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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

The problem here is that to get to him, we would need to go through these other two packs that are in between him and us. The river packs.” 

Then do it,I say

Garret shakes his head as he 

explains. It’s not that simple. First of all, these two packs 

are in very close proximity, only divided by a river. The moment one is having 

trouble, the others will come to help. We would need to 

take both of them at the 

same time. Not to mention 

what comes after. All other 

packs will turn their eyes on us.” 

I am annoyed. They can try. Don’t we have a bigger army? And we have Alpha Oliver and his packthe Crescent Moon Packbacking us. So 

what is the problem? And I don’t understand why you 

haven’t done this already

You have been at war with 

Ezra’s pack for so long.” 

We don’t have The Crescent 

Moon Pack’s full support just 

yet and there are rules that 

need to be followed. We’ve 

been poking here and there 

because we need to be 

careful. We are not mindless 

idiots. The plan was to slowly 

instill fear-” 

I cut Garret off. You’ve been 

instilling fear for years and that’s it,I say cutting him off. That is all you have 


Because actively going after every pack will cause them to band together against us. Over the course of five years, we’ve taken over three packs

It has been done slowly and 

with lies and deceit.” 

Colt speaks. Mh, I heard that one of these packs 

attacked you in the middle of the night, so you retaliated.” 

Exactlythat was a lie. We 

said that we defended 

ourselvesHe air quotes. and retaliated over this attack.He air quotes again. Just like Colt here. They 

were close to our pack but 

not close enough that an 

attack on them would be 

permitted, yet we did it 

anyway and lied. Said that he 

was in our pack’s borders. Of course, his pack didn’t 

believe it but all the other 

packs did. Deceit and lies.” 

Then lie again,I say

The lies have to be 

believable, Cass. I get that 

you are upset and want 

results now but we are good 

at what we do. These kinds 

of things take time- 


Not this time,Warrick says surprising everyone. Let’s 

wipe these two packs out.” 

ButGarrets tries to 

complain but Warrick is not 

having it

We have cause for it. Alpha 

Ezra has actively declared 

war on us. These packs are 

the casualties of war.” 

Warrick says

Yes! Let’s do it.I say with 


CassColt whispers and looks at me with worry

Warrick gives me a pointed 

look. You do understand 

that we are the bad guys, right?” 

But we aren’t. We are 

getting rid of a tyrant.

reply to him

No. We are taking over 

other packs. It is what we have been doing for years and we’ve always been seen as the bad guys. The villains.” 

Then fine. We are the bad 

guys. I won’t argue it if it gets me what I want.I say

Cassplease think about 

what you are saying,Colt 


Do you want your brother 

dead or not?” 

Yes butif we do thiswe 

are killing many innocent 

people to get what we want. This shouldn’t be a good thing to you and it is nothing to cheer about.He says

I want him deadColt.

want him dead no matter the 


Colt shakes his head in 


Warrick smiles. Spoken like 

a true villain.‘ 


He almost seems proud but I just roll my eyes

Unfortunately we still have 

to wait until he makes

move first,Garret says and 

Warrick nods agreeing


Because we need to know 

what he is up to. We could be walking into a damn trap for all we know. Maybe they want us to rush in and try to 

take them down.” 

He’s right. We still have to be careful here.Warrick says agreeing. And you need to train that power of yours more. We are going to need 


I don’t like it. I hate that we 

can’t just go now

Cass, they are right,Colt whispers behind me. There is nothing more I want to do than go to my brother right now and kill him myself but 

that is reckless. Slow and 

steady wins the war.” 

It’s race.I correct him

I know. It’s a play of words to make a point.” 

I sigh

Deep inside I know they are right. They all have years of experience and I don’t. But it is so hard to just sit back and 


The meeting continues for hours. It is exhausting but not once do I get distracted. I pay close attention to every single word that is said

After having a meal and refueling, we continue the meeting until late afternoon when finally we are done for 

the day with the meeting. Colt and I spend some time together before I have to 

train with my father

We sit in front of the lake 

that is inside the pack’s 

territory. I haven’t been here 

until now. It seems that 

many kids spend their day here. We watch them play in 

the distance

Am I being too much, Colt?” 

