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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 

Colt’s POV

I watch her sleep. It is bliss to me to see her resting. But it is hard for me to sleep

I carefully get up and head to 

the small kitchen she has in 

her room

I would love to have a drink 

right now but she has 

nothing strong enough here

Just juices and water

Before I can grab anything,

soft knock comes from the 


I open the door and see Julia

She stares at me with 


So you ARE staying here.” 

She says

Yes. I am. What do you 

want?I walk out closing the 

door behind me

II wanted to know how 

you were. It’s been a few days since I’ve seen you. I heard everything from my father butIShe pauses and 

seems to have difficulty 


What is it, Julia?” 

Do you love her?!” 

Yes.I quickly say, knowing she is talking about Cass

But I love you! We were 

friends and shared a bond.” 

Her eyes water

We are friends but that is 


No. I won’tI can’t accept 


I think I have to make this 

very clear to her

Julia, I don’t just love Cass, I adore her. She will be my mate-To this, she gasps and 

her eyes land on my neck

No!She says and sprints away, crying

I’m sorry, Julia. I really am but I never gave her any indication that I had feelings for her and I surely never led her on. I was always direct and turned down any 


With a sigh, I go back to the 

room and lie next to Cass

wrapping my arms around 


Cass’s POV- 

I told you I wouldn’t let 


be happy.Ezra’s voice echoes in my head

My heavy eyes slowly open to see his infuriating 


I really hate that this man looks like the man I love

Colt. But they are brothers so it can’t really be helped

Focusing my eyes, I sit up. It 

is a white room, almost glowing because of how 

bright it is. There are no 

windows or doors that I can 

see. I lie on a velvety blue 

chaise lounge chair. Clearly

I am not home

Ezra, to my displeasure, sits on a leather brown armchair 

with studs on the edges of the seams. He has a leg 

hoisted on his knee and sits 

back looking relaxed with a huge smile on his face

Our chairsbesides usare 

the only thing that stands 

out in contrast to the bright 

white room

What is this?” 

Do you like it?He waves

hand to the room. No 

distractions, just us two 

getting right to the point.” 

I sigh. A dream.I mutter

Great! Now I get to dream 

about youthis must be a nightmare then.” 

Well if that’s how you see itHe still has a stupid 

horrible smile on his face 

that really pisses me off

This feels almost real.” 

He shrugs. Maybe it is.” 

I slowly shake my head. No. It’s a dream. Great, now you haunt me even in my 


He grins from ear to ear. I will haunt you until you 

breathe your last breath.” 

No. Until you breathe yours.I correct him

His smile falls. He looks to 

the side as if he hears an 

inaudible noise

Time to go


He winks at me with his 

stupid smile, relaxing deeper 

into the chair

By the way, I cut right through your sister’s neck 

and she was still alive, can 

you imagine how much she screamed?” 

Before I can connect my fist 

to his face, I wake up in my 

room next to Colt

sigh and think of my father

It is his fault that I had that 

dream. His exact words 

when he taunted me were what Ezra repeated just now

I am tired as if I hadn’t slept at all. I want nothing more 

than to stay under the covers 

but to my dismay, the light seeping through the window is bright. Then suddenly I remember that James is 


I immediately sit up. Colt is 

still fast asleep and I leave 

him that way as I make my 

way out of the room still in pajamas

I stand in front of the room 

that was given to James now rethinking this. There is a guard next to the door, watching me

Is heawake?I ask him

I do not know, Alpha.I am suddenly taken aback when he calls me Alpha. It is 

strange to hear and I am not 

sure I’ll be getting used to 

that any time soon

I stare at the door again

Is this too early? He might still be asleep

As I think this, I hear 

movement inside. Just a bit of shuffling. I put an ear to the door. And again I hear 

