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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 

Chapter 47 

What do you mean,

witch?I ask

If the situation wasn’t so 

serious, I would be thinking that this is a joke

A witch. Well I meanthat’s 

what Ezra called her.Miles 

explains. She smelled of 

human but also of 

something else. She smelled really sweet. Overbarlingly 

even. It reminded me of that 

flower. The one mom had in 

a pot when we were kids in 

the corner of her room.He 


says to Colt

The bearded Iris,Colt 

replies, and Miles nods. HmMom used to say that 

it was related to witches.

always thought it was just superstition.” 

Warrick nods. Witches

They are rare but real as you and me. They are humans 

who are born with a natural 

ability to do a bit of magic

Our kind and witches don’t get along well.He strides through the room looking pensive and continues

They used to hunt us for 


what our bodies could offer 

to make their spells and potions stronger. They are not friends to any 

supernatural living creature. They see us all as mere harvest. What a fool your 

brother is. The witch would 

not have helped if he hadn’t offered something in return.” 

Waitare you all serious 

about this? Witches?It is 

hard to believe this but then 

again, I have to admit that it is very possible I mean after all, we werewolves are very 



Yes,Warrick says. Just 

because you haven’t met or seen a creature, doesn’t 

mean it doesn’t exist. Stories 

and folklore have to come 

from somewhere and usually 

come from truth.” 

He makes science to me

Alright, I’ll believe it. So 

what does this mean then

What does it mean for us 

that Ezra has a witch with 


Bigger problems than just 

assassins,Garret mutters

Anything else you can 


inform us of?Warrick asks 


Miles shakes his head. No. 

That is all I overheard.” 

Warrick nods. That is 

enough. You may go have 

breakfast but there will be 

guards with you all at all 

times. Council will 

reconvene in the afternoon.” 

We all turn and start leaving 

but Warrick stops me and Colt

You two, I need to have a word with you. Serge and 

Victor, you two as well.” 


Colt, Serge, Victor, and I stay 

back with Warrick

We are at war now. Victor

you will be in every meeting 

that Cass is. You will be her 

shadow and do what she 

does. If something happens 

to me, Cass is the next in line 

but if something should 

happen to her too, then 

then you 

will be next in line to lead 

the pack. We need to be 

prepared for anything.” 

We all nod agreeing and understanding this

Now, you two.Warrick 

gives his attention to me and 


Colt. I need you two to cool it with the displays of 


What? Why?I protest. 

Alpha Oliver is coming tomorrow to speak of a potential official alliance. He 

seems to be taken with you. So we will show him that you are available for the grabs.” 

I open my mouth to immediately protest again 

but he beats me to it

No, it doesn’t mean that you are going to actually agree to anything and if we did

treaties get broken all the 

time. You would just have to agree until we finish using 


What a slimy conniving 


So you expect me to flaunt myself around another 

man?I ask

I sense how much Colt disapproves of this by the anger I start feeling. It is not my anger but his that I feel

I expect you to act available around Alpha Oliver. That means keeping your 

affection towards each other 

a secret away from prying eyes. Listen, this is a great opportunity for us. We are one of the strongest packs but even so, it doesn’t hurt to 

have help or even allies.” 

I shake my head. We are officially- wellalmost 

officially mates. We can’t do that?” 

You can and you will.He 


My jaw clenches as anger rises inside of me. If he 

thinks he can tell me what to 

do when it comes to the 

person I love, he is gravely 


Warrick seems to read my mind because he gives me an ultimatum. If you two can’t keep your hands away from each other in public, then I will take Colt away.” 

I’ll find him. I always do and I can sense him now.I say 


Finethen I will have to 

command him to stay away from you. I have never tried it but maybeI can even break a mate bond with my power if I were to command 


  1. it. What do you think? Want to be my test subject?” 

My eyes grow wide

Youyou can’t do that.” 

You sure about that? Think 

about it. How does our 

power work?” 

He is right. It just might be 


Gridding my teeth, I give 

him a nod. Fine.” 

I look at Colt who looks even 

angrier than I do

Something to say, my boy?” 

Warrick asks him


Between clenched teeth, he 

spits. No” 

Good. Alpha Oliver will be here tomorrow. I expect 

your presence when greeting him.He says to me

I sigh, feeling a bit defeated

and nod

And that is why Serge is here. Starting tomorrow, he 

will be your guard again, not Colt.” 

Why do I still need anyone to guard me? You should 

know by now that I am not 



He is really here for your protection, daughter. You 

still can’t use your powers at command and you are still 

learning how to fight. Serge is staying with you, end of discussion.” 

UhfineI look at Serge. Nothing against you. I like 


He gives me a sudden smile and a nod which surprises 

  1. me

Colt grabs my hand and without saying a word

rushes out taking me with 



I hate this!” 

I know. I hate it tooso 

maybeI look both ways to 

make sure no one is around 

to hear me. Maybe you 

should mark me now and f**k everything.” 

He groans. Don’t tempt me.Now he sighs. I can’t. We can’t risk getting on 

Warrick’s bad side, Cass. I am 

sure that he could do exactly what he said. And also, I am 

not sure I’d be able to. He 

commanded me not to


I am the one who groans 

now with frustration. I am telling you right now. If he 

ever tried to force me to be 

with this other Alpha, we are definitely leaving. We’ll run away to Alaska and live in 

solitude for the rest of our 

lives inside an iglue.” 

Colt starts laughing having 

his foul mood lifted

HmmYou know what this 

means, right?I ask

What?He asks with 


That todaywe get to stay in our rooms all day making up 

for the days to come.I wiggle my eyebrows and

mischievous smile forms on 

his lips. Let’s get fueled up 

first to the max. We are 

going to need all that 


We immediately head to the dining room to get breakfast

I don’t have to explain shit 

to you, Mister Clean.We hear Dash say

Da f**k? It’s a haircut! I’m 

not bald!Beck touches his 

head looking at Dash with 


Mister clean, mister clean.‘ 

Dash hums in a whisiper

I have to bite my bottom lip 

hard. It is all I can do to not 


Watch how you speak to 


Curls! There you are!Dash looks at Beck. Do you see her? This is my good friend. She loves me very much so don’t think you can do 

whatever you like with me.

answer to her.” 

With an eyebrow lifted,

look at Dash but then nod


Beck looks at me with 

whispery mutters under his 


Stop causing trouble. You are really pushing it.Colt 

tells Dash

Fine fineit’s just a bit exciting seeing how different 

things are right now.” 

Father can still decide to put 

you away, so behave,I say



Nothing. It’s just weird to 

hear you say that.He says

HmI guess.” 

We eat as we talk and boy 

Dash can talk our ears off

Especially when he 

complains about Bryn and 

tells us how horrible she was 

on their journey here

Cass, come,Victor says 

sprinting into the dining 


What? But I was going to-‘ 

We need to train. Father is 



I can’t take no for an answer

Now come.He says 


finality in his tone

I look at Colt and pout but 

he smiles. It’s okay. We’ll 

have time later.” 

With a huge puffy sigh, I reluctantly follow Victor

That morning, we train and he goes extra hard on me

My muscles are sore. I take

bath after, and it is all the 

private time Colt and I have 

before we are called to the 

war room for our afternoon 

meeting which I had every 

intention to skip and stay 

with Colt but Father came to 

get me himself. Dash and Miles join us for this 

meeting as well. Bree is somewhere running around and James has been in his room all day. I was informed 


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