Mh? What do you mean?” 

Pushing to kill Ezra. Being 


He takes a deep breath. You are trying to rush things but 

I think that with what he has 

done, he deserves what is 

coming for him. However

don’t likeCassthis is 

warmany are going to die. Don’t let this anger take over 

you. Don’t let it change you.” 

I am notI mutter and bury my face in his chest. I can’t believe she is gone. She 

didn’t deserve that. She was 

good. She was the best thing in that pack.” 

Colt holds me and rubs my back, trying to comfort me

She deserved happiness and 

to have a chance with her 

baby. That was all she wanted. She finally was 

going to get it but it was all taken away from her. This 

wasn’t fair.” 

I know. I am sorry thatthat it was my flesh and 

blood who did this.” 

I shake my head. Your 

father didn’t deserve this 


He nods. He wasn’t perfect butyeah, he didn’t deserve to go like that.” 

I hug him. I hope the rest of your family is okay.” 

Me too.He whispers

Heydo you really think 

thatIweare the villains

Are we doing all this wrong?” 

I honestly don’t know, Cass. We are doing what we think 

is right.” 

Idon’t think it’s right at all 

butI still want to do this.

want him dead and I am 

willing to do whatever it 

takes to make that happen.


He looks into the distance 

and doesn’t say anything

am sure he doesn’t know 

what to say

There is silence for a few 

minutes. All we hear is the 

water, the trees moving with the wind, and children 

laughing and playing in the 


All I know is that I love you and I want to be with you always.He suddenly says. I want to make you happy and 

right now, you are not happy. It is all because of him. I feel you. I feel the pain that he has caused you. So I want the same as you. I want him gone.” 

I close my eyes and hug him. I’d choose this man over my 

real mate a thousand times 

over. This is what a real mate 

is and he is amazing

I love you, Colt.” 

We hug and spend beautiful 

time together just relaxing in 

each other’s embrace

When it is time, we head to my father’s office where he waits for me for training. From now on it is the only 

thing I will be focusing on 

until I am able to use my 

powers right. But when it comes to my father, it is hard to not try to purposely vex 


Okay. First, you need to 

learn the difference between 

Alpha command and your power, Alpha Ruling. Along 

with how to properly use the 

Alpha Ruling.” 

Alpha Ruling? Wait, why 

didn’t you tell me all of this 


Because I wanted to see 

what you could get by yourself. With Alpha Ruling, you need to use direct eye 

contact with your victim’s 


What? I should have been 

told this from the 

beginning.I complain

Alpha command is different than Alpha Ruling. With 

Alpha Command it is your 

voice that holds sway. It’s not really commanding them but your voice holds such authority that they will be inclined to do your bidding

However, someone with

strong will can resist it. But with Alpha Ruling, you are controlling their minds, you are tapping directly into their brains and there is no 

way they can refuse.” 

Does this mean that I can 

only control one person at a time?” 

No. You can have multiple 

people under your control 

but you can only activate it one at a time. Of course, this depends. If you have three people looking straight into 

your eyes as you give a command, then you’ll 

command them all

However, it is much more 

effective if it is done one by 


Ohthis suddenly doesn’t seem like such a strong 

power anymore.” 

Doesn’t it?” 

Here is an example, every person in this roomexcept for youI have used my 

power to command them to do my every bidding 

without refusing. I activated 

this command in them one 

by one but because of the 

command, they do 

everything and anything I tell them and I don’t even 

have to activate my power on 

them anymore because they already must do everything


OhI seenever mind. That 

is pretty impressiveand a smart use of your power.” 

I know. Now let’s start.He 

says with impatience

This man is not humble at 


Okay? Who will I be trying to control this time?I say. And like I said before, no 


It baffles me how you want to kill Ezra so badly but you have no taste for murder.He 


It is different! He deserves 



Colt takes a step. You can 

use me.” 

You?!I squint my eyes at 



I look at Warrick and he 

nods, approving

You’ve done it before. You 

can do it now.Colt says

Fine, but you are not going 

to like it.‘ 

Cassno. Don’t. I am not 

slapping you.” 

Slap me

He sighs. No.” 

Slap me.” 

Stop. No! Stop.” 

I almost want to laugh but


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