soft noises

Taking a deep breath, I decide to softly knock

Again there is movement but 

I hear no attempt to open the door. I wrap my fingers around the metal door nob 

and turn it. Taking a peak,

see that the room is still a bit 

dark because the early sun 

does not hit this part of the 

house at this hour but I can 

make out the silhouette of

man sitting on a chair. James stares out the opened 

window and the noise I hear 

before is the flailing of the curtains caressing everything 

they could touch as the wind 

blows on them

JamesI say softly

His eyes are cast down as he 

stares down into the forest

He doesn’t turn to me. I walk 

up to him and kneel in front 

of him

JamesI say softly but he does not respond

JamesI say again and yet 

again, nothing

His eyes are filled with 

sorrow. It breaks my heart to realize that he is probably 

not going to survive this 

heartbreak. He looks like he 

is in shock but once that 

shock breaks, he will come 

undone. Hehas been 

scarred deeply. Not all scars 

are visible. Some run so 

deep that they bear no 

marking save for that of the 

broken soul. And James’s 

soul has definitely been 


My dear brotherI am so sorryMy voice breaks and 

my eyes water. It is so hard to see him like this

I get up and softly hug him 

before I leave

Walking back to my room, I feel so deflated and sad

Then I notice the quiet and empty hallway and I realize 

that I have never been alone 

here. There has always been someone with me; Serge

Colt, or Victor. I was never 

allowed to go on my own.

don’t like that I have been 

conditioned to feel unsafe 

when I am alone and that is 

how I feel right now, unsafe

I turn the corner to get to my room and I immediately stop when I see a blazing Bryn standing in front of my bedroom door. She sees me and immediately runs up to me with her hands flailing around pointing to her 

mouth. She moves her l*ps as if she is talking but no sound 

comes out

I bite my l*p holding in my laugh as I examine her face

and the dark circles under 

her eyes

To my surprise, she suddenly puts her hands together in a prayer and I can tell that her l*ps are 

trying to say the word, please

I lift an eyebrow feeling a bit 


Okay, okayI’ll undo it just this onceAs I say this, I realize that I am not sure I 

can. UhmorI’ll try 


Her eyes widen and

nervously laugh

Okayhumstare into my 


Looking stressed, she does as 

I say

I concentrate, staring into her green eyes that remind me of Colt’s own eyes.

inhale deep and when

exhale, I speak my words. You may speak again.” 

I give her a smile. Try it.” 

Bryn blinks a few times and then opens her mouth


OopsI mutter. Well

you’re screwed. I don’t have full control of my powers yet so until thenI give her another nervous laugh

Her eyes widen with rage 

and as I try to rush inside my 

room, she jumps on my 


Stop!I shout

She pulls my hair as I try to get her off of me. I twirl around hitting everything that gets in my way since can barely see anyways at 

this point

What the hell!I hear Colt 


I hurl myself to the bed thinking that if I roll, I’ll get her off but the bitch stays 

latched on to me and doesn’t 

let me roll

Bryn is taken off of me by 

Colt who holds her from the 

back of her shirt as if she was 

a puppy

She attacked me,I say 

getting up

Colt puts her on the floor 

where she pints to her 

mouth and stomps the 

ground with one foot over 

and over

Look! I am sorry! I can’t undo it right now!I say. I did it by accident and I can’t control this power yet.” 

Colt sighs. Sorry, Bryn, but 

it’s true. She can’t control it 

completely yet.” 

Her face scrunches in anger 

and to be honest, she looks 

cute when not a single word is coming out of her to ruin the doll image she has going on for her. Her hands raise 

in fists and she starts shaking 

them in anger, almost as if she was angrily cursing at me. Giving a huff, she turns around giving me one last 

angry look, and stomps out 

of the room

I look at Colt. I tried, I really 


Cass, you really need to learn to control your power. It’s going to get you in trouble especially when you can’t control your emotions.” 

I can control my emotions!” 

One of his eyebrows lifts up

Wellmaybe not the 

emotion calledanger.” 


I suspire. Okay yeah. I get it. But you know I am trying.” 

I know. I know you are.He 

sits next to me

I don’t understand why can’t 

I learn control. I can tell that 

Warrick is also frustrated by this so that probably means 

that he didn’t have this much 

trouble learning to control this power. So why do I?” 


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