

Let me start from the 

beginning.he says

I quietly listen

In no way do I expect you to just forgive me because I lied to you. I lied to you many times when I could have just 

told you the truth. But I was 

scared and that made me act 

like a fool.” 

I don’t give him a reaction and just wait

After Skye did what she did

I climbed up the ladder to get close to Warrick. That is all true. My need to kill him was all true. A few years later 

when he finally trusted me 

enough, he gave me an 

order. To search for his 

daughter. He was convinced that sheyouhad survived and that you were being harbored by an enemy pack


I started with the easiest 

packs to infiltrate and of 

course, I didn’t find 

anything. When my father’s pack caught usthat was true as well. We got caught by them, I never had any 

intention to infiltrate my father’s pack mostly because I was sure that Warrick’s daughter would never be there. I was obviously wrong but this all came by chance

Even when we were in the 

cells together, I didn’t know 

you were his daughter until 

you used your power on that 


And that is when you 

planned to take me to him.


No! Listen, please.” 

I take in a deep breath trying to put my anger aside

Giving you to Warrick 

would have meant that he 

would have had more power

So no, that was never my intention. All this time, I was 

searching for you so that I could use you against him. Cass I got as close as I could 

to Warrick and I still had no 

chance to end him. So this 

was my plan. Falling for you 

was not part of it but by the time I learned who you were, I already had my foot in. I was taken by you.” 

So you brought me to him to get close to him?” 

No. We got caught when we went to the city. I had no 

idea that he would be there 

because he rarely ever makes 

rounds to the city. But once 

we got caught, the urge to follow my orders through set in though I fought it with all I had. When we got caught, there was no other choice

All I could do to protect us 

was to act as if I had really brought you to him. I hated the idea because now,

wanted to keep you from him. Now, I didn’t want him 

to know that you existed. I wanted to protect you.” 

And the seducing me part?! Why are you leaving all that out?” 

I am not. Once we got here, he told me to get close to you. But I was already close though I didn’t tell him that. I was already in love with you and I know you were in 

love with me. It doesn’t 

matter how much you deny 

  1. it. I know.” 

I keep my face away from him trying not to react to his 

words but he continues

I had to agree so I did, but that was it. My love for you is real, Cass, and that plan I had to use you against Warrick, was out of my head a long time ago. I don’t know what 

you did but, all that hate is gone. I am still angry but it is not my fixation anymore

You are. You are all I want.” 

He pauses and I take

moment to take it all in

II have to think.I say as

get up and head to the door

Cass!He calls out to me

I stop walking and wait to see what he has to say

I love you, Cass.” 

With hesitation, I start 

walking and leave the room 

without giving him


There is no denying it, I love 

him too. I fell for him hard.

recognize that I am angry at this moment, and I know it will pass. I think I just need some ME time

As I walk through the hall,

stumble on Skye who has a bag that seems to be full of clothes. She has a split lip 

and looks angry

I can only assume that 

Warrick threw her out of the 


Leaving?I ask

She obviously wants to tell me off but she doesn’t. She 

keeps her mouth shut and 

walks past me

I shrug my shoulders ignoring her too

I walk downstairs and go to 

one of the garden rooms at the back of the parlor where I have seen Poppy and Lotus gather before. It is

sunroom with flowers all 

over it. A calm and relaxing 

area. I find an empty chair in 

one of the corners and sit 

soaking in the sun on my 


Serge, I assume is 

somewhere behind me. He 

almost makes himself 

invisible to me. It’s annoying 

to have someone follow me 

everywhere I go but at the 

same time, it feels nice to not 

feel so alone

Suddenly I hear Serge give

low growl. When I look back

I see Ezra

I roll my eyes. What do you 


You.He nonchalantly says


Fine. Just let me talk.” 

I stay quiet and turn back to look out of the window glass

I realize what I did. I realize I f**ked it all up. But we still 

have a connection. That’s 

how I was able to find you 

here. I followed it.” 


He sighs. It means 

something, Cass. We are 

fated to each other.” 

Looking straight outside,

confess to him. I am in love 

with your brother.after a few seconds of silence, I turn 

to him. I am not saying this to hurt you, Ezra. But you 

need to understand where 

my heart lies and it is not with you.” 

But I am your true mate.

am the one you are meant to 

be with.” 

That means shit to me, Ezra

You hurt me and pushed me away. This is the result of that. Accept it. Move on

Find someone you can truly 

love and can love you in 


I can’t. I always wanted you.” 

You what?!” 

I always wanted you but my pride got in the way. I was ashamed that I wanted you. I was angry at myself and that is why I treated you the way I did. That is why I did the things I did.” 

I feel like I am finally 

hearing him speak the truth

Butit’s too little too late.

still feel nothing for him

I need you, Cass. Let me 

make things right, please.he 


You don’t need me. You 

only want me now because 

you lost control of me. You can’t hurt me anymore.” 

No, Cass. That’s not it

Please, just give me


And your family? You are 

betraying them, giving them 

up to the enemy for what? A chance with me?” 

Yes. I am giving everything up for you.” 


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